Source code for stonesoup.types.interval

import copy
import operator
from itertools import combinations
from numbers import Real
from typing import Sequence, Union, MutableSequence, Tuple

from ..base import Property
from ..types import Type

[docs] class Interval(Type): """ Closed continuous interval class. Represents a continuous, closed interval of real numbers. Represented by a lower and upper bound. """ start: Union[int, float] = Property(doc="Lower bound of interval") end: Union[int, float] = Property(doc="Upper bound of interval") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.start >= self.end: raise ValueError('Must have left < right') def __hash__(self): return hash((self.start, self.end)) @property def left(self): return self.start @property def right(self): return self.end @property def length(self): return self.end - self.start def __contains__(self, item): if isinstance(item, Real): return self.start <= item <= self.end elif isinstance(item, Interval): return self & item == item else: return False def __str__(self): return '[{left}, {right}]'.format(left=self.start, right=self.end) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Interval) and (self.start, self.end) == (other.start, other.end) def __and__(self, other): """Set-like intersection""" if not isinstance(other, Interval): raise ValueError("Can only intersect with Interval types") if not self.isdisjoint(other): new_interval = max(self.start, other.start), min(self.end, other.end) if new_interval[0] == new_interval[1]: return None else: return type(self)(new_interval[0], new_interval[1]) else: return None def __or__(self, other): """Set-like union""" if not isinstance(other, Interval): raise ValueError("Can only union with Interval types") if not self.isdisjoint(other): return [type(self)(min(self.start, other.start), max(self.end, other.end))] else: return [copy.copy(self), copy.copy(other)] def __sub__(self, other): """Set-like difference""" if other is None: return [copy.copy(self)] elif not isinstance(other, Interval): raise ValueError("Can only subtract Interval types from Interval types") elif self.isdisjoint(other): return [copy.copy(self)] elif other.start <= self.start and self.end <= other.end: return [None] elif other.start <= self.start: return [Interval(other.end, self.end)] elif self.end <= other.end: return [Interval(self.start, other.start)] else: return [Interval(self.start, other.start), Interval(other.end, self.end)] def __xor__(self, other): """Set-like symmetric difference""" if not isinstance(other, Interval): raise ValueError("Can only subtract Interval types from Interval types") if self.isdisjoint(other): return [copy.copy(self), copy.copy(other)] # Union will return list with one interval return (self | other)[0] - (self & other) def __le__(self, other): """Subset check""" if not isinstance(other, Interval): raise ValueError("Can only compare Interval types to Interval types") return self in other def __lt__(self, other): """Proper subset check""" if not isinstance(other, Interval): raise ValueError("Can only compare Interval types to Interval types") return other.start < self.start and self.end < other.end def __ge__(self, other): """Superset check""" if not isinstance(other, Interval): raise ValueError("Can only compare Interval types to Interval types") return other <= self def __gt__(self, other): """Proper superset check""" if not isinstance(other, Interval): raise ValueError("Can only compare Interval types to Interval types") return other < self
[docs] def isdisjoint(self, other): """ Check whether two intervals are disjoint (do not overlap). Returns True if they are disjoint. Note: returns False if intervals endpoints 'meet'. For example [0, 1] meets [1, 2]. """ if not isinstance(other, Interval): raise ValueError("Interval types can only overlap with Interval types") max_start = max(self.start, other.start) min_end = min(self.end, other.end) return max_start > min_end
[docs] class Intervals(Type): """ Disjoint closed continuous intervals class. Represents a set of continuous, closed intervals of real numbers. Represented by a list of :class:`Interval` types. """ intervals: MutableSequence[Interval] = Property( default=None, doc="Container of :class:`Interval`") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.intervals is None: self.intervals = list() elif not isinstance(self.intervals, MutableSequence): if isinstance(self.intervals, (Interval, Tuple)): self.intervals = [self.intervals] elif isinstance(self.intervals, Intervals): self.intervals = self.intervals.intervals else: raise TypeError("Must contain Interval types") elif len(self.intervals) == 2 and all(isinstance(elem, Real) for elem in self.intervals): self.intervals = [self.intervals] for i in range(len(self.intervals)): interval = self.intervals[i] if not isinstance(interval, Interval): if isinstance(interval, Sequence) and len(interval) == 2: self.intervals[i] = Interval(*interval) else: raise TypeError("Individual intervals must be an Interval or Sequence type") self.intervals = self.get_merged_intervals(self.intervals) def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(self.intervals))
[docs] @staticmethod def overlap(intervals): """ Determine whether a pair of intervals in a list overlap (are not disjoint). Returns a pair of overlapping intervals if there are any, otherwise returns None. """ for int_1, int_2 in combinations(intervals, 2): if not int_1.isdisjoint(int_2): return int_1, int_2 return None
[docs] def isdisjoint(self, other): """ Determine whether all intervals in an :class:`Intervals` type are disjoint from all those in another. """ if not isinstance(other, Intervals): raise ValueError("Can only compare Intervals to Intervals") return all(interval.isdisjoint(other_int) for other_int in other for interval in self)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_merged_intervals(intervals): """Merge all intervals. I.e., combine any intervals that overlap, returning a new list of disjoint intervals.""" new_intervals = copy.copy(intervals) while True: # Continue while there are overlaps try: int_1, int_2 = Intervals.overlap(new_intervals) except TypeError: break else: # Remove overlapping intervals and add their union new_intervals.remove(int_1) new_intervals.remove(int_2) new_intervals.extend(int_1 | int_2) return sorted(new_intervals, key=operator.attrgetter('left'))
def __contains__(self, item): if not isinstance(item, (Real, Interval, Intervals)): return False if isinstance(item, Intervals): return all(any(other_int in interval for interval in self) for other_int in item) return any(item in interval for interval in self) def __str__(self): return str([[interval.start, interval.end] for interval in self]) @property def length(self): return sum(interval.length for interval in self) def _iter(self, reverse): for interval in sorted(self.intervals, key=operator.attrgetter('left'), reverse=reverse): yield interval def __iter__(self): return self._iter(reverse=False) def __reversed__(self): return self._iter(reverse=True) def __eq__(self, other): if len(self) == 0: return len(other) == 0 if isinstance(other, Interval): other = Intervals(other) return isinstance(other, Intervals) and all( any(int1 == int2 for int2 in other) for int1 in self) def __and__(self, other): """Set-like intersection""" if other is None: return False if not isinstance(other, (Interval, Intervals)): raise ValueError("Can only intersect with Intervals types") if isinstance(other, Interval): other = Intervals(other) new_intervals = list() for interval in self: for other_interval in other: new_interval = interval & other_interval if new_interval: new_intervals.append(new_interval) new_intervals = self.get_merged_intervals(new_intervals) new_intervals = type(self)(new_intervals) return new_intervals def __or__(self, other): """Set-like union""" if not isinstance(other, (Interval, Intervals)): raise ValueError('Can only union with Intervals types') if isinstance(other, Interval): other = Intervals(other) new_intervals = self.intervals + other.intervals new_intervals = self.get_merged_intervals(new_intervals) new_intervals = type(self)(new_intervals) return new_intervals def __sub__(self, other): """Set-like difference""" if other is None: return self.copy() elif not isinstance(other, (Interval, Intervals)): raise ValueError("Can only subtract Intervals from Intervals") if isinstance(other, Interval): other = Intervals(other) new_intervals = copy.copy(self.intervals) for other_interval in other: temp_intervals = list() for interval in new_intervals: diff = interval - other_interval if diff[0] is not None: temp_intervals.extend(diff) new_intervals = temp_intervals new_intervals = type(self)(new_intervals) return new_intervals def __xor__(self, other): """Set-like symmetric-difference""" if not isinstance(other, (Interval, Intervals)): raise ValueError("Can only compare Intervals from Intervals") if isinstance(other, Interval): other = type(self)(other) return (self | other) - (self & other) def __le__(self, other): """Subset check""" if not isinstance(other, (Interval, Intervals)): raise ValueError("Can only compare Intervals to Intervals") if isinstance(other, Interval): other = Intervals(other) return all(any(interval <= other_int for other_int in other) for interval in self) def __lt__(self, other): """"Proper subset check""" if not isinstance(other, (Interval, Intervals)): raise ValueError("Can only compare Intervals to Intervals") if isinstance(other, Interval): other = Intervals(other) return all(any(interval < other_int for other_int in other) for interval in self) def __ge__(self, other): """Superset check""" if not isinstance(other, (Interval, Intervals)): raise ValueError("Can only compare Intervals to Intervals") if isinstance(other, Interval): other = Intervals(other) return other <= self def __gt__(self, other): """Proper superset check""" if not isinstance(other, (Interval, Intervals)): raise ValueError("Can only compare Intervals to Intervals") if isinstance(other, Interval): other = Intervals(other) return other < self def copy(self): return Intervals(copy.copy(self.intervals)) def __len__(self): return len(self.intervals) def remove(self, elem): if not isinstance(elem, Interval): raise ValueError("Intervals only contain Interval types") try: self.intervals.remove(elem) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Interval not in list") def discard(self, elem): try: self.remove(elem) except ValueError: pass def pop(self): if len(self) == 0: raise KeyError("Contains no intervals") interval = next(iter(self)) self.intervals.remove(interval) return interval def clear(self): self.intervals = list()