from typing import Sequence, Union
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm
from scipy.special import erf
from ...base import Property
from ...types.numeric import Probability
from ...types.array import StateVector, CovarianceMatrix, StateVectors
from ..base import GaussianModel
from .base import MeasurementModel
from ...types.state import State
class IsotropicPlume(GaussianModel, MeasurementModel):
r"""This is a class implementing the isotropic plume model for
approximating the resulting plume from gas release. Mathematical
formulation of the algorithm can be seen in [1]_ and [2]_.
The model assumes isotropic diffusivity and mean wind velocity,
source strength and turbulent conditions.
The model calculates the concentration level at a given location
based on the provided source term. The model employs a sensing
threshold for deciding if gas has been detected or if the reading
is just sensor noise and turbulent conditions are accounted for
using a missed detection probability. The source term if formed
according to the following:
.. math::
\mathbf{S} = \left[\begin{array}{c}
x \\
y \\
z \\
Q \\
u \\
\phi \\
\zeta_1 \\
where :math:`x, y` and :math:`z` are the source position in 3D Cartesian
space, :math:`Q` is the emission rate/strength in g/s, :math:`u` is the
wind speed in m/s, :math:`\phi` is the wind direction in radians,
:math:`\zeta_1` is the diffusivity of the gas in the environment and
:math:`\zeta_2` is the lifetime of the gas.
The concentration is calculated according to
.. math::
\mathcal{M}(\vec{x}_k, \Theta_k) = \frac{Q}{4\pi\Vert\vec{x}_k-\vec{p}^s\Vert}
where :math:`\vec{x}_k` is the position of the sensor in 3D Cartesian space
(:math:`[x_k\quad y_k\quad z_k]^\intercal`), :math:`\vec{p}^s` is the source location
(:math:`[x\quad y\quad z]^\intercal`) and
.. math::
\lambda = \sqrt{\frac{\zeta_1\zeta_2}{1+\frac{(u^2\zeta_2)}{4\zeta_1}}}.
.. [1] Vergassola, Massima & Villermaux, Emmanuel & Shraiman, Boris I. "'Infotaxis'
as a strategy for searching without gradients", Nature, vol. 445, 406-409, 2007
.. [2] Hutchinson, Michael & Liu, Cunjia & Chen, Wen-Hua, "Source term estimation of
a hazardous airborne release using an unmanned aerial vehicle", Journal of Field
Robotics, Vol. 36, 797-917, 2019
ndim_state: int = Property(
doc="Number of state dimensions"
mapping: Sequence[int] = Property(
default=tuple(range(0, 8)),
doc="Mapping between measurement and state dims"
min_noise: float = Property(
doc="Minimum sensor noise"
standard_deviation_percentage: float = Property(
doc="Standard deviation as a percentage of the concentration level"
translation_offset: StateVector = Property(
doc="A 3x1 array specifying the Cartesian origin offset in terms of :math:`x,y,z` "
missed_detection_probability: Probability = Property(
doc="The probability that the detection has detection has been affected by turbulence."
sensing_threshold: float = Property(
doc="Measurement threshold. Should be set high enough to minimise false detections."
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Ensure that the translation offset is initiated
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Set values to defaults if not provided
if self.translation_offset is None:
self.translation_offset = StateVector([0] * 3)
def covar(self, **kwargs) -> CovarianceMatrix:
raise NotImplementedError('Covariance for IsotropicPlume is dependant on the '
'measurement as well as standard deviation!')
def ndim_meas(self) -> int:
return 1
def function(self, state: State, noise: Union[bool, np.ndarray] = False, **kwargs) -> Union[
StateVector, StateVectors]:
r"""Model function :math:`h(\vec{x}_t,\vec{v}_t)`
state: :class:`~.StateVector`
An input source term state vector
noise: :class:`numpy.ndarray` or bool
An externally generated random process noise sample (the default is
`False`, in which case no noise will be added
if 'True', the output of :meth:`~.Model.rvs` is added). If `False`,
then the model also does not consider the :attr:`sensing_threshold`
and :attr:`missed_detection_probability`
: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape (1, 1)
The model function evaluated with the provided source term
x, y, z, Q, u, phi, ci, cii = state.state_vector[self.mapping, :].view(np.ndarray)
px, py, pz = self.translation_offset
lambda_ = np.sqrt((ci * cii)/(1 + (u**2 * cii)/(4 * ci)))
abs_dist = np.linalg.norm(state.state_vector[self.mapping[:3], :]
- self.translation_offset, axis=0)
# prevent divide by zero when converging on the source location
abs_dist[abs_dist < 0.1] = 0.1
C = Q / (4 * np.pi * ci * abs_dist) * np.exp(
(-(px - x) * u * np.cos(phi) / (2 * ci)) + (-(py - y) * u * np.sin(phi) / (2 * ci))
+ (-1 * abs_dist / lambda_))
C = np.atleast_2d(C)
if noise:
C += self.rvs(state=C.view(StateVectors),
# measurement thresholding
C[C < self.sensing_threshold] = 0
# missed detections
flag = np.random.uniform(size=state.state_vector.shape[1]) \
> (1 - self.missed_detection_probability)
C[:, flag] = 0
return C.view(StateVectors)
def logpdf(self, state1: State, state2: State, **kwargs) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]:
r"""Model log pdf/likelihood evaluation function
Evaluates the log pdf/likelihood of ``state1``, given the state
``state2`` which is passed to :meth:`function()`.
This function implements the likelihood functions from
:meth:`~.pdf` that have been converted to the log space.
state1 : :class:`~.State`
state2 : :class:`~.State`
: float or :class:`~.numpy.ndarray`
The log likelihood of ``state1``, given ``state2``
p_m = self.missed_detection_probability
nd_sigma = self.sensing_threshold
pred_meas = self.function(state2, **kwargs)
if state1.state_vector[0] <= self.sensing_threshold:
pdf = p_m + ((1-p_m) * 1/2 * (1+erf((self.sensing_threshold - pred_meas)
/ (nd_sigma * np.sqrt(2)))))
likelihood = np.atleast_1d(np.log(pdf)).view(np.ndarray)
d_sigma = self.standard_deviation_percentage * pred_meas + self.min_noise
with np.errstate(divide="ignore"):
likelihood = np.atleast_1d(np.log(1/(d_sigma*np.sqrt(2*np.pi)) *
** 2)/(2*d_sigma**2)))).view(np.ndarray)
if len(likelihood) == 1:
likelihood = likelihood[0]
return likelihood
def pdf(self, state1: State, state2: State, **kwargs) -> Union[Probability, np.ndarray]:
r"""Model pdf/likelihood evaluation function
Evaluates the pdf/likelihood of ``state1``, given the state
``state2`` which is passed to :meth:`function()`.
This function implements the following likelihood function,
adapted from (12) in [2]_, removing the background sensor noise
.. math::
p(z_k|\Theta_k) = \frac{1}{\sigma_d\sqrt{2\pi}}\text{exp}
where :math:`z_k` = ``state1``, :math:`\Theta_k` = ``state2``,
:math:`\hat{z}_k` = :meth:`~.Model.function` on ``state2``
and :math:`\sigma_d` is the measurement standard deviation
assuming the measurement arose from a true gas detection.
This is given by
.. math::
\sigma_d = \sigma_{\text{percentage}} \cdot \hat{z} + \nu_{\text{min}},
where :math:`\sigma_{\text{percentage}}` = :attr:`standard_deviation_percentage`
and :math:`\nu_{\text{min}}` = :attr:`noise`. In the
event that a measurement is below the sensor threshold or
missed, a different likelihood function is used. This is
given by
.. math::
p(z_k|\Theta_k) = (P_m) + \left((1-P_m)\cdot\frac{1}{2}\left[1+\text{erf}
where :math:`P_m` = :attr:`missed_detection_probability`,
:math:`\sigma_m` is the missed detection standard deviation
which is implemented as equal to :attr:`sensing_threshold`
and :math:`\text{erf}()` is the error function.
state1 : :class:`~.State`
state2 : :class:`~.State`
: :class:`~.Probability`
The likelihood of ``state1``, given ``state2``
return super().pdf(state1, state2, **kwargs)
def rvs(self, state: Union[StateVector, StateVectors], num_samples: int = 1,
random_state=None, **kwargs) -> Union[StateVector, StateVectors]:
r"""Model noise/sample generation function
Generates noise samples from the model. For this noise, the magnitude
of sensor noise depends on the measurement. Thus, the noise term is given by
.. math::
\nu_k = \mathcal{N}\left(0,(\sigma_{\text{percentage}}\cdot z_k)^2\right).
state: :class:`~.StateVector` or :class:`~.StateVectors`
The measured state (concentration for this model) used
to scale the noise term.
num_samples: scalar, optional
The number of samples to be generated (the default is 1).
noise : 2-D array of shape (:attr:`ndim`, ``num_samples``)
A set of Np samples, generated from the model's noise
random_state = random_state if random_state is not None else self.random_state
noise = norm.rvs(loc=np.zeros(self.ndim_meas),
noise = np.atleast_2d(noise)
if num_samples == 1:
return noise.view(StateVector)
return noise.view(StateVectors)