Monte Carlo Tree Search for Autonomous Source Term Estimation

This example demonstrates how to set up and run a Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) sensor management algorithm for autonomous source term estimation (STE). More details about the problem of autonomous STE can be found in the Autonomous Source Term Estimation example, so this will not be replicated here. Instead, the focus is on MCTS and how to implement it this for the problem.

MCTS is a technique for solving MDP and POMDP problems by simultaneously constructing and evaluating a search tree. The process consists of 4 stages that are iterated until we reach some predefined computational budget. These processes are: Selection, Expansion, Simulation and Backpropagation. The purpose of the algorithm is to arrive at the optimal action policy by sequentially estimating the action value function, \(Q\), and returning the maximal argument to this at the end of the process.

The process is described as follows. Starting from the root node (current state or estimated state) the best child node is selected. The most common way, and the way implemented here, is to select this node according to the upper confidence bound (UCB) for trees. This is given by

\[\text{argmax}_{a} \frac{Q(h, a)}{N(h, a)}+c\sqrt{\frac{\log N(h)}{N(h,a)}},\]

where \(a\) is the action, \(h\) is the history (for POMDP problems a history or belief is commonly used but in MDP problems this would be replaced with a state), \(Q(h, a)\) is the current cumulative action value estimate, \(N(h, a)\) is the number of visits or simulations of this node, \(N(h)\) is the number of visits to the parent node and \(c\) is the exploration factor, defined with exploration_factor. The purpose of the UCB is to trade off between exploitation of the most rewarding nodes in the tree and exploration of those that have been visited as frequently.

Once the best child node has been selected, this becomes a parent node and a new child node added according to the available set of unvisited actions. This selection happens at random. This node is then simulated by predicting the current state estimate in the parent node and updating this estimate with a generated detection after applying the candidate action. This provides a predicted future state which is used to calculate the action value of this node. This is done by providing a reward_function. Finally, this reward is added to the current action value estimated in each node on the search tree branch that was descended during selection. This creates a tradeoff between future and immediate rewards during the next iteration of the search process. Once a predefined computational budget has been reached, which in this implementation is the niterations attribute, the best child to the root node in the tree is determined and returned from the choose_actions(). The user can select which criteria used to select this best action by defining the best_child_policy. Further detail on MCTS can be found in the literature, including variations and alternative POMDP approaches [1].

This example and MCTS implementation is based on the work by Glover et al [2]. The simulation shown here is similar to that work, with some modification to reduce execution time. The reward implemented for this problem is the Kullback-Leibler divegence (KLD) using ExpectedKLDivergence and this will be used with the MCTSRolloutSensorManager and benchmarked against a myopic alternative with BruteForceSensorManager.


First, some general packages used throughout the example are imported and random number generation is seeded for repeatability.

# General imports and environment setup
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime, timedelta


Generate ground truth

Here we generate the source term ground truth and import the IsotropicPlume measurement model to plot the resulting plume from the ground truth.

from stonesoup.types.groundtruth import GroundTruthState
from stonesoup.models.measurement.gas import IsotropicPlume

start_time =
theta = GroundTruthState([30, # x
                          40, # y
                          1, # z
                          5, # Q
                          4, # u
                          np.radians(90), # phi
                          1, # ci
                          8], # cii

measurement_model = IsotropicPlume()

Plot the resulting plume from the ground truth source term. This uses the Plotter class from Stone Soup.

from stonesoup.plotter import Plotter
from stonesoup.types.state import StateVector

plotter = Plotter()

z = 0
n_values = 200
intensity = np.zeros([n_values, n_values])
pos_x = np.zeros([n_values])
pos_y = np.zeros([n_values])
for n_x, x in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 50, n_values)):
    pos_x[n_x] = x
    for n_y, y in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 50, n_values)):
        pos_y[n_y] = y
        pos = StateVector([x, y, z])
        measurement_model.translation_offset = pos
        intensity[n_x, n_y] = measurement_model.function(theta), right=50), top=50)
gas_distribution =, pos_y, intensity.T)
plotter.fig.colorbar(gas_distribution, label='Concentration')
Monte Carlo Tree Search for Autonomous Source Term Estimation
/home/docs/checkouts/ DeprecationWarning:

Conversion of an array with ndim > 0 to a scalar is deprecated, and will error in future. Ensure you extract a single element from your array before performing this operation. (Deprecated NumPy 1.25.)

<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar object at 0x7fbbc6ac2780>

Create sensors and platforms

The sensor used here is a GasIntensitySensor that provides point concentration measurements. The documentation for the sensor provides insight into the various noise parameters used here.

The sensor alone is not controllable and therefore will be mounted onto an actionable platform with the NStepDirectionalGridMovable movement controller, that allows movement in the \(xy\) plane in fixed step sizes. The resulting trajectory from a controller of this type can be seen later in the results.

The gas_sensorA and sensor_platformA is to be used with the benchmark algorithm and gas_sensorB and sensor_platformB is to be used with the MCTS sensor manager.

from stonesoup.types.state import State
from stonesoup.platform import FixedPlatform
from stonesoup.movable.grid import NStepDirectionalGridMovable
from stonesoup.sensor.gas import GasIntensitySensor

gas_sensorA = GasIntensitySensor(min_noise=1e-4,

sensor_platformA = FixedPlatform(
    movement_controller=NStepDirectionalGridMovable(states=[State([[5], [15], [0.]],
                                                    position_mapping=(0, 1, 2),
                                                    action_mapping=(0, 1),
                                                    action_space=np.array([[0, 50], [0, 50]])),

gas_sensorB = GasIntensitySensor(min_noise=1e-4,

sensor_platformB = FixedPlatform(
    movement_controller=NStepDirectionalGridMovable(states=[State([[5], [15], [0.]],
                                                    position_mapping=(0, 1, 2),
                                                    action_mapping=(0, 1),
                                                    action_space=np.array([[0, 50], [0, 50]])),

Create particle predictor and updater

Now the ParticlePredictor and ParticleUpdater are constructed. The particle predictor will be created with a RandomWalk motion model with 0 magnitude, meaning that the predictor will not change the estimated source term.

The ParticleUpdater is created with an effective sample size resampling technique (ESSResampler) and Markov Chain Monte Carlo regularisation (MCMCRegulariser). A constraint function is also provided to the ParticleUpdater and MCMCRegulariser to prevent invalid states from being generated.

from stonesoup.resampler.particle import ESSResampler
from stonesoup.regulariser.particle import MCMCRegulariser
from stonesoup.predictor.particle import ParticlePredictor
from stonesoup.updater.particle import ParticleUpdater
from stonesoup.models.transition.linear import RandomWalk, CombinedGaussianTransitionModel

def constraint_function(particle_state):
    logical_indx = ((particle_state.state_vector[3, :]<0) |
        (particle_state.state_vector[4, :]<0) |
        (particle_state.state_vector[6, :]<0) |
        (particle_state.state_vector[7, :]<0))
    return logical_indx

resampler = ESSResampler()
regulariser = MCMCRegulariser(constraint_func=constraint_function)
predictor = ParticlePredictor(CombinedGaussianTransitionModel([RandomWalk(0.0)]*8))
updater = ParticleUpdater(measurement_model,

Create reward functions and sensor managers

Both the myopic benchmark and MCTS algorithms will be using the KLD reward function (ExpectedKLDivergence) but two separate instances are created as the MCTS version will be required to return tracks to store states in the search tree as it is constructed. Both are created with a separate ParticleUpdater that does not perform resampling or regularisation.

The BruteForceSensorManager is defined in the usual way, but MCTSRolloutSensorManager requires some more arguments. niterations defines the computational budget for MCTS, exploration_factor controls how exploratory the tree search behaviour will be, discount_factor discounts future rewards calculated in the rollout to reflect increasing uncertainty of rewards with increasing future depth, rollout_depth controls the rollout horizon and best_child_policy determines how to select the best child at the end of the MCTS process. Choices include maximum action value ('max_cumulative_reward'), average action value per visit ('max_average_reward') and maximum number of visits ('max_visits').

from stonesoup.sensormanager.reward import ExpectedKLDivergence
from stonesoup.sensormanager import BruteForceSensorManager
from stonesoup.sensormanager.tree_search import MCTSRolloutSensorManager

reward_updater = ParticleUpdater(measurement_model=None)

# Myopic benchmark approach
reward_funcA = ExpectedKLDivergence(updater=reward_updater, measurement_noise=True)
sensormanagerA = BruteForceSensorManager(sensors={gas_sensorA},

# MCTS with rollout approach
reward_funcB = ExpectedKLDivergence(updater=reward_updater,
sensormanagerB = MCTSRolloutSensorManager(sensors={gas_sensorB},

Create prior distribution

Each component of the source term will receive its own distribution. Source location received a uniform distribution across the environment, release rate received a Gamma distribution and the wind speed, direction and diffusivity parameters all receive normal distributions. The prior for both myopic and MCTS algorithms will be identical.

Run the myopic sensor manager

First the myopic sensor manager and associated filter is run over 100 iterations, or until it reaches a stopping criteria defined as the square root of the covariance trace being below a threshold value. It is important to note that this has no bearing on the performance of the estimation, just the convergence of the particle distribution.

from stonesoup.types.hypothesis import SingleHypothesis

n_iter = 100
stopping_criteria = 3

trackA = Track(priorA)
sensorA_x = [sensor_platformA.position[0]]
sensorA_y = [sensor_platformA.position[1]]
for n in range(n_iter):
    time = (start_time + timedelta(seconds=n+1))
    if n > 0:
        chosen_actions = sensormanagerA.choose_actions({trackA}, time, n_steps=2, step_size=2,
                                                      action_mapping=(0, 1))
        for sensor, actions in chosen_actions[0].items():

    prediction = predictor.predict(priorA, timestamp=time)
    detection = (gas_sensorA.measure({theta}, noise=True).pop())
    hypothesis = SingleHypothesis(prediction, detection)
    update = updater.update(hypothesis)
    priorA = trackA[-1]

    if np.sqrt(np.trace(trackA.state.covar)) < stopping_criteria:
        print('Converged in {} iterations'.format(n))

Plot the myopic result

The performance of the myopic benchmark approach is illustrated with an animation showing the sensor platform trajectory, detections along this trajectory and the resulting source estimate with the particle distributions.

from matplotlib import animation
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams['animation.html'] = 'jshtml'
matplotlib.rcParams['animation.embed_limit'] = 40000000

# Plot ground truth plume
plotterA = Plotter(), right=50), top=50)
gas_distributionA =, pos_y, intensity.T)
plotterA.fig.colorbar(gas_distributionA, label='Concentration')'Myopic KLD Sensor Management Result')

# Plot platform start location[0].state_vector[0],
               label='Start Location')

# Plot initial particles and store line object for setting later
partsA, =[0].state_vector[0],

# Plot scatter of detection locations, intially with large marker for the legend
detectionsA =,

# Plot first sensor position for constructing trajectory, storing the line object for setting later
trajectoryA, =[0].state_vector[0],
                                label='Sensor Path')'center left', bbox_to_anchor=(-0.5, 0.5))

# Reset the marker sizes after creating legend

def anim_funcA(i):
    # Update particle line object according to latest track
    partsA.set_data(trackA[i].state_vector[0], trackA[i].state_vector[1])

    states = np.array([[sensorA_x[0]], [sensorA_y[0]], [0]])
    detection_marker_sizes = np.zeros(len(trackA))
    for n in range(i):
        # Collect states upto timestep i
        states = np.append(states, np.array([[sensorA_x[n+1]], [sensorA_y[n+1]], [0]]), axis=1)

        # Collect detections upto timestep i
        if hasattr(trackA[n+1], 'hypothesis'):
            detection_marker_sizes[n+1] = (

    # Update trajectory data and detection scatter marker sizes
    trajectoryA.set_data(states[0], states[1])

animation.FuncAnimation(plotterA.fig, anim_funcA, interval=100, frames=len(trackA))