from typing import Sequence
import numpy as np
from ..base import Property
from stonesoup.movable import FixedMovable
from stonesoup.movable.action.move_position_action import NStepDirectionalGridActionGenerator
from stonesoup.types.state import State
class _GridActionableMovable(FixedMovable):
"""Base class for movables which move in a grid like fashion. To be used with
generator = None
_generator_kwargs = {'action_space', 'action_mapping', 'resolution'}
action_space: np.ndarray = Property(
doc="The bounds of the action space that should not be exceeded. Of shape (ndim, 2) "
"where ndim is the length of the action_mapping. For example, "
":code:`np.array([[xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax]])`."
action_mapping: Sequence[int] = Property(
default=(0, 1),
doc="The state dimensions that actions are applied to."
resolution: float = Property(
doc="The size of each grid cell. Cells are assumed square."
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._next_action = None
def actions(self, timestamp, start_timestamp=None):
"""Method to return a set of grid action generators available up to a provided timestamp.
A generator is returned for each actionable property that the sensor has.
timestamp: datetime.datetime
Time of action finish.
start_timestamp: datetime.datetime, optional
Time of action start.
: set of :class:`~.GridActionGenerator`
Set of grid action generators, that describe the bounds of each action space.
generators = set()
**{name: getattr(self, name) for name in type(self)._generator_kwargs}))
return generators
def move(self, timestamp, *args, **kwargs):
current_time = self.states[-1].timestamp
new_state = State.from_state(self.state, timestamp=timestamp)
new_state.state_vector = new_state.state_vector.copy()
action = self._next_action
if action is not None:
self.position = action.act(current_time, timestamp, self.position)
self._next_action = None
def add_actions(self, actions):
self._next_action = actions[0]
return True
def act(self, timestamp, *args, **kwargs):
self.move(timestamp, *args, **kwargs)
class NStepDirectionalGridMovable(_GridActionableMovable):
"""This is a movable that enables movement in a grid like fashion according
to a number of steps and step sizes. Actions are applied symmetrically on the
action space allowing for movement in both positive and negative directions
of each axis. This movable implements the :class:`~.NStepDirectionalGridActionGenerator`"""
generator = NStepDirectionalGridActionGenerator
_generator_kwargs = _GridActionableMovable._generator_kwargs | {'n_steps', 'step_size'}
n_steps: int = Property(
doc="The number of steps that can be moved in either direction "
"along specified dimensions"
step_size: int = Property(
doc="The number of grid cells per step"