import warnings
from typing import Sequence
from .base import Initiator
from ..base import Property
from ..types.detection import MissedDetection
from ..types.hypothesis import SingleHypothesis, CompositeHypothesis
from ..types.state import CompositeState
from ..types.track import Track
from ..types.update import CompositeUpdate, Update
class CompositeUpdateInitiator(Initiator):
"""Composite initiator type
A composition of sub-initiators (:class:`~.Initiator`).
Requires that all sub-initiators have a defined prior state in order to compose its own
composite prior state
sub_initiators: Sequence[Initiator] = Property(
doc="Sequence of sub-initiators comprising the composite initiator. Must not be empty."
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if len(self.sub_initiators) == 0:
raise ValueError("Cannot create an empty composite initiator")
if any(not isinstance(sub_initiator, Initiator) for sub_initiator in self.sub_initiators):
raise ValueError("All sub-initiators must be an initiator type")
def prior_state(self):
return CompositeState([sub_initiator.prior_state for sub_initiator in self.sub_initiators])
def initiate(self, detections, timestamp, **kwargs):
"""Utilises its sub-initiators to attempt to initiate a track for a
:class:`~.CompositeDetection` in each sub-state space, then combines the resultant track
states in to a :class:`~.CompositeState` track. If any sub-state is missing from the
detection, or a sub-initiator fails to initiate in its sub-state space, the corresponding
sub-state of the :attr:`prior_state` will be used instead.
It is required that the sub-initiators initiate on a single measurement, in order for
the individual sub-states of a track to be linked to one another."""
tracks = set()
# Store sub-tracks for each composite detection
detection_hyps_states = dict()
for detection in detections:
detection_hyps_states[detection] = {'sub-hypotheses': list(), 'sub-states': list()}
for sub_state_index, sub_initiator in enumerate(self.sub_initiators):
# Store all sub-detections produced from sub-state index
sub_state_detections = set()
# Get all composite detections that have sub-detection for this index
relevant_detections = dict()
# Get sub-prior state for this index
sub_prior = self.prior_state[sub_state_index]
for detection in detections:
if sub_state_index in detection.mapping:
sub_detection_index = detection.mapping.index(sub_state_index)
sub_detection = detection[sub_detection_index]
# link sub-detection back to composite
relevant_detections[sub_detection] = detection
# Consider it a missed detection otherwise
# Add null hypothesis to its sub-hypotheses list
SingleHypothesis(None, MissedDetection(timestamp=detection.timestamp))
# Add sub-prior to its sub-states list
if relevant_detections:
sub_tracks = sub_initiator.initiate(sub_state_detections, timestamp=timestamp)
while sub_tracks:
sub_track = sub_tracks.pop()
# Get detection that initiated this sub_track
# Expecting single measurement initiation
sub_track_detections = {state.hypothesis.measurement
for state in sub_track
if isinstance(state, Update)}
if len(sub_track_detections) != 1:
# Ambiguity in which detection caused this track
# Should not have case where == 0 as this would imply track initiated on
# no measurement
"Attempted to initiate sub-track with more than one detection"
sub_track_detection = sub_track_detections.pop()
# retrieve composite detection that contains sub-track's detection
full_detection = relevant_detections[sub_track_detection]
update = sub_track[-1]
# Add to sub-hypotheses list for this composite detection
SingleHypothesis(None, sub_track_detection)
# Add update to the sub-states list for this composite detection
# For each composite detection, create a track from its corresponding sub-hypotheses and
# sub-states
for detection, hyps_states in detection_hyps_states.items():
# Create composite hypothesis from list of sub-hypotheses
hypothesis = CompositeHypothesis(prediction=None,
# Create composite update from list of sub-states
composite_update = CompositeUpdate(sub_states=hyps_states['sub-states'],
return tracks
def __contains__(self, item):
return self.sub_initiators.__contains__(item)
def __getitem__(self, index):
"""Can be indexed as a list, or sliced, in which case a new composite initiator will be
created from the sub-list of sub-initiators."""
if isinstance(index, slice):
return self.__class__(self.sub_initiators.__getitem__(index))
return self.sub_initiators.__getitem__(index)
def __iter__(self):
return self.sub_initiators.__iter__()
def __len__(self):
return self.sub_initiators.__len__()