Source code for stonesoup.metricgenerator.plotter

from .base import PlotGenerator
from ..base import Property
from ..models.measurement import MeasurementModel
from ..types.metric import TimeRangePlottingMetric
from ..types.prediction import Prediction
from ..types.time import TimeRange
from ..plotter import Plotter

[docs] class TwoDPlotter(PlotGenerator): """:class:`~.MetricGenerator` for the plotting data Plots of :class:`~.Track`, :class:`~.Detection` and :class:`~.GroundTruthPath` objects in two dimensions. """ track_indices: tuple[int, int] = Property( doc="Elements of track state vector to plot as x and y") gtruth_indices: tuple[int, int] = Property( doc="Elements of ground truth path state vector to plot as x and y") detection_indices: tuple[int, int] = Property( doc="Elements of detection state vector to plot as x and y") uncertainty: bool = Property(default=False, doc='If True the plot includes uncertainty ellipses') particle: bool = Property(default=False, doc='If True the plot includes particles') tracks_key: str = Property(doc='Key to access set of tracks added to MetricManager', default='tracks') truths_key: str = Property(doc="Key to access set of ground truths added to MetricManager. " "Or key to access a second set of tracks for track-to-track " "metric generation", default='groundtruth_paths') detections_key: str = Property(doc="Key to access desired set of detections added " "to MetricManager", default='detections') generator_name: str = Property(doc="Unique identifier to use when accessing generated " "plots from MultiManager", default='tracker_plot') measurement_model: MeasurementModel = Property(doc="Default mesaurement mode to use for " "detections without own model", default=None)
[docs] def compute_metric(self, manager, *args, **kwargs): """Compute the metric using the data in the metric manager Parameters ---------- manager : MetricManager Containing the data to be used to create the metric(s) Returns ------- TimeRangePlottingMetric Contains a matplotlib figure """ if self.truths_key in manager.states_sets.keys(): groundtruth_paths = self._get_data(manager, self.truths_key) if self.tracks_key in manager.states_sets.keys(): tracks = self._get_data(manager, self.tracks_key) if self.detections_key in manager.states_sets.keys(): detections = self._get_data(manager, self.detections_key) metric = self.plot_tracks_truth_detections(tracks, groundtruth_paths, detections, self.uncertainty, self.particle) return metric
[docs] def plot_tracks_truth_detections(self, tracks, groundtruth_paths, detections, uncertainty=False, particle=False, convert_measurements=True): """Plots tracks, truths and detections onto a 2d matplotlib figure Parameters ---------- tracks: list of set of :class:`~.Track` Objects to be plotted as tracks groundtruth_paths: set of :class:`~.GroundTruthPath` Objects to be plotted as truths detections: set of :class:`~.Detection` Objects to be plotted as detections uncertainty : bool If True, function plots uncertainty ellipses. particle : bool If True, function plots particles. convert_measurements : bool Should the measurements be converted from measurement space to state space before being plotted. Default is True Returns ------- TimeRangePlottingMetric Contains the produced plot """ plotter = Plotter() # initialises axes using Plotter class if detections is not None: plotter.plot_measurements( detections, [self.detection_indices[0], self.detection_indices[1]], measurement_model=self.measurement_model, convert_measurements=convert_measurements, color='tab:blue', label=self.detections_key) else: detections = [] if groundtruth_paths is not None: plotter.plot_ground_truths( groundtruth_paths, [self.gtruth_indices[0], self.gtruth_indices[1]], linestyle=':', label=self.truths_key) else: groundtruth_paths = [] if tracks is not None: plotting_tracks = set() for track in tracks: if len([state for state in track.states if not isinstance( state, Prediction)]) >= 2: plotting_tracks.add(track) else: continue # Don't plot tracks with only one detection associated; probably clutter if uncertainty: plotter.plot_tracks(plotting_tracks, [self.track_indices[0], self.track_indices[1]], uncertainty=True, track_label=self.tracks_key) elif particle: plotter.plot_tracks(plotting_tracks, [self.track_indices[0], self.track_indices[1]], particle=True, track_label=self.tracks_key) else: plotter.plot_tracks(plotting_tracks, [self.track_indices[0], self.track_indices[1]], track_label=self.tracks_key) else: tracks = [] timestamps = [] states_list = set() for state in states_list.union(tracks, groundtruth_paths, detections): if state.timestamp not in timestamps: timestamps.append(state.timestamp) return TimeRangePlottingMetric( title='Track plot', value=plotter.fig, time_range=TimeRange(min(timestamps), max(timestamps)), generator=self)