"""Generic readers for Stone Soup.
This is a collection of generic readers for Stone Soup, allowing quick reading
of data that is in common formats.
import csv
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from typing import Sequence, Collection, Mapping
from math import modf
import numpy as np
from dateutil.parser import parse
from .base import GroundTruthReader, DetectionReader
from .file import TextFileReader
from ..base import Property
from ..buffered_generator import BufferedGenerator
from ..types.detection import Detection
from ..types.groundtruth import GroundTruthPath, GroundTruthState
class _CSVReader(TextFileReader):
state_vector_fields: Sequence[str] = Property(
doc='List of columns names to be used in state vector')
time_field: str = Property(
doc='Name of column to be used as time field')
time_field_format: str = Property(
default=None, doc='Optional datetime format')
timestamp: bool = Property(
default=False, doc='Treat time field as a timestamp from epoch')
metadata_fields: Collection[str] = Property(
default=None, doc='List of columns to be saved as metadata, default all')
csv_options: Mapping = Property(
default={}, doc='Keyword arguments for the underlying csv reader')
def _get_metadata(self, row):
if self.metadata_fields is None:
local_metadata = dict(row)
for key in list(local_metadata):
if key == self.time_field or key in self.state_vector_fields:
del local_metadata[key]
local_metadata = {field: row[field]
for field in self.metadata_fields
if field in row}
return local_metadata
def _get_time(self, row):
if self.time_field_format is not None:
time_field_value = datetime.strptime(row[self.time_field], self.time_field_format)
elif self.timestamp is True:
fractional, timestamp = modf(float(row[self.time_field]))
time_field_value = datetime.fromtimestamp(
int(timestamp), timezone.utc).replace(tzinfo=None)
time_field_value += timedelta(microseconds=fractional * 1E6)
time_field_value = parse(row[self.time_field], ignoretz=True)
return time_field_value
class CSVGroundTruthReader(GroundTruthReader, _CSVReader):
"""A simple reader for csv files of truth data.
CSV file must have headers, as these are used to determine which fields
to use to generate the ground truth state. Those states with the same ID will be put into
a :class:`~.GroundTruthPath` in sequence, and all paths that are updated at the same time
are yielded together, and such assumes file is in time order.
path_id_field: str = Property(doc='Name of column to be used as path ID')
def groundtruth_paths_gen(self):
with self.path.open(encoding=self.encoding, newline='') as csv_file:
groundtruth_dict = {}
updated_paths = set()
previous_time = None
for row in csv.DictReader(csv_file, **self.csv_options):
time = self._get_time(row)
if previous_time is not None and previous_time != time:
yield previous_time, updated_paths
updated_paths = set()
previous_time = time
state = GroundTruthState(
np.array([[row[col_name]] for col_name in self.state_vector_fields],
id_ = row[self.path_id_field]
if id_ not in groundtruth_dict:
groundtruth_dict[id_] = GroundTruthPath(id=id_)
groundtruth_path = groundtruth_dict[id_]
# Yield remaining
yield previous_time, updated_paths
class CSVDetectionReader(DetectionReader, _CSVReader):
"""A simple detection reader for csv files of detections.
CSV file must have headers, as these are used to determine which fields to use to generate
the detection. Detections at the same time are yielded together, and such assume file is in
time order.
def detections_gen(self):
with self.path.open(encoding=self.encoding, newline='') as csv_file:
detections = set()
previous_time = None
for row in csv.DictReader(csv_file, **self.csv_options):
time = self._get_time(row)
if previous_time is not None and previous_time != time:
yield previous_time, detections
detections = set()
previous_time = time
np.array([[row[col_name]] for col_name in self.state_vector_fields],
# Yield remaining
yield previous_time, detections