Source code for stonesoup.reader.kafka

import json
import sys
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from math import modf
from queue import Empty, Queue
from threading import Thread
from typing import Dict, List, Collection

    from confluent_kafka import Consumer
except ImportError as error:  # pragma: no cover
    raise ImportError(
        "Kafka Readers require the dependency 'confluent-kafka' to be installed."
    ) from error
import numpy as np
from dateutil.parser import parse

from .base import DetectionReader, Reader, GroundTruthReader
from ..base import Property
from ..buffered_generator import BufferedGenerator
from ..types.array import StateVector
from ..types.detection import Detection
from ..types.groundtruth import GroundTruthPath, GroundTruthState

class _KafkaReader(Reader):
    topic: str = Property(doc="The Kafka topic on which to listen for messages.")
    kafka_config: Dict[str, str] = Property(
        doc="Configuration properties for the underlying kafka consumer. See the "
            "`confluent-kafka documentation <>`_ " # noqa
            "for more details.")
    state_vector_fields: List[str] = Property(
        doc="List of columns names to be used in state vector.")
    time_field: str = Property(
        doc="Name of column to be used as time field.")
    time_field_format: str = Property(
        default=None, doc="Optional datetime format.")
    timestamp: bool = Property(
        default=False, doc="Treat time field as a timestamp from epoch.")
    metadata_fields: Collection[str] = Property(
        default=None, doc="List of columns to be saved as metadata, default all.")
    buffer_size: int = Property(
        doc="Size of the frame buffer. The frame buffer is used to cache frames in "
            "cases where the stream generates messages faster than they are ingested "
            "by the reader. If `buffer_size` is less than or equal to zero, the buffer "
            "size is infinite.")
    timeout: bool = Property(
        doc="Timeout (in seconds) when reading from buffer. Defaults to None in which case the "
            "reader will block until new data becomes available.")

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._buffer = Queue(maxsize=self.buffer_size)
        self._non_metadata_fields = [*self.state_vector_fields, self.time_field]
        self._running = False

    def stop(self):
        self._running = False

    def _subscribe(self):
        self._running = True
        self._consumer = Consumer(self.kafka_config)
        self._consumer_thread = Thread(daemon=True, target=self._consume)

    def _consume(self):
        while self._running:
            msg = self._consumer.poll(timeout=10.0)

            if msg.error():
                sys.stderr.write(f"kafka error: {msg.error()}")

    def _get_time(self, data):
        if self.time_field_format is not None:
            time_field_value = datetime.strptime(
                data[self.time_field], self.time_field_format
        elif self.timestamp is True:
            fractional, timestamp = modf(float(data[self.time_field]))
            time_field_value = datetime.fromtimestamp(
                int(timestamp), timezone.utc).replace(tzinfo=None)
            time_field_value += timedelta(microseconds=fractional * 1e6)
            time_field_value = parse(data[self.time_field], ignoretz=True)
        return time_field_value

    def _get_metadata(self, data):
        metadata_fields = set(data.keys())
        if self.metadata_fields is None:
            metadata_fields -= set(self._non_metadata_fields)
            metadata_fields = metadata_fields.intersection(set(self.metadata_fields))
        local_metadata = {field: data[field] for field in metadata_fields}
        return local_metadata

    def _on_msg(self, msg):
        # Extract data from message
        data = json.loads(msg.value())

[docs] class KafkaDetectionReader(DetectionReader, _KafkaReader): """A detection reader that reads detections from a Kafka broker It is assumed that each message contains a single detection. The value of each message is a JSON object containing the detection data. The JSON object must contain a field for each element of the state vector and a timestamp. The JSON object may also contain fields for the detection metadata. Parameters ---------- """
[docs] @BufferedGenerator.generator_method def detections_gen(self): detections = set() previous_time = None self._subscribe() while self._consumer_thread.is_alive(): try: # Get data from buffer data = self._buffer.get(timeout=self.timeout) # Parse data detection = self._parse_data(data) timestamp = detection.timestamp if previous_time is not None and previous_time != timestamp: yield previous_time, detections detections = set() previous_time = timestamp detections.add(detection) except Empty: yield previous_time, detections detections = set()
def _parse_data(self, data): timestamp = self._get_time(data) state_vector = StateVector( [[data[field_name]] for field_name in self.state_vector_fields], dtype=np.float64, ) return Detection( state_vector=state_vector, timestamp=timestamp, metadata=self._get_metadata(data), )
[docs] class KafkaGroundTruthReader(GroundTruthReader, _KafkaReader): """A ground truth reader that reads ground truths from a Kafka broker It is assumed that each message contains a single ground truth state. The value of each message is a JSON object containing the ground truth data. The JSON object must contain a field for each element of the state vector, a timestamp, and the ground truth path ID. The JSON object may also contain fields for the ground truth metadata. Parameters ---------- """ path_id_field: str = Property(doc="Name of column to be used as path ID.") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._non_metadata_fields += [self.path_id_field]
[docs] @BufferedGenerator.generator_method def groundtruth_paths_gen(self): groundtruth_dict = {} updated_paths = set() previous_time = None self._subscribe() while self._consumer_thread.is_alive(): try: # Get data from buffer data = self._buffer.get(timeout=self.timeout) # Parse data state = self._parse_data(data) timestamp = state.timestamp if previous_time is not None and previous_time != timestamp: yield previous_time, updated_paths updated_paths = set() previous_time = timestamp # Update existing track or create new track path_id = data[self.path_id_field] try: groundtruth_path = groundtruth_dict[path_id] except KeyError: groundtruth_path = GroundTruthPath(id=path_id) groundtruth_dict[path_id] = groundtruth_path groundtruth_path.append(state) updated_paths.add(groundtruth_path) except Empty: yield previous_time, updated_paths updated_paths = set()
def _parse_data(self, data): timestamp = self._get_time(data) state_vector = StateVector( [[data[field_name]] for field_name in self.state_vector_fields], dtype=np.float64, ) return GroundTruthState( state_vector=state_vector, timestamp=timestamp, metadata=self._get_metadata(data), )