import copy
from itertools import islice
from operator import itemgetter
import numpy as np
from ._utils import predict_lru_cache
from .kalman import KalmanPredictor
from ..types.prediction import ASDGaussianStatePrediction
from ..types.state import GaussianState
class ASDKalmanPredictor(KalmanPredictor):
"""Accumulated State Densities Kalman Predictor
A linear predictor for accumulated state densities, for processing out of
sequence measurements. This requires the state is represented in
:class:`~.ASDGaussianState` multi-state.
1. W. Koch and F. Govaers, On Accumulated State Densities with Applications to
Out-of-Sequence Measurement Processing in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and
Electronic Systems,
vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 2766-2778, OCTOBER 2011, doi: 10.1109/TAES.2011.6034663.
2. F. Govaers and W. Koch, Generalized Solution to Smoothing and Out-of-Sequence
Processing in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,
vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 1739-1748, JULY 2014, doi: 10.1109/TAES.2014.130009.
def _predict_over_interval(self, prior, timestamp):
"""Private function to get the prediction interval (or None)
prior : :class:`~.ASDState`
The prior state
timestamp : :class:`datetime.datetime`, optional
The (current) timestamp
: :class:`datetime.timedelta`
time interval to predict over
if the timestamp is in the past then it returns the interval
to the next timestamp in the state
: :class:`datetime.datetime`
time from which the interval is calculated
predict_over_interval = timestamp - prior.timestamp
timestamp_from_which_is_predicted = prior.timestamp
if predict_over_interval.total_seconds() < 0:
predict_over_interval, timestamp_from_which_is_predicted = min(
((timestamp - t, t)
for t in prior.timestamps if (timestamp - t).total_seconds() >= 0),
return predict_over_interval, timestamp_from_which_is_predicted
def predict(self, prior, timestamp, **kwargs):
r"""The predict function
prior : :class:`~.ASDGaussianState`
timestamp : :class:`datetime.datetime`,
**kwargs :
These are passed, via
:meth:`~.KalmanFilter.transition_function` to
: :class:`~.ASDState`
:math:`\mathbf{x}_{k|k-1}`, the predicted state and the
predicted state covariance :math:`P_{k|k-1}`
correlation_matrices = copy.copy(prior.correlation_matrices)
# Get the prediction interval
predict_over_interval, timestamp_from_which_is_predicted = \
self._predict_over_interval(prior, timestamp)
# Build the first correlation matrix just after starting the
# predictor the first time.
if not correlation_matrices:
correlation_matrices.append({'P': prior.covar})
# Consider, if the given timestep is an Out-Of-Sequence measurement
t_index = prior.timestamps.index(timestamp_from_which_is_predicted)
if t_index == 0:
# case that it is a normal prediction
# Prediction of the mean and covariance
x_pred_m = self._transition_function(
prior, time_interval=predict_over_interval, **kwargs)
p_pred_m = self._predicted_covariance(
prior, predict_over_interval=predict_over_interval, **kwargs)
transition_matrix = self._transition_matrix(
prior=prior, time_interval=predict_over_interval, **kwargs)
# Generation of the combined retrodiction matrices
combined_retrodiction_matrices = self._generate_C_matrices(
correlation_matrices, prior.ndim)
# normal case
x_pred = np.concatenate([x_pred_m, prior.multi_state_vector])
W_P_column = np.vstack([c @ prior.covar for c in combined_retrodiction_matrices])
correlated_column = W_P_column @ transition_matrix.T
correlated_row = correlated_column.T
p_top = np.hstack((p_pred_m, correlated_row))
p_bottom = np.hstack((correlated_column, prior.multi_covar))
p_pred = np.vstack((p_top, p_bottom))
# add new correlation matrix with the present time step
correlation_matrices[t_index] = time_corr_matrices = \
time_corr_matrices['P_pred'] = p_pred_m
time_corr_matrices['F'] = transition_matrix
time_corr_matrices['PFP'] = \
time_corr_matrices['P'] \
@ time_corr_matrices['F'].T \
@ np.linalg.inv(time_corr_matrices['P_pred'])
correlation_matrices.insert(t_index, {'P': p_pred_m})
# Below based on equations from 69 to 75 in reference 2.
# case of out of sequence prediction case
timestamp_m_plus_1 = prior.timestamps[t_index - 1]
time_interval_m_to_m_plus_1 = timestamp_m_plus_1 - timestamp
ndim = prior.ndim
# Normal Kalman-like prediction for the state m|m-1.
# prediction to the timestamp m|m-1
prior_at_t = prior[t_index]
x_pred_m = self._transition_function(
prior_at_t, time_interval=predict_over_interval, **kwargs)
p_pred_m = self._predicted_covariance(
prior_at_t, predict_over_interval=predict_over_interval, **kwargs)
state_pred_m = GaussianState(x_pred_m, p_pred_m, timestamp)
# prediction to the timestamp m + 1|m-1
x_pred_m_plus_1 = self._transition_function(
state_pred_m, time_interval=time_interval_m_to_m_plus_1, **kwargs)
p_pred_m_plus_1 = self._predicted_covariance(
state_pred_m, predict_over_interval=time_interval_m_to_m_plus_1, **kwargs)
# transitions for timestamp m
transition_matrix_m = self._transition_matrix(
prior=prior_at_t, time_interval=predict_over_interval, **kwargs)
# transitions for timestamp m+1
transition_matrix_m_plus_1 = self._transition_matrix(
prior=state_pred_m, time_interval=time_interval_m_to_m_plus_1,
t_minus2t = slice((t_index-1) * ndim, t_index * ndim)
x_m_plus_1_given_k = prior.multi_state_vector[t_minus2t]
x_diff = x_m_plus_1_given_k - x_pred_m_plus_1
p_m_plus_1_given_k = prior.multi_covar[t_minus2t, t_minus2t]
p_diff = p_m_plus_1_given_k - p_pred_m_plus_1
W = p_pred_m @ transition_matrix_m_plus_1.T @ np.linalg.inv(p_pred_m_plus_1)
x_pred_m_given_k = x_pred_m + W@x_diff
p_pred_m_given_k = p_pred_m + W@p_diff@W.T
# build full state
x_pred = np.concatenate([prior.multi_state_vector[:t_index * ndim],
prior.multi_state_vector[t_index * ndim:]])
P_right_lower = prior.multi_covar[t_index * ndim:, t_index * ndim:]
# add new correlation matrix with the present time step
correlation_matrices[t_index] = pred_from_corr_matrices = \
pred_from_corr_matrices['P_pred'] = p_pred_m
pred_from_corr_matrices['F'] = transition_matrix_m
pred_from_corr_matrices['PFP'] = (
pred_from_corr_matrices['P'] @ transition_matrix_m.T @ np.linalg.inv(p_pred_m))
correlation_matrices.insert(t_index, {})
correlation_matrices[t_index]['F'] = transition_matrix_m_plus_1
correlation_matrices[t_index]['P_pred'] = p_pred_m_plus_1
correlation_matrices[t_index]['P'] = p_pred_m
correlation_matrices[t_index]['PFP'] = \
p_pred_m @ transition_matrix_m_plus_1.T @ np.linalg.inv(p_pred_m_plus_1)
# generate prediction matrix
p_pred = np.zeros((ndim * (prior.nstep+1), ndim * (prior.nstep+1)))
p_pred[(t_index+1) * ndim:, (t_index+1) * ndim:] = P_right_lower
# get all timestamps which has to be recalculated beginning
# with the newest one
timestamps_to_recalculate = prior.timestamps[:t_index]
covars = \
[prior.multi_covar[i * ndim:(i+1) * ndim, i * ndim:(i+1) * ndim]
for i in range(t_index)]
for i, ts in enumerate(timestamps_to_recalculate):
corrs = correlation_matrices[i:]
combined_retrodiction_matrices = self._generate_C_matrices(corrs, ndim)
combined_retrodiction_matrices = combined_retrodiction_matrices[1:]
W_column = np.vstack([c @ covars[i] for c in combined_retrodiction_matrices])
W_row = W_column.T
i2i_plus = slice(i * ndim, (i + 1) * ndim)
i_plus2end = slice((i+1) * ndim, None)
# set covar
p_pred[i2i_plus, i2i_plus] = covars[i]
# set column
p_pred[i_plus2end, i2i_plus] = W_column
# set row
p_pred[i2i_plus, i_plus2end] = W_row
timestamps = sorted(prior.timestamps + [timestamp], reverse=True)
# the act_timestamp parameter is used for the updater to
# know for which timestamp the prediction is calculated
predicted_state = ASDGaussianStatePrediction(
multi_state_vector=x_pred, multi_covar=p_pred,
correlation_matrices=correlation_matrices, timestamps=timestamps,
max_nstep=prior.max_nstep, act_timestamp=timestamp)
return predicted_state
def _generate_C_matrices(self, correlation_matrices, ndim):
combined_retrodiction_matrices = [np.eye(ndim)]
for item in islice(correlation_matrices, 1, None):
combined_retrodiction_matrices[-1] @ item['PFP'])
return combined_retrodiction_matrices
def prune_state(self, predicted_state):
r"""Simple ASD pruning function. Deletes timesteps from the multi
state if it is longer then max_nstep
predicted_state : :class:`~.ASDState`
: :class:`~.ASDState`
:math:`\mathbf{x}_{k|k-1}`, the pruned state and the pruned
state covariance :math:`P_{k|k-1}`
if predicted_state.nstep > predicted_state.max_nstep != 0:
index = predicted_state.max_nstep * predicted_state.ndim
predicted_state.multi_state_vector = \
predicted_state.multi_covar = \
predicted_state.multi_covar[:index, :index]
predicted_state.timestamps = \
predicted_state.correlation_matrices = \
return predicted_state
return predicted_state