Source code for stonesoup.metricgenerator.clearmotmetrics

import datetime
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Union

from ..base import Property
from ..measures.state import Measure
from ..types.groundtruth import GroundTruthPath
from ..types.metric import Metric, TimeRangeMetric
from ..types.state import State
from ..types.time import TimeRange
from ..types.track import Track
from .base import MetricGenerator
from .manager import MultiManager

MatchSetAtTimestamp = set[tuple[str, str]]  # tuples of (truth, track)
StatesFromTimeIdLookup = dict[datetime.datetime, dict[str, State]]

[docs] class ClearMotMetrics(MetricGenerator): """CLEAR MOT metrics Computes multi-object tracking (MOT) metrics designed for the classification of events, activities, and relationships (CLEAR) evaluation workshops. The implementation here is derived from [1] and provides following metrics: * MOTP (precision): average distance between all associated truth and track states. The target score is 0. * MOTA (accuracy): 1 - ratio of the number of misses, false positives, and mismatches (ID-switches)relative to the total number of truth states. The target score is 1. This score can become negative with a higher number of errors. Reference: [1] Evaluating Multiple Object Tracking Performance: The CLEAR MOT Metrics, Bernardin et al, 2008 """ generator_name: str = Property(doc="Unique identifier to use when accessing generated metrics " "from MultiManager", default='clearmot_generator') tracks_key: str = Property(doc='Key to access set of tracks added to MetricManager', default='tracks') truths_key: str = Property(doc="Key to access set of ground truths added to MetricManager. " "Or key to access a second set of tracks for track-to-track " "metric generation", default='groundtruth_paths') distance_measure: Measure = Property( doc="Distance measure used in calculating the MOTP score.")
[docs] def compute_metric(self, manager: MultiManager, **kwargs) -> list[Metric]: """Compute MOTP and MOTA metrics for a given time-period covered by truths and the tracks. Parameters ---------- manager : MetricManager containing the data to be used to create the metric(s) Returns ------- : list of :class:`~.Metric` objects Generated metrics """ timestamps = manager.list_timestamps(generator=self) motp_score, mota_score = self._compute_mota_and_motp(manager) time_range = TimeRange(min(timestamps), max(timestamps)) motp = TimeRangeMetric(title="MOTP", value=motp_score, time_range=time_range, generator=self) mota = TimeRangeMetric(title="MOTA", value=mota_score, time_range=time_range, generator=self) return [motp, mota]
def _compute_mota_and_motp(self, manager: MultiManager) -> tuple[float, float]: matches_at_time_lookup = self._create_matches_at_time_lookup(manager) check_matches_for_metric_calculation(matches_at_time_lookup) truths_set = manager.states_sets[self.truths_key] tracks_set = manager.states_sets[self.tracks_key] truth_states_by_time_and_id: StatesFromTimeIdLookup = \ _create_state_from_time_and_id_lookup(truths_set) track_states_by_time_and_id: StatesFromTimeIdLookup = \ _create_state_from_time_and_id_lookup(tracks_set) # used for the MOTP (avg-distance over truth-track associations) error_sum = 0.0 num_associated_truth_timestamps = 0 # used for the MOTA (1 - number-FPs, ID-changes etc. / number-GT-states) num_misses, num_false_positives, num_miss_matches = 0, 0, 0 unique_timestamps = sorted(manager.list_timestamps(generator=self)) for i, timestamp in enumerate(unique_timestamps): matches_current = matches_at_time_lookup[timestamp] matched_truth_ids_curr = {match[0] for match in matches_current} matched_tracks_at_timestamp = {match[1] for match in matches_current} # update the variables for MOTP calculation error_sum_in_timestep = self._compute_sum_of_distances_at_timestep( truth_states_by_time_and_id, track_states_by_time_and_id, timestamp, matches_current) error_sum += error_sum_in_timestep num_associated_truth_timestamps += len(matches_current) truths_ids_at_timestamp = truth_states_by_time_and_id[timestamp].keys() tracks_ids_at_timestamp = track_states_by_time_and_id[timestamp].keys() unmatched_truth_ids = truths_ids_at_timestamp - matched_truth_ids_curr unmatched_track_ids = tracks_ids_at_timestamp - matched_tracks_at_timestamp # update counter variables used for MOTA num_misses += len(unmatched_truth_ids) num_false_positives += len(unmatched_track_ids) if i > 0: # for number of mis-matches (i.e. track ID changes for a single truth track) matches_prev = matches_at_time_lookup[unique_timestamps[i - 1]] num_miss_matches_current = self._compute_number_of_miss_matches_from_match_sets( matches_prev, matches_current) num_miss_matches += num_miss_matches_current motp = (error_sum / num_associated_truth_timestamps) \ if num_associated_truth_timestamps > 0 else float("inf") number_of_gt_states = self._compute_total_number_of_gt_states(manager) mota = 1 - (num_misses + num_false_positives + num_miss_matches) / number_of_gt_states return motp, mota def _compute_sum_of_distances_at_timestep(self, truth_states_by_time_id: StatesFromTimeIdLookup, track_states_by_time_id: StatesFromTimeIdLookup, timestamp: datetime.datetime, matches_current: MatchSetAtTimestamp) -> float: error_sum_in_timestep = 0.0 for match in matches_current: truth_id = match[0] track_id = match[1] truth_state_at_t = truth_states_by_time_id[timestamp][truth_id] track_state_at_t = track_states_by_time_id[timestamp][track_id] error = self.distance_measure(truth_state_at_t, track_state_at_t) error_sum_in_timestep += error return error_sum_in_timestep def _compute_total_number_of_gt_states(self, manager: MultiManager) -> int: truth_state_set: set[Track] = manager.states_sets[self.truths_key] total_number_of_gt_states = sum(len(truth_track) for truth_track in truth_state_set) return total_number_of_gt_states def _create_matches_at_time_lookup(self, manager: MultiManager) \ -> dict[datetime.datetime, MatchSetAtTimestamp]: timestamps = manager.list_timestamps(generator=self) matches_by_timestamp = defaultdict(set) for i, timestamp in enumerate(timestamps): associations = manager.association_set.associations_at_timestamp(timestamp) for association in associations: truth, track = self.truth_track_from_association(association) match_truth_track = (, matches_by_timestamp[timestamp].add(match_truth_track) return matches_by_timestamp def _compute_number_of_miss_matches_from_match_sets(self, matches_prev: MatchSetAtTimestamp, matches_current: MatchSetAtTimestamp)\ -> int: num_miss_matches_current = 0 matched_truth_ids_prev = {match[0] for match in matches_prev} matched_truth_ids_curr = {match[0] for match in matches_current} truths_ids_at_both_timestamps = matched_truth_ids_prev & matched_truth_ids_curr for truth_id in truths_ids_at_both_timestamps: matched_track_id_prev = next( match[1] for match in matches_prev if match[0] == truth_id) matched_track_id_curr = next( match[1] for match in matches_current if match[0] == truth_id) if matched_track_id_prev != matched_track_id_curr: num_miss_matches_current += 1 return num_miss_matches_current
[docs] @staticmethod def truth_track_from_association(association) -> tuple[Track, Track]: """Find truth and track from an association. Parameters ---------- association: Association Association that contains truth and track as its objects Returns ------- GroundTruthPath, Track True object and track that are the objects of the `association` """ truth, track = association.objects # Sets aren't ordered, so need to ensure correct path is truth/track if isinstance(truth, Track): truth, track = track, truth return truth, track
def _create_state_from_time_and_id_lookup(tracks_set: set[Union[Track, GroundTruthPath]]) \ -> StatesFromTimeIdLookup: track_states_by_time_id: StatesFromTimeIdLookup = defaultdict(dict) for track in tracks_set: for state in track.last_timestamp_generator(): track_states_by_time_id[state.timestamp][] = state return track_states_by_time_id
[docs] class AssociationSetNotValid(Exception): pass
[docs] def check_matches_for_metric_calculation(matches_by_timestamp: dict[datetime.datetime, MatchSetAtTimestamp]): """Checks the matches prior to computing CLEAR MOT metrics. If this function returns without raising an exception, it is checked that a single track is associated with one truth (one-2-one relationship) at a given timestep and vice versa. Parameters ---------- matches_by_timestamp: Dict[datetime.datetime, MatchSetAtTimestamp] Dictionary which returns a set of (truth, track) matches for a given timestamp. Raises ------ AssociationSetNotValid """ for t, matches in matches_by_timestamp.items(): truth_ids = [m[0] for m in matches] if len(truth_ids) > len(set(truth_ids)): raise AssociationSetNotValid(f"Multiple tracks are assigned with " f"the same truth track at time {t}!" " Resolve this ambiguity in order to continue.") track_ids = [m[1] for m in matches] if len(track_ids) > len(set(track_ids)): raise AssociationSetNotValid(f"A single track is assigned with " f"multiple truth tracks at time {t}!" " Resolve this ambiguity in order to continue.")