from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Sequence
from .base import Hypothesiser
from ..base import Property
from ..predictor.composite import CompositePredictor
from ..types.hypothesis import CompositeProbabilityHypothesis
from ..types.multihypothesis import MultipleHypothesis
class CompositeHypothesiser(Hypothesiser):
"""Composite hypothesiser type
A composition of ordered sub-hyposisers (:class:`~.Hypothesiser`). Hypothesises each
sub-state of a track-detection pair using a corresponding sub-hypothesiser.
sub_hypothesisers: Sequence[Hypothesiser] = Property(
doc="Sequence of sub-hypothesisers comprising the composite hypothesiser. Must not be "
"empty. These must be hypothesisers that return probability-weighted hypotheses, in "
"order for composite hypothesis weights to be calculated.")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if len(self.sub_hypothesisers) == 0:
raise ValueError("Cannot create an empty composite hypothesiser")
if any(not isinstance(sub_hypothesiser, Hypothesiser)
for sub_hypothesiser in self.sub_hypothesisers):
raise ValueError("All sub-hypothesisers must be a hypothesiser type")
# create predictor as composition of sub-hypothesisers' predictors
sub_predictors = list()
for sub_hypothesiser in self.sub_hypothesisers:
self.predictor = CompositePredictor(sub_predictors)
def hypothesise(self, track, detections, timestamp):
"""Evaluate and return all track association hypotheses.
For a given track and a set of N available detections, return a MultipleHypothesis object
composed of N+1 :class:`~.CompositeProbabilityHypothesis` (including a null hypothesis),
each with an associated probability.
track: :class:`~.Track`
The track object to hypothesise on, existing in a composite state space
detections: :class:`set`
A set of :class:`~CompositeDetection` objects, representing the available detections.
timestamp: :class:`datetime.datetime`
A timestamp used when evaluating the state and measurement predictions. Note that if a
given detection has a non empty timestamp, then prediction will be performed according
to the timestamp of the detection.
: :class:`~.MultipleHypothesis`
A container of :class:`~CompositeHypothesis` objects, each of which containing a
sequence of :class:`~.SingleHypothesis` objects
all_hypotheses = list()
# Common state & measurement prediction
prediction = self.predictor.predict(track, timestamp=timestamp)
null_sub_hypotheses = list()
# as each detection is composite, it will have a set of sub-hypotheses paired to it
detections_hypotheses = defaultdict(list)
# loop over the sub-states of the track and sub-hypothesisers
for sub_state_index, (sub_state, sub_hypothesiser) in enumerate(
zip(track[-1].sub_states, self.sub_hypothesisers)):
# store all sub-detections produced from sub-state index i
sub_state_detections = set()
# need way to get whole composite detections back from their i-th components
# create dictionary, keyed by the i-th components, where the value is whole detection
# will keep track of all detections that have an i-th component
relevant_detections = dict()
for detection in detections:
sub_detection_index = detection.mapping.index(sub_state_index)
except ValueError:
sub_detection = detection[sub_detection_index]
relevant_detections[sub_detection] = detection
# get all hypotheses for the i-th component, considering i-th component of track state
sub_hypotheses = sub_hypothesiser.hypothesise(sub_state, sub_state_detections,
# get the set of single hypotheses back
sub_hypotheses = sub_hypotheses.single_hypotheses
# Store sub-null-hypothesis for detections that didn't have i-th component
sub_null_hypothesis = None
while sub_hypotheses:
sub_hypothesis = sub_hypotheses.pop()
if not sub_hypothesis:
sub_null_hypothesis = sub_hypothesis
# get whole detection back, using
relevant_detection = relevant_detections[sub_hypothesis.measurement]
# Add hypothesis to detection's hypotheses container
# For detections without i-th component, use sub-missed detection hypothesis
for detection in detections - set(relevant_detections.values()):
# Add sub-null-hypothesis to composite null hypothesis
# add a composite hypothesis for each detection
for detection in detections:
# get all sub-hypotheses for detection
sub_hypotheses = detections_hypotheses[detection]
# add null-hypothesis
return MultipleHypothesis(all_hypotheses, normalise=True, total_weight=1)
def __contains__(self, item):
return self.sub_hypothesisers.__contains__(item)
def __getitem__(self, index):
"""Can be indexed as a list, or sliced, in which case a new composite hypothesiser will be
created from the sub-list of sub-hypothesisers."""
if isinstance(index, slice):
return self.__class__(self.sub_hypothesisers.__getitem__(index))
return self.sub_hypothesisers.__getitem__(index)
def __iter__(self):
return self.sub_hypothesisers.__iter__()
def __len__(self):
return self.sub_hypothesisers.__len__()