Source code for stonesoup.sensormanager.reward

from abc import ABC
import copy
import datetime
from typing import Mapping, Sequence, Set

import numpy as np

from ..measures import KLDivergence
from ..platform import Platform
from ..sensormanager.action import Actionable
from ..types.detection import TrueDetection
from ..base import Base, Property
from ..predictor.base import Predictor
from ..predictor.particle import ParticlePredictor
from ..predictor.kalman import KalmanPredictor
from ..updater.kalman import ExtendedKalmanUpdater
from ..types.track import Track
from ..types.hypothesis import SingleHypothesis
from ..sensor.sensor import Sensor
from ..sensormanager.action import Action
from ..types.prediction import Prediction
from ..updater.base import Updater
from ..updater.particle import ParticleUpdater
from ..resampler.particle import SystematicResampler
from ..types.groundtruth import GroundTruthState
from ..dataassociator.base import DataAssociator

[docs] class RewardFunction(Base, ABC): """ The reward function base class. A reward function is a callable used by a sensor manager to determine the best choice of action(s) for a sensor or group of sensors to take. For a given configuration of sensors and actions the reward function calculates a metric to evaluate how useful that choice of actions would be with a particular objective or objectives in mind. The sensor manager algorithm compares this metric for different possible configurations and chooses the appropriate sensing configuration to use at that time step. """
[docs] def __call__(self, config: Mapping[Sensor, Sequence[Action]], tracks: Set[Track], metric_time: datetime.datetime, *args, **kwargs): """ A method which returns a reward metric based on information about the state of the system, sensors and possible actions they can take. This requires a mapping of sensors to action(s) to be evaluated by reward function, a set of tracks at given time and the time at which the actions would be carried out until. Returns ------- : float Calculated metric """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class UncertaintyRewardFunction(RewardFunction): """A reward function which calculates the potential reduction in the uncertainty of track estimates if a particular action is taken by a sensor or group of sensors. Given a configuration of sensors and actions, a metric is calculated for the potential reduction in the uncertainty of the tracks that would occur if the sensing configuration were used to make an observation. A larger value indicates a greater reduction in uncertainty. """ predictor: KalmanPredictor = Property(doc="Predictor used to predict the track to a new state") updater: ExtendedKalmanUpdater = Property(doc="Updater used to update " "the track to the new state.") method_sum: bool = Property(default=True, doc="Determines method of calculating reward." "Default calculates sum across all targets." "Otherwise calculates mean of all targets.") return_tracks: bool = Property(default=False, doc="A flag for allowing the predicted track, " "used to calculate the reward, to be " "returned.") measurement_noise: bool = Property(default=False, doc="Decide whether or not to apply measurement model " "noise to the predicted measurements for sensor " "management.")
[docs] def __call__(self, config: Mapping[Sensor, Sequence[Action]], tracks: Set[Track], metric_time: datetime.datetime, *args, **kwargs): """ For a given configuration of sensors and actions this reward function calculates the potential uncertainty reduction of each track by computing the difference between the covariance matrix norms of the prediction and the posterior assuming a predicted measurement corresponding to that prediction. This requires a mapping of sensors to action(s) to be evaluated by reward function, a set of tracks at given time and the time at which the actions would be carried out until. The metric returned is the total potential reduction in uncertainty across all tracks. Returns ------- : float Metric of uncertainty for given configuration """ # Reward value config_metric = 0 predicted_sensors = set() memo = {} # For each sensor/platform in the configuration for actionable, actions in config.items(): predicted_actionable = copy.deepcopy(actionable, memo) predicted_actionable.add_actions(actions) predicted_actionable.act(metric_time, noise=False) if isinstance(actionable, Sensor): predicted_sensors.add(predicted_actionable) # checks if it's a sensor # Create dictionary of predictions for the tracks in the configuration predicted_tracks = set() for track in tracks: predicted_track = copy.copy(track) predicted_track.append(self.predictor.predict(predicted_track, timestamp=metric_time)) predicted_tracks.add(predicted_track) for sensor in predicted_sensors: ground_truth_states = dict( (GroundTruthState(predicted_track.mean, timestamp=predicted_track.timestamp, metadata=predicted_track.metadata), predicted_track) for predicted_track in predicted_tracks) detections_set = sensor.measure( set(ground_truth_states.keys()), noise=self.measurement_noise) # Assumes one detection per track detections = { ground_truth_states[detection.groundtruth_path]: detection for detection in detections_set if isinstance(detection, TrueDetection)} for predicted_track, detection in detections.items(): # Generate hypothesis based on prediction/previous update and detection hypothesis = SingleHypothesis(predicted_track.state, detection) # Do the update based on this hypothesis and store covariance matrix update = self.updater.update(hypothesis) previous_cov_norm = np.linalg.norm(predicted_track.covar) update_cov_norm = np.linalg.norm(update.covar) # Replace prediction with update predicted_track.append(update) # Calculate metric for the track observation and add to the metric # for the configuration metric = previous_cov_norm - update_cov_norm config_metric += metric if self.method_sum is False and len(detections) != 0: config_metric /= len(detections) # Return value of configuration metric if self.return_tracks: return config_metric, predicted_tracks else: return config_metric
[docs] class ExpectedKLDivergence(RewardFunction): """A reward function that implements the Kullback-Leibler divergence for quantifying relative information gain between actions taken by a sensor or group of sensors. From a configuration of sensors and actions, an expected measurement is generated based on the predicted distribution and an action being taken. An update is generated based on this measurement. The Kullback-Leibler divergence is then calculated between the predicted and updated target distribution that resulted from the measurement. A larger divergence between these distributions equates to more information gained from the action and resulting measurement from that action. """ predictor: Predictor = Property(default=None, doc="Predictor used to predict the track to a " "new state. This reward function is only " "compatible with :class:`~.ParticlePredictor` " "types.") updater: Updater = Property(default=None, doc="Updater used to update the track to the new state. " "This reward function is only compatible with " ":class:`~.ParticleUpdater` types.") method_sum: bool = Property(default=True, doc="Determines method of calculating reward." "Default calculates sum across all targets." "Otherwise calculates mean of all targets.") data_associator: DataAssociator = Property(default=None, doc="Data associator for associating " "detections to tracks when " "multiple sensors are managed.") return_tracks: bool = Property(default=False, doc="A flag for allowing the predicted track, " "used to calculate the reward, to be " "returned.") measurement_noise: bool = Property(default=False, doc="Decide whether or not to apply measurement model " "noise to the predicted measurements for sensor " "management.")
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.KLD = KLDivergence()
[docs] def __call__(self, config: Mapping[Sensor, Sequence[Action]], tracks: Set[Track], metric_time: datetime.datetime, *args, **kwargs): """ For a given configuration of sensors and actions this reward function calculates the expected Kullback-Leibler divergence of each track. It is calculated between the prediction and the posterior assuming an expected update based on a predicted measurement. This requires a mapping of sensors to action(s) to be evaluated by the reward function, a set of tracks at given time and the time at which the actions would be carried out until. The metric returned is the total expected Kullback-Leibler divergence across all tracks. Returns ------- : float Kullback-Leibler divergence for given configuration : Set[Track] (if defined) Set of tracks that have been predicted and updated in reward calculation if :attr:`return_tracks` is `True` """ # Reward value kld = 0. memo = {} predicted_sensors = set() # For each actionable in the configuration for actionable, actions in config.items(): # Don't currently have an Actionable base for platforms hence either Platform or Sensor if isinstance(actionable, Platform) or isinstance(actionable, Actionable): predicted_actionable = copy.deepcopy(actionable, memo) predicted_actionable.add_actions(actions) predicted_actionable.act(metric_time) if isinstance(actionable, Sensor): predicted_sensors.add(predicted_actionable) # checks if its a sensor elif isinstance(actionable, Platform): predicted_sensors.update(predicted_actionable.sensors) # Create dictionary of predictions for the tracks in the configuration predicted_tracks = set() for track in tracks: predicted_track = copy.copy(track) if self.predictor: predicted_track.append(self.predictor.predict(track[-1], timestamp=metric_time)) else: predicted_track.append(Prediction.from_state(track[-1], timestamp=metric_time)) predicted_tracks.add(predicted_track) sensor_detections = self._generate_detections(predicted_tracks, predicted_sensors, timestamp=metric_time) det_count = 0 for sensor, detections in sensor_detections.items(): for predicted_track, detection_set in detections.items(): det_count += len(detection_set) for n, detection in enumerate(detection_set): # Generate hypothesis based on prediction/previous update and detection hypothesis = SingleHypothesis(predicted_track.state, detection) # Do the update based on this hypothesis and store covariance matrix update = self.updater.update(hypothesis) kld += self.KLD(predicted_track[-1], update) if not isinstance(self, MultiUpdateExpectedKLDivergence): predicted_track.append(update) if self.method_sum is False and det_count != 0: kld /= det_count # Return value of configuration metric if self.return_tracks: return kld, predicted_tracks else: return kld
def _generate_detections(self, predicted_tracks, sensors, timestamp=None): all_detections = {} for sensor in sensors: detections = {} ground_truth_states = dict( (GroundTruthState(predicted_track.mean, timestamp=predicted_track.timestamp, metadata=predicted_track.metadata), predicted_track) for predicted_track in predicted_tracks) detections_set = sensor.measure( set(ground_truth_states.keys()), noise=self.measurement_noise) # Assumes one detection per track detections = { ground_truth_states[detection.groundtruth_path]: {detection} for detection in detections_set if isinstance(detection, TrueDetection)} if self.data_associator: tmp_hypotheses = self.data_associator.associate( predicted_tracks, {det for dets in detections.values() for det in dets}, timestamp) detections = {predicted_track: {hypothesis.measurement} for predicted_track, hypothesis in tmp_hypotheses.items() if hypothesis} all_detections.update({sensor: detections}) return all_detections
[docs] class MultiUpdateExpectedKLDivergence(ExpectedKLDivergence): """A reward function that implements the Kullback-Leibler divergence for quantifying relative information gain between actions taken by a sensor or group of sensors. From a configuration of sensors and actions, multiple expected measurements per track are generated based on the predicted distribution and an action being taken. The measurements are generated by resampling the particle state down to a subsample with length specified by the user. Updates are generated for each of these measurements and the Kullback-Leibler divergence calculated for each of them. """ predictor: ParticlePredictor = Property(default=None, doc="Predictor used to predict the track to a " "new state. This reward function is only " "compatible with :class:`~.ParticlePredictor` " "types.") updater: ParticleUpdater = Property(default=None, doc="Updater used to update the track to the new state. " "This reward function is only compatible with " ":class:`~.ParticleUpdater` types.") updates_per_track: int = Property(default=2, doc="Number of measurements to generate from each " "track prediction. This should be > 1.") measurement_noise: bool = Property(default=True)
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.KLD = KLDivergence() if self.predictor is not None and not isinstance(self.predictor, ParticlePredictor): raise NotImplementedError('Only ParticlePredictor types are currently compatible ' 'with this reward function') if self.updater is not None and not isinstance(self.updater, ParticleUpdater): raise NotImplementedError('Only ParticleUpdater types are currently compatible ' 'with this reward function') if self.updates_per_track < 2: raise ValueError(f'updates_per_track = {self.updates_per_track}. This reward ' f'function only accepts >= 2')
def _generate_detections(self, predicted_tracks, sensors, timestamp=None): detections = {} all_detections = {} resampler = SystematicResampler() for sensor in sensors: for predicted_track in predicted_tracks: measurement_sources = resampler.resample(predicted_track[-1], nparts=self.updates_per_track) tmp_detections = set() for state in measurement_sources.state_vector: tmp_detections.update( sensor.measure({GroundTruthState(state, timestamp=timestamp, metadata=predicted_track.metadata)}, noise=self.measurement_noise)) detections.update({predicted_track: tmp_detections}) all_detections.update({sensor: detections}) return all_detections