Source code for stonesoup.functions

"""Mathematical functions used within Stone Soup"""

import copy
import warnings
from functools import lru_cache

import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as LA

from ..types.array import CovarianceMatrix, StateVector, StateVectors
from ..types.numeric import Probability
from ..types.state import State

[docs] def grid_creation(xp_aux, Pp_aux, sFactor, nx, Npa): """Grid for point mass filter Create a PMF grid based on center, covariance matrix, and sigma probability Parameters ========== xp_aux : numpy.ndarray `nx` by `1` center of the grid Pp_aux : numpy.ndarray 'nx' by 'nx' covariance matrix sFactor : int Parameter for the size of the grid nx : int Dimension of the grid Npa : numpy.ndarray 'nx' by '' number of points per axis of the grid Returns ======= predGrid : numpy.ndarray 'nx' by prod(Npa) predictive grid predGridDelta : list grid step per dimension gridDim : list of numpy.ndarrays grid coordinates per dimension before rotation and translation xp_aux : numpy.ndarray grid center eigVect : numpy.ndarray eigenvectors describing the rotation of the grid """ eigVal, eigVect = LA.eig( Pp_aux ) # eigenvalue and eigenvectors for setting up the grid gridBound = np.sqrt(eigVal) * sFactor # Boundaries of grid # Ensure the grid steps are in the right order sortInd = np.argsort(np.diag(Pp_aux)) sortInd = np.argsort(sortInd) pom = np.sort(gridBound) Ipom = np.argsort(gridBound) gridBound = pom[sortInd] pom2 = eigVect[:, Ipom] eigVect = pom2[:, sortInd] gridDim = [] # Reset gridDim for each cycle gridStep = [] # Reset gridStep for each cycle for ind3 in range(0, nx): # Creation of propagated grid # New grid with middle in 0 gridDim.append(np.linspace(-gridBound[ind3], gridBound[ind3], Npa[ind3])) gridStep.append(np.absolute(gridDim[ind3][0] - gridDim[ind3][1])) # Grid step combvec_predGrid = np.array(np.meshgrid(*gridDim, indexing='ij')).reshape(nx, -1).T predGrid =, combvec_predGrid.T) # Grid rotation by eigenvectors and translation to the counted unscented mean predGrid += xp_aux predGridDelta = gridStep # Grid step size return predGrid, predGridDelta, gridDim, xp_aux, eigVect
[docs] def tria(matrix): """Square Root Matrix Triangularization Given a rectangular square root matrix obtain a square lower-triangular square root matrix Parameters ========== matrix : numpy.ndarray A `n` by `m` matrix that is generally not square. Returns ======= numpy.ndarray A square lower-triangular matrix. """ _, upper_triangular = np.linalg.qr(matrix.T) lower_triangular = upper_triangular.T index = [col for col, val in enumerate(np.diag(lower_triangular)) if val < 0] lower_triangular[:, index] *= -1 return lower_triangular
[docs] def cholesky_eps(A, lower=False): """Perform a Cholesky decomposition on a nearly positive-definite matrix. This should return similar results to NumPy/SciPy Cholesky decompositions, but compromises for cases for non positive-definite matrix. Parameters ---------- A : numpy.ndarray Symmetric positive-definite matrix. lower : bool Whether to return lower or upper triangular decomposition. Default `False` which returns upper. Returns ------- L : numpy.ndarray Upper/lower triangular Cholesky decomposition. """ eps = np.spacing(np.max(np.diag(A))) L = np.zeros(A.shape) for i in range(A.shape[0]): for j in range(i): L[i, j] = (A[i, j] - L[i, :]@L[j, :].T) / L[j, j] val = A[i, i] - L[i, :]@L[i, :].T L[i, i] = np.sqrt(val) if val > eps else np.sqrt(eps) if lower: return L else: return L.T
[docs] def jacobian(fun, x, **kwargs): """Compute Jacobian through finite difference calculation Parameters ---------- fun : function handle A (non-linear) transition function Must be of the form "y = fun(x)", where y can be a scalar or \ :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(Nd, 1)` or `(Nd,)` x : :class:`State` A state with state vector of shape `(Ns, 1)` Returns ------- jac: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(Nd, Ns)` The computed Jacobian """ ndim, _ = np.shape(x.state_vector) # For numerical reasons the step size needs to large enough. Aim for 1e-8 # relative to spacing between floating point numbers for each dimension delta = 1e8*np.spacing(x.state_vector.astype(np.float64).ravel()) # But at least 1e-8 # TODO: Is this needed? If not, note special case at zero. delta[delta < 1e-8] = 1e-8 x2 = copy.copy(x) # Create a clone of the input x2.state_vector = np.tile(x.state_vector, ndim+1) + np.eye(ndim, ndim+1)*delta[:, np.newaxis] x2.state_vector = x2.state_vector.view(StateVectors) F = fun(x2, **kwargs) jac = np.divide(F[:, :ndim] - F[:, -1:], delta) return jac.astype(np.float64)
[docs] def gauss2sigma(state, alpha=1.0, beta=2.0, kappa=None): """ Approximate a given distribution to a Gaussian, using a deterministically selected set of sigma points. Parameters ---------- state : :class:`~State` A state object capable of returning a :class:`~.StateVector` of shape `(Ns, 1)` representing the Gaussian mean and a :class:`~.CovarianceMatrix` of shape `(Ns, Ns)` which is the covariance of the distribution alpha : float, optional Spread of the sigma points. Typically `1e-3`. (default is 1) beta : float, optional Used to incorporate prior knowledge of the distribution 2 is optimal if the state is normally distributed. (default is 2) kappa : float, optional Secondary spread scaling parameter (default is calculated as `3-Ns`) Returns ------- : :class:`list` of length `2*Ns+1` An list of States containing the locations of the sigma points. Note that only the :attr:`state_vector` attribute in these States will be meaningful. Other quantities, like :attr:`covar` will be inherited from the input and don't really make sense for a sigma point. : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(2*Ns+1,)` An array containing the sigma point mean weights : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(2*Ns+1,)` An array containing the sigma point covariance weights """ ndim_state = np.shape(state.state_vector)[0] if kappa is None: kappa = 3.0 - ndim_state # Compute Square Root matrix via Colesky decomp. try: sqrt_sigma = np.linalg.cholesky(state.covar) except np.linalg.LinAlgError as e: warnings.warn(repr(e)) sqrt_sigma = cholesky_eps(state.covar) # Calculate scaling factor for all off-center points alpha2 = np.power(alpha, 2) lamda = alpha2 * (ndim_state + kappa) - ndim_state c = ndim_state + lamda # Calculate sigma point locations sigma_points = StateVectors([state.state_vector for _ in range(2 * ndim_state + 1)]) # Cast dtype from int to float to avoid rounding errors if np.issubdtype(sigma_points.dtype, np.integer): sigma_points = sigma_points.astype(float) # Can't use in place addition/subtraction as casting issues may arise when mixing float/int sigma_points[:, 1:(ndim_state + 1)] = \ sigma_points[:, 1:(ndim_state + 1)] + sqrt_sigma*np.sqrt(c) sigma_points[:, (ndim_state + 1):] = \ sigma_points[:, (ndim_state + 1):] - sqrt_sigma*np.sqrt(c) # Put these sigma points into s State object list sigma_points_states = [] for sigma_point in sigma_points: state_copy = copy.copy(state) state_copy.state_vector = StateVector(sigma_point) sigma_points_states.append(state_copy) # Calculate weights mean_weights = np.ones(2 * ndim_state + 1) mean_weights[0] = lamda / c mean_weights[1:] = 0.5 / c covar_weights = np.copy(mean_weights) covar_weights[0] = lamda / c + (1 - alpha2 + beta) return sigma_points_states, mean_weights, covar_weights
[docs] def sigma2gauss(sigma_points, mean_weights, covar_weights, covar_noise=None): """Calculate estimated mean and covariance from a given set of sigma points Parameters ---------- sigma_points : :class:`~.StateVectors` of shape `(Ns, 2*Ns+1)` An array containing the locations of the sigma points mean_weights : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(2*Ns+1,)` An array containing the sigma point mean weights covar_weights : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(2*Ns+1,)` An array containing the sigma point covariance weights covar_noise : :class:`~.CovarianceMatrix` of shape `(Ns, Ns)`, optional Additive noise covariance matrix (default is `None`) Returns ------- : :class:`~.StateVector` of shape `(Ns, 1)` Calculated mean : :class:`~.CovarianceMatrix` of shape `(Ns, Ns)` Calculated covariance """ mean = np.average(sigma_points, axis=1, weights=mean_weights) points_diff = sigma_points - mean covar = points_diff @ np.diag(covar_weights) @ (points_diff.T) if covar_noise is not None: covar = covar + covar_noise return mean.view(StateVector), covar.view(CovarianceMatrix)
[docs] def unscented_transform(sigma_points_states, mean_weights, covar_weights, fun, points_noise=None, covar_noise=None): """ Apply the Unscented Transform to a set of sigma points Apply f to points (with secondary argument points_noise, if available), then approximate the resulting mean and covariance. If sigma_noise is available, treat it as additional variance due to additive noise. Parameters ---------- sigma_points_states : :class:`~.StateVectors` of shape `(Ns, 2*Ns+1)` An array containing the locations of the sigma points mean_weights : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(2*Ns+1,)` An array containing the sigma point mean weights covar_weights : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(2*Ns+1,)` An array containing the sigma point covariance weights fun : function handle A (non-linear) transition function Must be of the form "y = fun(x,w)", where y can be a scalar or \ :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(Ns, 1)` or `(Ns,)` covar_noise : :class:`~.CovarianceMatrix` of shape `(Ns, Ns)`, optional Additive noise covariance matrix (default is `None`) points_noise : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(Ns, 2*Ns+1,)`, optional points to pass into f's second argument (default is `None`) Returns ------- : :class:`~.StateVector` of shape `(Ns, 1)` Transformed mean : :class:`~.CovarianceMatrix` of shape `(Ns, Ns)` Transformed covariance : :class:`~.CovarianceMatrix` of shape `(Ns,Nm)` Calculated cross-covariance matrix : :class:`~.StateVectors` of shape `(Ns, 2*Ns+1)` An array containing the locations of the transformed sigma points : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(2*Ns+1,)` An array containing the transformed sigma point mean weights : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(2*Ns+1,)` An array containing the transformed sigma point covariance weights """ # Reconstruct the sigma_points matrix sigma_points = StateVectors([ sigma_points_state.state_vector for sigma_points_state in sigma_points_states]) # Transform points through f if points_noise is None: sigma_points_t = StateVectors([ fun(sigma_points_state) for sigma_points_state in sigma_points_states]) else: sigma_points_t = StateVectors([ fun(sigma_points_state, points_noise) for sigma_points_state, point_noise in zip(sigma_points_states, points_noise.T)]) # Calculate mean and covariance approximation mean, covar = sigma2gauss(sigma_points_t, mean_weights, covar_weights, covar_noise) # Calculate cross-covariance cross_covar = ( (sigma_points-sigma_points[:, 0:1]) @ np.diag(covar_weights) @ (sigma_points_t-mean).T ).view(CovarianceMatrix) return mean, covar, cross_covar, sigma_points_t, mean_weights, covar_weights
[docs] def cart2pol(x, y): """Convert Cartesian coordinates to Polar Parameters ---------- x: float The x coordinate y: float the y coordinate Returns ------- (float, float) A tuple of the form `(range, bearing)` """ rho = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) phi = np.arctan2(y, x) return (rho, phi)
[docs] def cart2sphere(x, y, z): """Convert Cartesian coordinates to Spherical Parameters ---------- x: float The x coordinate y: float the y coordinate z: float the z coordinate Returns ------- (float, float, float) A tuple of the form `(range, bearing, elevation)` bearing and elevation in radians. Elevation is measured from x, y plane """ rho = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) phi = np.arctan2(y, x) theta = np.arcsin(z / rho) return (rho, phi, theta)
[docs] def cart2angles(x, y, z): """Convert Cartesian coordinates to Angles Parameters ---------- x: float The x coordinate y: float the y coordinate z: float the z coordinate Returns ------- (float, float) A tuple of the form `(bearing, elevation)` bearing and elevation in radians. Elevation is measured from x, y plane """ _, phi, theta = cart2sphere(x, y, z) return (phi, theta)
[docs] def pol2cart(rho, phi): """Convert Polar coordinates to Cartesian Parameters ---------- rho: float Range(a.k.a. radial distance) phi: float Bearing, expressed in radians Returns ------- (float, float) A tuple of the form `(x, y)` """ x = rho * np.cos(phi) y = rho * np.sin(phi) return (x, y)
[docs] def sphere2cart(rho, phi, theta): """Convert Polar coordinates to Cartesian Parameters ---------- rho: float Range(a.k.a. radial distance) phi: float Bearing, expressed in radians theta: float Elevation expressed in radians, measured from x, y plane Returns ------- (float, float, float) A tuple of the form `(x, y, z)` """ x = rho * np.cos(phi) * np.cos(theta) y = rho * np.sin(phi) * np.cos(theta) z = rho * np.sin(theta) return (x, y, z)
[docs] def cart2az_el_rg(x, y, z): """Convert Cartesian to azimuth (phi), elevation(theta), and range(rho) Parameters ---------- x: float The x coordinate y: float the y coordinate z: float the z coordinate Returns ------- (float, float, float) A tuple of the form `(phi, theta, rho)` """ rho = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) phi = np.arcsin(x / rho) theta = np.arcsin(y / rho) return phi, theta, rho
[docs] def az_el_rg2cart(phi, theta, rho): """Convert azimuth (phi), elevation(theta), and range(rho) to Cartesian Parameters ---------- phi: float azimuth, expressed in radians theta: float Elevation expressed in radians, measured from x, y plane rho: float Range(a.k.a. radial distance) Returns ------- (float, float, float) A tuple of the form `(phi, theta, rho)` """ x = rho * np.sin(phi) y = rho * np.sin(theta) z = rho * np.sqrt(1.0 - np.sin(theta)**2 - np.sin(phi)**2) return x, y, z
[docs] def rotx(theta): r"""Rotation matrix for rotations around x-axis For a given rotation angle: :math:`\theta`, this function evaluates \ and returns the rotation matrix: .. math:: R_{x}(\theta) = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & cos(\theta) & -sin(\theta) \\ 0 & sin(\theta) & cos(\theta) \end{bmatrix} :label: Rx Parameters ---------- theta: Union[float, np.ndarray] Rotation angle specified as a real-valued number or an \ :class:`np.ndarray` of reals. The rotation angle is positive if the \ rotation is in the clockwise direction when viewed by an observer \ looking down the x-axis towards the origin. Angle units are in radians. Returns ------- : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape (3, 3) or (3, 3, n) for array input Rotation matrix around x-axis of the form :eq:`Rx`. """ c, s = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta) zero = np.zeros_like(theta) one = np.ones_like(theta) return np.array([[one, zero, zero], [zero, c, -s], [zero, s, c]])
[docs] def roty(theta): r"""Rotation matrix for rotations around y-axis For a given rotation angle: :math:`\theta`, this function evaluates \ and returns the rotation matrix: .. math:: R_{y}(\theta) = \begin{bmatrix} cos(\theta) & 0 & sin(\theta) \\ 0 & 1 & 0 \\ - sin(\theta) & 0 & cos(\theta) \end{bmatrix} :label: Ry Parameters ---------- theta: Union[float, np.ndarray] Rotation angle specified as a real-valued number or an \ :class:`np.ndarray` of reals. The rotation angle is positive if the \ rotation is in the clockwise direction when viewed by an observer \ looking down the y-axis towards the origin. Angle units are in radians. Returns ------- : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape (3, 3) or (3, 3, n) for array input Rotation matrix around y-axis of the form :eq:`Ry`. """ c, s = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta) zero = np.zeros_like(theta) one = np.ones_like(theta) return np.array([[c, zero, s], [zero, one, zero], [-s, zero, c]])
[docs] def rotz(theta): r"""Rotation matrix for rotations around z-axis For a given rotation angle: :math:`\theta`, this function evaluates \ and returns the rotation matrix: .. math:: R_{z}(\theta) = \begin{bmatrix} cos(\theta) & -sin(\theta) & 0 \\ sin(\theta) & cos(\theta) & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} :label: Rz Parameters ---------- theta: Union[float, np.ndarray] Rotation angle specified as a real-valued number or an \ :class:`np.ndarray` of reals. The rotation angle is positive if the \ rotation is in the clockwise direction when viewed by an observer \ looking down the z-axis towards the origin. Angle units are in radians. Returns ------- : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape (3, 3) or (3, 3, n) for array input Rotation matrix around z-axis of the form :eq:`Rz`. """ c, s = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta) zero = np.zeros_like(theta) one = np.ones_like(theta) return np.array([[c, -s, zero], [s, c, zero], [zero, zero, one]])
[docs] def gm_sample(means, covars, size, weights=None, random_state=None): """Sample from a mixture of multi-variate Gaussians Parameters ---------- means : :class:`~.StateVector`, :class:`~.StateVectors`, :class:`np.ndarray` of shape \ (num_dims, num_components) The means of GM components covars : :class:`np.ndarray` of shape (num_components, num_dims, num_dims) or list of \ :class:`np.ndarray` of shape (num_dims, num_dims) Covariance matrices of the GM components size : int Number of samples to return. weights : :class:`np.ndarray` of shape (num_components, ), optional The weights of the GM components. If not defined, assumed equal. Returns ------- : :class:`~.StateVectors` of shape (num_dims, :attr:`size`)""" if isinstance(means, np.ndarray): if len(means.shape) == 1: means = StateVectors(np.array([means]).T) else: means = StateVectors(means) if isinstance(means, StateVector): means = means.view(StateVectors) if isinstance(means, StateVectors) and weights is None: weights = np.array([1 / means.shape[1]] * means.shape[1]) elif weights is None: weights = np.array([1 / len(means)] * len(means)) rng = random_state if random_state is not None else np.random n_samples = rng.multinomial(size, weights) samples = np.vstack([rng.multivariate_normal(mean.ravel(), covar, sample) for (mean, covar, sample) in zip(means, covars, n_samples)]).T return StateVectors(samples)
[docs] def gm_reduce_single(means, covars, weights): """Reduce mixture of multi-variate Gaussians to single Gaussian Parameters ---------- means : :class:`~.StateVectors` The means of the GM components covars : np.array of shape (num_dims, num_dims, num_components) The covariance matrices of the GM components weights : np.array of shape (num_components,) The weights of the GM components Returns ------- : :class:`~.StateVector` The mean of the reduced/single Gaussian : :class:`~.CovarianceMatrix` The covariance of the reduced/single Gaussian """ # Normalise weights such that they sum to 1 weights = weights / Probability.sum(weights) # Cast means as a StateVectors, so this works with ndarray types means = means.view(StateVectors) # Calculate mean mean = np.average(means, axis=1, weights=weights) # Calculate covar delta_means = means - mean covar = np.sum(covars*weights, axis=2, dtype=np.float64) + weights*delta_means@delta_means.T return mean.view(StateVector), covar.view(CovarianceMatrix)
[docs] def mod_bearing(x): r"""Calculates the modulus of a bearing. Bearing angles are within the \ range :math:`-\pi` to :math:`\pi`. Parameters ---------- x: float bearing angle in radians Returns ------- float Angle in radians in the range math: :math:`-\pi` to :math:`+\pi` """ x = (x+np.pi) % (2.0*np.pi)-np.pi return x
[docs] def mod_elevation(x): r"""Calculates the modulus of an elevation angle. Elevation angles \ are within the range :math:`-\pi/2` to :math:`\pi/2`. Parameters ---------- x: float elevation angle in radians Returns ------- float Angle in radians in the range math: :math:`-\pi/2` to :math:`+\pi/2` """ x = np.asarray(x) % (2*np.pi) # limit to 2*pi N = x // (np.pi / 2) # Count # of 90 deg multiples x = np.where(N == 1, np.pi - x, x) x = np.where(N == 2, np.pi - x, x) x = np.where(N == 3, x - 2.0 * np.pi, x) x = np.where(N == 4, 0.0, x) # handle the edge case return x
[docs] def build_rotation_matrix(angle_vector: np.ndarray): """ Calculates and returns the (3D) axis rotation matrix given a vector of three angles: [roll, pitch/elevation, yaw/azimuth] Order of rotations is in reverse: yaw, pitch, roll (z, y, x) This is the rotation matrix that implements the rotations that convert the input angle_vector to match the x-axis. Parameters ---------- angle_vector : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape (3, 1): the rotations about the :math:'x, y, z' axes. In aircraft/radar terms these correspond to [roll, pitch/elevation, yaw/azimuth] Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape (3, 3) The model (3D) rotation matrix. """ return _build_rotation_matrix(angle_vector[0, 0], angle_vector[1, 0], angle_vector[2, 0])
@lru_cache() def _build_rotation_matrix(theta_x, theta_y, theta_z): return rotx(-theta_x) @ roty(theta_y) @ rotz(-theta_z)
[docs] def build_rotation_matrix_xyz(angle_vector: np.ndarray): """ Calculates and returns the (3D) axis rotation matrix given a vector of three angles: [roll, pitch/elevation, yaw/azimuth] Order of rotations is roll, pitch, yaw (x, y, z) This is the rotation matrix that implements the rotations that convert a vector aligned to the x-axis to the input angle_vector. Parameters ---------- angle_vector : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape (3, 1): the rotations about the :math:'x, y, z' axes. In aircraft/radar terms these correspond to [roll, pitch/elevation, yaw/azimuth] Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape (3, 3) The model (3D) rotation matrix. """ return _build_rotation_matrix_xyz(angle_vector[0, 0], angle_vector[1, 0], angle_vector[2, 0])
@lru_cache() def _build_rotation_matrix_xyz(theta_x, theta_y, theta_z): return rotz(-theta_z) @ roty(theta_y) @ rotx(-theta_x)
[docs] def dotproduct(a, b): r"""Returns the dot (or scalar) product of two StateVectors or two sets of StateVectors. The result for vectors of length :math:`n` is :math:`\Sigma_i^n a_i b_i`. Parameters ---------- a : StateVector, StateVectors A (set of) state vector(s) b : StateVector, StateVectors A state vector(s) object of equal dimension to :math:`a` Returns ------- : float, numpy.array A (set of) scalar value(s) representing the dot product of the vectors. """ if np.shape(a) != np.shape(b): raise ValueError("Inputs must be (a collection of) column vectors of the same dimension") # Decide whether this is a StateVector or a StateVectors if type(a) is StateVector and type(b) is StateVector: return np.sum(a * b) elif type(a) is StateVectors and type(b) is StateVectors: return np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(np.sum(a * b, axis=0))) else: raise ValueError("Inputs must be `StateVector` or `StateVectors` and of the same type")
[docs] def sde_euler_maruyama_integration(fun, t_values, state_x0): """Perform SDE Euler Maruyama Integration Performs Stochastic Differential Equation Integration using the Euler Maruyama method. Parameters ---------- fun : callable Function to integrate. t_values : list of :class:`float` Time values to integrate over state_x0 : :class:`~.State` Initial state for time in first value in :obj:`t_values`. Returns ------- : :class:`~.StateVector` Final value for the time in last value in :obj:`t_values` """ state_x = copy.deepcopy(state_x0) for t, next_t in zip(t_values[:-1], t_values[1:]): delta_t = next_t - t delta_w = np.random.normal(scale=np.sqrt(delta_t), size=(state_x.ndim, 1)) a, b = fun(state_x, t) state_x.state_vector = state_x.state_vector + a*delta_t + b@delta_w return state_x.state_vector
[docs] def gauss2cubature(state, alpha=1.0): r"""Evaluate the cubature points for an input Gaussian state. This is done under the assumption that the input state is :math:`\mathcal{N}(\mathbf{\mu}, \Sigma)` of dimension :math:`n`. We calculate the square root of the covariance (via Cholesky factorization), and find the cubature points, :math:`X`, as, .. math:: \Sigma &= S S^T X_i &= S \xi_i + \mathbf{\mu} for :math:`i = 1,...,2n`, where :math:`\xi_i = \sqrt{ \alpha n} [\pm \mathbf{1}]_i` and :math:`[\pm \mathbf{1}]_i` are the positive and negative unit vectors in each dimension. We include a scaling parameter :math:`\alpha` to allow the selection of cubature points closer to the mean or more in the tails, as a potentially useful free parameter. Parameters ---------- state : :class:`~.GaussianState` A Gaussian state with mean and covariance alpha : float, optional scaling parameter allowing the selection of cubature points closer to the mean (lower values) or further from the mean (higher values) Returns ------- : :class:`~.StateVectors` Cubature points (as a :class:`~.StateVectors` of dimension :math:`n \times 2n`) """ ndim_state = np.shape(state.state_vector)[0] sqrt_covar = np.linalg.cholesky(state.covar) cuba_points = np.sqrt(alpha*ndim_state) * np.hstack((np.identity(ndim_state), -np.identity(ndim_state))) if np.issubdtype(cuba_points.dtype, np.integer): cuba_points = cuba_points.astype(float) cuba_points = sqrt_covar@cuba_points + state.mean return StateVectors(cuba_points)
[docs] def cubature2gauss(cubature_points, covar_noise=None, alpha=1.0): r"""Get the predicted Gaussian mean and covariance from the cubature points. For dimension :math:`n` there are :math:`m = 2n` cubature points. The mean is, .. math:: \mu = \frac{1}{m} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{m} X_i and the covariance .. math:: \Sigma = \frac{1}{\alpha}\left(\frac{1}{m} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{m} X_i X_i^T - \mathbf{\mu}\mathbf{\mu}^T\right) + Q where :math:`Q` is an optional additive noise matrix. The scaling parameter :math:`\alpha` allow the for cubature points closer to the mean or more in the tails, Parameters ---------- cubature_points : :class:`~.StateVectors` Cubature points (as a :class:`~.StateVectors` of dimension :math:`n \times 2n`) covar_noise : :class:`~.CovarianceMatrix` of shape `(Ns, Ns)`, optional Additive noise covariance matrix (default is `None`) alpha : float, optional scaling parameter allowing the nomination of cubature points closer to the mean (lower values) or further from the mean (higher values) Returns ------- : :class:`~.GaussianState` A Gaussian state with mean and covariance """ m = np.shape(cubature_points)[1] mean = np.average(cubature_points, axis=1) sigma_mult = cubature_points @ cubature_points.T mean_mult = mean @ mean.T covar = (1/alpha)*((1/m)*sigma_mult - mean_mult) if covar_noise is not None: covar = covar + covar_noise return mean.view(StateVector), covar.view(CovarianceMatrix)
[docs] def cubature_transform(state, fun, points_noise=None, covar_noise=None, alpha=1.0): r"""Undertakes the cubature transform as described in [#f]_ Given a Gaussian distribution, calculates the set of cubature points using :meth:`gauss2cubature`, then passes these through the given function and reconstructs the Gaussian using :meth:`cubature2gauss`. Returns the mean, covariance, cross covariance and transformed cubature points. This instance includes a scaling parameter :math:`\alpha`, not included in the reference detailed above, which allows for the selection of cubature points closer to, or further from, tne mean. Parameters ---------- state : :class:`~.GaussianState` A Gaussian state with mean and covariance fun : function handle A (non-linear) transition function Must be of the form "y = fun(x,w)", where y can be a scalar or \ :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(Ns, 1)` or `(Ns,)` covar_noise : :class:`~.CovarianceMatrix` of shape `(Ns, Ns)`, optional Additive noise covariance matrix (default is `None`) points_noise : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(Ns, 2*Ns+1,)`, optional points to pass into f's second argument (default is `None`) alpha : float, optional scaling parameter allowing the selection of cubature points closer to the mean (lower values) or further from the mean (higher values) Returns ------- : :class:`~.StateVector` of shape `(Ns, 1)` Transformed mean : :class:`~.CovarianceMatrix` of shape `(Ns, Ns)` Transformed covariance : :class:`~.CovarianceMatrix` of shape `(Ns,Nm)` Calculated cross-covariance matrix : :class:`~.StateVectors` of shape `(Ns, 2*Ns)` An array containing the locations of the transformed cubature points References ---------- .. [#f] I. Arasaratnam and S. Haykin, “Cubature Kalman Filters,” in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 1254-1269, June 2009, doi: 10.1109/TAC.2009.2019800. """ ndim_state = np.shape(state.state_vector)[0] cubature_points = gauss2cubature(state) if points_noise is None: cubature_points_t = StateVectors([fun(State(cub_point)) for cub_point in cubature_points]) else: cubature_points_t = StateVectors([ fun(State(cub_point), points_noise) for cub_point, point_noise in zip(cubature_points, points_noise)]) mean, covar = cubature2gauss(cubature_points_t, covar_noise) cross_covar = (1/alpha)*((1./(2*ndim_state))*cubature_points@cubature_points_t.T - np.average(cubature_points, axis=1)@mean.T) cross_covar = cross_covar.view(CovarianceMatrix) return mean, covar, cross_covar, cubature_points_t