Autonomous Source Term Estimation

This example demonstrates how to perform airborne release source term estimation (STE) using particle filtering and how to use sensor management to optimise sensing locations and arrive at an estimate of the source term.

STE involves taking concentration measurements of an airborne chemical in order to estimate the release location, release rate, diffusivity and possibly other environment factors. The problem can be considered as a state estimation with a large state dimension and small measurement dimension as we can usually only measure the concentration at a point location. The underlying models for STE are adapted from [1] and the scenario presented here is based on work by Hutchinson et al [2].


First, some general packages that are used throughout this example are imported. The random number generator will also be fixed here for repeatability.

# General imports and environment setup
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime, timedelta


Generate ground truth

Here we need to generate the ground truth source term that we seek to estimate.

Unlike the usual target tracking examples, the state we are estimating is static, so we do not need to generate a ground truth trajectory.

The source term is constructed of 8 variables, as shown below.

\[\begin{split}\mathbf{S} = \left[\begin{array}{c} x \\ y \\ z \\ Q \\ u \\ \phi \\ \zeta_1 \\ \zeta_2 \end{array}\right],\end{split}\]

where \(x, y\) and \(z\) are the source position in 3D Cartesian space, \(Q\) is the release rate/strength in g/s, \(u\) is the wind speed in m/s, \(\phi\) is the wind direction in radians, \(\zeta_1\) is the diffusivity of the gas in the environment and \(\zeta_2\) is the lifetime of the gas.

from stonesoup.types.groundtruth import GroundTruthState

start_time =
theta = GroundTruthState([30,  # x
                          40,  # y
                          1,  # z
                          5,  # Q
                          4,  # u
                          np.radians(90),  # phi
                          1,  # ci
                          8],  # cii

Plot the resulting plume from the source term. The IsotropicPlume measurement model is used under ideal conditions to provide concentration values in a planar grid, to visualise the release. Although the source term contains \(z\), the sensor will be constrained to a single plane in this example. Therefore, the plume is generated at the same level as the sensor will be later on. The plume is visualised by using the Plotter class from Stone Soup.

from stonesoup.plotter import Plotter
from stonesoup.types.state import StateVector
from stonesoup.models.measurement.gas import IsotropicPlume

plotter = Plotter()
measurement_model = IsotropicPlume()

z = 0
n_values = 200
intensity = np.zeros([n_values, n_values])
pos_x = np.zeros([n_values])
pos_y = np.zeros([n_values])
for n_x, x in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 50, n_values)):
    pos_x[n_x] = x
    for n_y, y in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 50, n_values)):
        pos_y[n_y] = y
        pos = StateVector([x, y, z])
        measurement_model.translation_offset = pos
        intensity[n_x, n_y] = measurement_model.function(theta), right=50), top=50)
gas_distribution =, pos_y, intensity.T)
plotter.fig.colorbar(gas_distribution, label='Concentration')
Autonomous Source Term Estimation
/home/docs/checkouts/ DeprecationWarning:

Conversion of an array with ndim > 0 to a scalar is deprecated, and will error in future. Ensure you extract a single element from your array before performing this operation. (Deprecated NumPy 1.25.)

<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar object at 0x7fbbc5782ea0>

Create sensor and platform

The sensor used here is a GasIntensitySensor that provides point concentration measurements. The documentation for the sensor provides insight into the various noise parameters used here.

The sensor alone is not controllable and therefore will be mounted onto an actionable platform with the NStepDirectionalGridMovable movement controller, that allows the platform to move on the \(xy\) plane in fixed step sizes. The resulting trajectory from a controller of this type can be seen later in the results.

from stonesoup.types.state import State
from stonesoup.platform import FixedPlatform
from stonesoup.movable.grid import NStepDirectionalGridMovable
from stonesoup.sensor.gas import GasIntensitySensor

gas_sensor = GasIntensitySensor(min_noise=1e-4,

sensor_platform = FixedPlatform(
    movement_controller=NStepDirectionalGridMovable(states=[State([[5], [5], [0.]],
                                                    position_mapping=(0, 1, 2),
                                                    action_mapping=(0, 1),
                                                    action_space=np.array([[0, 50], [0, 50]])),

Create particle predictor and updater

Now the ParticlePredictor and ParticleUpdater are constructed. The particle predictor will be created with a RandomWalk motion model with 0 magnitude, meaning that the predictor will not change the estimated source term. This is due to the static nature of the source term in this work. If a mobile release was to be estimated, this assumption should change.

The ParticleUpdater is created with an effective sample size resampling technique (ESSResampler) and Markov Chain Monte Carlo regularisation (MCMCRegulariser). A constraint function is also provided to the ParticleUpdater and MCMCRegulariser which enforces the fact that \(Q\), \(u\), \(\zeta_1\) and \(\zeta_2\) can not be negative.

from stonesoup.resampler.particle import ESSResampler
from stonesoup.regulariser.particle import MCMCRegulariser
from stonesoup.predictor.particle import ParticlePredictor
from stonesoup.updater.particle import ParticleUpdater
from stonesoup.models.transition.linear import RandomWalk, CombinedGaussianTransitionModel

def constraint_function(particle_state):
    logical_indx = ((particle_state.state_vector[3, :] < 0) |
                    (particle_state.state_vector[4, :] < 0) |
                    (particle_state.state_vector[6, :] < 0) |
                    (particle_state.state_vector[7, :] < 0))
    return logical_indx

resampler = ESSResampler()
regulariser = MCMCRegulariser(constraint_func=constraint_function)
predictor = ParticlePredictor(CombinedGaussianTransitionModel([RandomWalk(0.0)] * 8))
updater = ParticleUpdater(measurement_model,

Create reward function and sensor manager

The Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD) is used to decide on future sensing locations. To do this, a MultiUpdateExpectedKLDivergence reward function is created. This reward function generates multiple synthetic detections to decided on how rewarding candidate actions may be. This is not essential but for STE when sensing can be unreliable, it helps to improve robustness in reward estimation, preventing potentially rewarding actions from being overlooked. A separate ParticleUpdater is used for the reward function as there will be no resampling or regularisation when evaluating candidate actions.

The next step is to create the sensor manager which in this case will be the BruteForceSensorManager as this is a myopic implementation.

from stonesoup.sensormanager.reward import MultiUpdateExpectedKLDivergence
from stonesoup.sensormanager import BruteForceSensorManager

reward_updater = ParticleUpdater(measurement_model=None)
reward_func = MultiUpdateExpectedKLDivergence(updater=reward_updater, updates_per_track=4)
sensormanager = BruteForceSensorManager(sensors={gas_sensor},

Create prior distribution

The particle filter is initialised with a broad distribution of particles. Each position component receives a uniform distribution across the entire simulation environment. The release rate receives a Gamma distribution and the wind speed, direction and diffusivity parameters all receive uniform distributions about their respective ground truth values. It would be expected in an STE scenario that wind speed, direction and properties of the agent would all be known or estimated by a separate system and are therefore not the main focus, but their inclusion helps to improve robustness of the plume model. Notice that in this particle filter 10000 particles are used to capture the distribution. This is because of the large state dimension which requires large numbers of particles to get good coverage and effective estimation.

Run the filter and sensor manager

Now that all components have been created, the particle filter and sensor managers can be run. Here 50 iterations are carried out but this process is usually dependent on the estimated distribution covariance.

Storing the sensor \(xy\) positions is not required to run the algorithms, but aids plotting later on.

from stonesoup.types.track import Track
from stonesoup.types.hypothesis import SingleHypothesis

n_iter = 50
track = Track(prior)
sensor_x = [sensor_platform.position[0]]
sensor_y = [sensor_platform.position[1]]
for n in range(n_iter):
    time = (start_time + timedelta(seconds=n + 1))
    if n > 0:
        chosen_actions = sensormanager.choose_actions({track}, time, n_steps=2, step_size=2,
                                                      action_mapping=(0, 1))
        for sensor, actions in chosen_actions[0].items():

    prediction = predictor.predict(prior, timestamp=time)
    theta.timestamp = time
    detection = (gas_sensor.measure({theta}, noise=True).pop())
    hypothesis = SingleHypothesis(prediction, detection)
    update = updater.update(hypothesis)
    prior = track[-1]

Plot the result

To illustrate the result of the simulation, the sensor trajectory created by the management algorithm is plotted over the plume resulting from the source term. Concentration measurements are also illustrated along the trajectory by the markers along the path at the location that the detection was made. The size of the marker is proportional to the concentration received. The \(xy\) position from the particle distribution is also shown to illustrate the estimation accuracy.

from matplotlib import animation
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams['animation.html'] = 'jshtml'

# Plot ground truth plume
plotter = Plotter(), right=50), top=50)
gas_distribution =, pos_y, intensity.T)
plotter.fig.colorbar(gas_distribution, label='Concentration')

# Plot platform start location[0].state_vector[0],
               label='Start Location')

# Plot initial particles and store line object for setting later
parts, =[0].state_vector[0],

# Plot scatter of detection locations, intially with large marker for the legend
detections =,

# Plot first sensor position for constructing trajectory, storing the line object for setting later
trajectory, =[0].state_vector[0],
                              label='Sensor Path')'center left', bbox_to_anchor=(-0.5, 0.5))

# Reset the marker sizes after creating legend

def anim_func(i):
    # Update particle line object according to latest track
    parts.set_data(track[i].state_vector[0], track[i].state_vector[1])

    states = np.array([[sensor_x[0]], [sensor_y[0]], [0]])
    detection_marker_sizes = np.zeros(51)
    for n in range(i):
        # Collect states upto timestep i
        states = np.append(states, np.array([[sensor_x[n+1]], [sensor_y[n+1]], [0]]), axis=1)

        # Collect detections upto timestep i
        if hasattr(track[n+1], 'hypothesis'):
            detection_marker_sizes[n+1] = track[n+1].hypothesis.measurement.state_vector[0][0]*3000

    # Update trajectory data and detection scatter marker sizes
    trajectory.set_data(states[0], states[1])

animation.FuncAnimation(plotter.fig, anim_func, interval=500, frames=len(track))