"""Video readers for Stone Soup.
This is a collection of video readers for Stone Soup, allowing quick reading
of video data/streams.
import datetime
import threading
from queue import Queue
from typing import Mapping, Tuple, Sequence, Any
from urllib.parse import ParseResult
import numpy as np
import ffmpeg
import moviepy.editor as mpy
except ImportError as error:
raise ImportError(
"Usage of video processing classes requires that the optional"
"package dependencies 'moviepy' and 'ffmpeg-python' are installed. "
"This can be achieved by running "
"'python -m pip install stonesoup[video]'")\
from error
from .base import FrameReader
from .file import FileReader
from .url import UrlReader
from ..base import Property
from ..buffered_generator import BufferedGenerator
from ..types.sensordata import ImageFrame
class VideoClipReader(FileReader, FrameReader):
A simple reader that uses MoviePy_ to read video frames from a file.
Usage of MoviePy allows for the application of clip transformations
and effects, as per the MoviePy documentation_. Upon instantiation,
the underlying MoviePy `VideoFileClip` instance can be accessed
through the :attr:`~clip` class property. This can then be used
as expected, e.g.:
.. code-block:: python
# Rearrange RGB to BGR
def arrange_bgr(image):
return image[:, :, [2, 1, 0]]
reader = VideoClipReader("path_to_file")
reader.clip = reader.clip.fl_image(arrange_bgr)
for timestamp, frame in reader:
# The generated frame.pixels will now
# be arranged in BGR format.
.. _MoviePy: https://zulko.github.io/moviepy/index.html
.. _documentation: https://zulko.github.io/moviepy/getting_started/effects.html
""" # noqa:E501
start_time: datetime.timedelta = Property(
doc="Start time expressed as duration from the start of the clip",
end_time: datetime.timedelta = Property(
doc="End time expressed as duration from the start of the clip",
timestamp: datetime.datetime = Property(
doc="Timestamp given to the first frame",
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
end_time_sec = self.end_time.total_seconds() if self.end_time is not None else None
self.clip = mpy.VideoFileClip(str(self.path)) \
.subclip(self.start_time.total_seconds(), end_time_sec)
def frames_gen(self):
if self.timestamp is None:
self.timestamp = datetime.datetime.now()
start_time = self.timestamp
for timestamp_sec, pixels in self.clip.iter_frames(with_times=True):
timestamp = start_time + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timestamp_sec)
frame = ImageFrame(pixels, timestamp)
yield timestamp, frame
class FFmpegVideoStreamReader(UrlReader, FrameReader):
""" FFmpegVideoStreamReader
A threaded reader that uses ffmpeg-python_ to read frames from video
streams (e.g. RTSP) in real-time.
- Use of this class requires that FFmpeg_ is installed on the host machine.
- By default, FFmpeg performs internal buffering of frames leading to a \
slight delay in the incoming frames (0.5-1 sec). To remove the delay it \
is recommended to set ``input_opts={'threads': 1, 'fflags': 'nobuffer'}`` \
when instantiating a reader, e.g: .
.. code-block:: python
video_reader = FFmpegVideoStreamReader('rtsp://',
input_opts={'threads': 1, 'fflags': 'nobuffer'})
for timestamp, frame in video_reader:
.. _ffmpeg-python: https://github.com/kkroening/ffmpeg-python
.. _FFmpeg: https://www.ffmpeg.org/download.html
url: ParseResult = Property(
doc="Input source to read video stream from, passed as input url argument. This can "
"include any valid FFmpeg input e.g. rtsp URL, device name when using 'dshow'/'v4l2'")
buffer_size: int = Property(
doc="Size of the frame buffer. The frame buffer is used to cache frames in cases where "
"the stream generates frames faster than they are ingested by the reader. If "
"`buffer_size` is less than or equal to zero, the buffer size is infinite.")
input_opts: Mapping[str, str] = Property(
doc="FFmpeg input options, provided in the form of a dictionary, whose keys correspond to "
"option names. (e.g. ``{'fflags': 'nobuffer'}``). The default is ``{}``.")
output_opts: Mapping[str, str] = Property(
doc="FFmpeg output options, provided in the form of a dictionary, whose keys correspond "
"to option names. The default is ``{'f': 'rawvideo', 'pix_fmt': 'rgb24'}``.")
filters: Sequence[Tuple[str, Sequence[Any], Mapping[Any, Any]]] = Property(
doc="FFmpeg filters, provided in the form of a list of filter name, sequence of "
"arguments, mapping of key/value pairs (e.g. ``[('scale', ('320', '240'), {})]``). "
"Default `None` where no filter will be applied. Note that :attr:`frame_size` may "
"need to be set in when video size changed by filter.")
frame_size: Tuple[int, int] = Property(
doc="Tuple of frame width and height. Default `None` where it will be detected using "
"`ffprobe` against the input, but this may yield wrong width/height (e.g. when "
"filters are applied), and such this option can be used to override.")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.input_opts is None:
self.input_opts = {}
if self.output_opts is None:
self.output_opts = {'f': 'rawvideo', 'pix_fmt': 'rgb24'}
if self.filters is None:
self.filters = []
self.buffer = Queue(maxsize=self.buffer_size)
if self.frame_size is not None:
self._stream_info = {
'width': self.frame_size[0],
'height': self.frame_size[1]}
# Probe stream information
self._stream_info = next(
for s in ffmpeg.probe(self.url.geturl(), **self.input_opts)['streams']
if s['codec_type'] == 'video')
# Initialise stream
self.stream = ffmpeg.input(self.url.geturl(), **self.input_opts)
for filter_ in self.filters:
filter_name, filter_args, filter_kwargs = filter_
self.stream = self.stream.filter(
filter_name, *filter_args, **filter_kwargs
self.stream = (
.output('pipe:', **self.output_opts)
.global_args('-y', '-loglevel', 'panic')
# Initialise capture thread
self._capture_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run)
self._capture_thread.daemon = True
def frames_gen(self):
while self._capture_thread.is_alive():
# if not self.buffer.empty():
frame = self.buffer.get()
timestamp = frame.timestamp
yield timestamp, frame
def _run(self):
while self.stream.poll() is None:
width = int(self._stream_info['width'])
height = int(self._stream_info['height'])
# Read bytes from stream
in_bytes = self.stream.stdout.read(width * height * 3)
if in_bytes:
# Transform bytes to pixels
frame_np = (
np.frombuffer(in_bytes, np.uint8)
.reshape([height, width, 3])
frame = ImageFrame(frame_np, datetime.datetime.now())
# Write new frame to buffer