Source code for stonesoup.functions

"""Mathematical functions used within Stone Soup"""
import copy
import warnings

import numpy as np

from ..types.numeric import Probability
from ..types.array import StateVector, StateVectors, CovarianceMatrix
from ..types.state import State

[docs] def tria(matrix): """Square Root Matrix Triangularization Given a rectangular square root matrix obtain a square lower-triangular square root matrix Parameters ========== matrix : numpy.ndarray A `n` by `m` matrix that is generally not square. Returns ======= numpy.ndarray A square lower-triangular matrix. """ _, upper_triangular = np.linalg.qr(matrix.T) lower_triangular = upper_triangular.T index = [col for col, val in enumerate(np.diag(lower_triangular)) if val < 0] lower_triangular[:, index] *= -1 return lower_triangular
[docs] def cholesky_eps(A, lower=False): """Perform a Cholesky decomposition on a nearly positive-definite matrix. This should return similar results to NumPy/SciPy Cholesky decompositions, but compromises for cases for non positive-definite matrix. Parameters ---------- A : numpy.ndarray Symmetric positive-definite matrix. lower : bool Whether to return lower or upper triangular decomposition. Default `False` which returns upper. Returns ------- L : numpy.ndarray Upper/lower triangular Cholesky decomposition. """ eps = np.spacing(np.max(np.diag(A))) L = np.zeros(A.shape) for i in range(A.shape[0]): for j in range(i): L[i, j] = (A[i, j] - L[i, :]@L[j, :].T) / L[j, j] val = A[i, i] - L[i, :]@L[i, :].T L[i, i] = np.sqrt(val) if val > eps else np.sqrt(eps) if lower: return L else: return L.T
[docs] def jacobian(fun, x, **kwargs): """Compute Jacobian through finite difference calculation Parameters ---------- fun : function handle A (non-linear) transition function Must be of the form "y = fun(x)", where y can be a scalar or \ :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(Nd, 1)` or `(Nd,)` x : :class:`State` A state with state vector of shape `(Ns, 1)` Returns ------- jac: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(Nd, Ns)` The computed Jacobian """ ndim, _ = np.shape(x.state_vector) # For numerical reasons the step size needs to large enough. Aim for 1e-8 # relative to spacing between floating point numbers for each dimension delta = 1e8*np.spacing(x.state_vector.astype(np.float64).ravel()) # But at least 1e-8 # TODO: Is this needed? If not, note special case at zero. delta[delta < 1e-8] = 1e-8 x2 = copy.copy(x) # Create a clone of the input x2.state_vector = np.tile(x.state_vector, ndim+1) + np.eye(ndim, ndim+1)*delta[:, np.newaxis] x2.state_vector = x2.state_vector.view(StateVectors) F = fun(x2, **kwargs) jac = np.divide(F[:, :ndim] - F[:, -1:], delta) return jac.astype(np.float64)
[docs] def gauss2sigma(state, alpha=1.0, beta=2.0, kappa=None): """ Approximate a given distribution to a Gaussian, using a deterministically selected set of sigma points. Parameters ---------- state : :class:`~State` A state object capable of returning a :class:`~.StateVector` of shape `(Ns, 1)` representing the Gaussian mean and a :class:`~.CovarianceMatrix` of shape `(Ns, Ns)` which is the covariance of the distribution alpha : float, optional Spread of the sigma points. Typically `1e-3`. (default is 1) beta : float, optional Used to incorporate prior knowledge of the distribution 2 is optimal if the state is normally distributed. (default is 2) kappa : float, optional Secondary spread scaling parameter (default is calculated as `3-Ns`) Returns ------- : :class:`list` of length `2*Ns+1` An list of States containing the locations of the sigma points. Note that only the :attr:`state_vector` attribute in these States will be meaningful. Other quantities, like :attr:`covar` will be inherited from the input and don't really make sense for a sigma point. : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(2*Ns+1,)` An array containing the sigma point mean weights : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(2*Ns+1,)` An array containing the sigma point covariance weights """ ndim_state = np.shape(state.state_vector)[0] if kappa is None: kappa = 3.0 - ndim_state # Compute Square Root matrix via Colesky decomp. try: sqrt_sigma = np.linalg.cholesky(state.covar) except np.linalg.LinAlgError as e: warnings.warn(repr(e)) sqrt_sigma = cholesky_eps(state.covar) # Calculate scaling factor for all off-center points alpha2 = np.power(alpha, 2) lamda = alpha2 * (ndim_state + kappa) - ndim_state c = ndim_state + lamda # Calculate sigma point locations sigma_points = StateVectors([state.state_vector for _ in range(2 * ndim_state + 1)]) # Cast dtype from int to float to avoid rounding errors if np.issubdtype(sigma_points.dtype, np.integer): sigma_points = sigma_points.astype(float) # Can't use in place addition/subtraction as casting issues may arise when mixing float/int sigma_points[:, 1:(ndim_state + 1)] = \ sigma_points[:, 1:(ndim_state + 1)] + sqrt_sigma*np.sqrt(c) sigma_points[:, (ndim_state + 1):] = \ sigma_points[:, (ndim_state + 1):] - sqrt_sigma*np.sqrt(c) # Put these sigma points into s State object list sigma_points_states = [] for sigma_point in sigma_points: state_copy = copy.copy(state) state_copy.state_vector = StateVector(sigma_point) sigma_points_states.append(state_copy) # Calculate weights mean_weights = np.ones(2 * ndim_state + 1) mean_weights[0] = lamda / c mean_weights[1:] = 0.5 / c covar_weights = np.copy(mean_weights) covar_weights[0] = lamda / c + (1 - alpha2 + beta) return sigma_points_states, mean_weights, covar_weights
[docs] def sigma2gauss(sigma_points, mean_weights, covar_weights, covar_noise=None): """Calculate estimated mean and covariance from a given set of sigma points Parameters ---------- sigma_points : :class:`~.StateVectors` of shape `(Ns, 2*Ns+1)` An array containing the locations of the sigma points mean_weights : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(2*Ns+1,)` An array containing the sigma point mean weights covar_weights : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(2*Ns+1,)` An array containing the sigma point covariance weights covar_noise : :class:`~.CovarianceMatrix` of shape `(Ns, Ns)`, optional Additive noise covariance matrix (default is `None`) Returns ------- : :class:`~.StateVector` of shape `(Ns, 1)` Calculated mean : :class:`~.CovarianceMatrix` of shape `(Ns, Ns)` Calculated covariance """ mean = np.average(sigma_points, axis=1, weights=mean_weights) points_diff = sigma_points - mean covar = points_diff @ np.diag(covar_weights) @ (points_diff.T) if covar_noise is not None: covar = covar + covar_noise return mean.view(StateVector), covar.view(CovarianceMatrix)
[docs] def unscented_transform(sigma_points_states, mean_weights, covar_weights, fun, points_noise=None, covar_noise=None): """ Apply the Unscented Transform to a set of sigma points Apply f to points (with secondary argument points_noise, if available), then approximate the resulting mean and covariance. If sigma_noise is available, treat it as additional variance due to additive noise. Parameters ---------- sigma_points_states : :class:`~.StateVectors` of shape `(Ns, 2*Ns+1)` An array containing the locations of the sigma points mean_weights : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(2*Ns+1,)` An array containing the sigma point mean weights covar_weights : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(2*Ns+1,)` An array containing the sigma point covariance weights fun : function handle A (non-linear) transition function Must be of the form "y = fun(x,w)", where y can be a scalar or \ :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(Ns, 1)` or `(Ns,)` covar_noise : :class:`~.CovarianceMatrix` of shape `(Ns, Ns)`, optional Additive noise covariance matrix (default is `None`) points_noise : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(Ns, 2*Ns+1,)`, optional points to pass into f's second argument (default is `None`) Returns ------- : :class:`~.StateVector` of shape `(Ns, 1)` Transformed mean : :class:`~.CovarianceMatrix` of shape `(Ns, Ns)` Transformed covariance : :class:`~.CovarianceMatrix` of shape `(Ns,Nm)` Calculated cross-covariance matrix : :class:`~.StateVectors` of shape `(Ns, 2*Ns+1)` An array containing the locations of the transformed sigma points : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(2*Ns+1,)` An array containing the transformed sigma point mean weights : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(2*Ns+1,)` An array containing the transformed sigma point covariance weights """ # Reconstruct the sigma_points matrix sigma_points = StateVectors([ sigma_points_state.state_vector for sigma_points_state in sigma_points_states]) # Transform points through f if points_noise is None: sigma_points_t = StateVectors([ fun(sigma_points_state) for sigma_points_state in sigma_points_states]) else: sigma_points_t = StateVectors([ fun(sigma_points_state, points_noise) for sigma_points_state, point_noise in zip(sigma_points_states, points_noise.T)]) # Calculate mean and covariance approximation mean, covar = sigma2gauss(sigma_points_t, mean_weights, covar_weights, covar_noise) # Calculate cross-covariance cross_covar = ( (sigma_points-sigma_points[:, 0:1]) @ np.diag(covar_weights) @ (sigma_points_t-mean).T ).view(CovarianceMatrix) return mean, covar, cross_covar, sigma_points_t, mean_weights, covar_weights
[docs] def cart2pol(x, y): """Convert Cartesian coordinates to Polar Parameters ---------- x: float The x coordinate y: float the y coordinate Returns ------- (float, float) A tuple of the form `(range, bearing)` """ rho = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) phi = np.arctan2(y, x) return (rho, phi)
[docs] def cart2sphere(x, y, z): """Convert Cartesian coordinates to Spherical Parameters ---------- x: float The x coordinate y: float the y coordinate z: float the z coordinate Returns ------- (float, float, float) A tuple of the form `(range, bearing, elevation)` bearing and elevation in radians. Elevation is measured from x, y plane """ rho = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) phi = np.arctan2(y, x) theta = np.arcsin(z / rho) return (rho, phi, theta)
[docs] def cart2angles(x, y, z): """Convert Cartesian coordinates to Angles Parameters ---------- x: float The x coordinate y: float the y coordinate z: float the z coordinate Returns ------- (float, float) A tuple of the form `(bearing, elevation)` bearing and elevation in radians. Elevation is measured from x, y plane """ _, phi, theta = cart2sphere(x, y, z) return (phi, theta)
[docs] def pol2cart(rho, phi): """Convert Polar coordinates to Cartesian Parameters ---------- rho: float Range(a.k.a. radial distance) phi: float Bearing, expressed in radians Returns ------- (float, float) A tuple of the form `(x, y)` """ x = rho * np.cos(phi) y = rho * np.sin(phi) return (x, y)
[docs] def sphere2cart(rho, phi, theta): """Convert Polar coordinates to Cartesian Parameters ---------- rho: float Range(a.k.a. radial distance) phi: float Bearing, expressed in radians theta: float Elevation expressed in radians, measured from x, y plane Returns ------- (float, float, float) A tuple of the form `(x, y, z)` """ x = rho * np.cos(phi) * np.cos(theta) y = rho * np.sin(phi) * np.cos(theta) z = rho * np.sin(theta) return (x, y, z)
[docs] def cart2az_el_rg(x, y, z): """Convert Cartesian to azimuth (phi), elevation(theta), and range(rho) Parameters ---------- x: float The x coordinate y: float the y coordinate z: float the z coordinate Returns ------- (float, float, float) A tuple of the form `(phi, theta, rho)` """ rho = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) phi = np.arcsin(x / rho) theta = np.arcsin(y / rho) return phi, theta, rho
[docs] def az_el_rg2cart(phi, theta, rho): """Convert azimuth (phi), elevation(theta), and range(rho) to Cartesian Parameters ---------- phi: float azimuth, expressed in radians theta: float Elevation expressed in radians, measured from x, y plane rho: float Range(a.k.a. radial distance) Returns ------- (float, float, float) A tuple of the form `(phi, theta, rho)` """ x = rho * np.sin(phi) y = rho * np.sin(theta) z = rho * np.sqrt(1.0 - np.sin(theta)**2 - np.sin(phi)**2) return x, y, z
[docs] def rotx(theta): r"""Rotation matrix for rotations around x-axis For a given rotation angle: :math:`\theta`, this function evaluates \ and returns the rotation matrix: .. math:: R_{x}(\theta) = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & cos(\theta) & -sin(\theta) \\ 0 & sin(\theta) & cos(\theta) \end{bmatrix} :label: Rx Parameters ---------- theta: Union[float, np.ndarray] Rotation angle specified as a real-valued number or an \ :class:`np.ndarray` of reals. The rotation angle is positive if the \ rotation is in the clockwise direction when viewed by an observer \ looking down the x-axis towards the origin. Angle units are in radians. Returns ------- : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape (3, 3) or (3, 3, n) for array input Rotation matrix around x-axis of the form :eq:`Rx`. """ c, s = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta) zero = np.zeros_like(theta) one = np.ones_like(theta) return np.array([[one, zero, zero], [zero, c, -s], [zero, s, c]])
[docs] def roty(theta): r"""Rotation matrix for rotations around y-axis For a given rotation angle: :math:`\theta`, this function evaluates \ and returns the rotation matrix: .. math:: R_{y}(\theta) = \begin{bmatrix} cos(\theta) & 0 & sin(\theta) \\ 0 & 1 & 0 \\ - sin(\theta) & 0 & cos(\theta) \end{bmatrix} :label: Ry Parameters ---------- theta: Union[float, np.ndarray] Rotation angle specified as a real-valued number or an \ :class:`np.ndarray` of reals. The rotation angle is positive if the \ rotation is in the clockwise direction when viewed by an observer \ looking down the y-axis towards the origin. Angle units are in radians. Returns ------- : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape (3, 3) or (3, 3, n) for array input Rotation matrix around y-axis of the form :eq:`Ry`. """ c, s = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta) zero = np.zeros_like(theta) one = np.ones_like(theta) return np.array([[c, zero, s], [zero, one, zero], [-s, zero, c]])
[docs] def rotz(theta): r"""Rotation matrix for rotations around z-axis For a given rotation angle: :math:`\theta`, this function evaluates \ and returns the rotation matrix: .. math:: R_{z}(\theta) = \begin{bmatrix} cos(\theta) & -sin(\theta) & 0 \\ sin(\theta) & cos(\theta) & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} :label: Rz Parameters ---------- theta: Union[float, np.ndarray] Rotation angle specified as a real-valued number or an \ :class:`np.ndarray` of reals. The rotation angle is positive if the \ rotation is in the clockwise direction when viewed by an observer \ looking down the z-axis towards the origin. Angle units are in radians. Returns ------- : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape (3, 3) or (3, 3, n) for array input Rotation matrix around z-axis of the form :eq:`Rz`. """ c, s = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta) zero = np.zeros_like(theta) one = np.ones_like(theta) return np.array([[c, -s, zero], [s, c, zero], [zero, zero, one]])
[docs] def gm_sample(means, covars, size, weights=None): """Sample from a mixture of multi-variate Gaussians Parameters ---------- means : :class:`~.StateVector`, :class:`~.StateVectors`, :class:`np.ndarray` of shape \ (num_dims, num_components) The means of GM components covars : :class:`np.ndarray` of shape (num_components, num_dims, num_dims) or list of \ :class:`np.ndarray` of shape (num_dims, num_dims) Covariance matrices of the GM components size : int Number of samples to return. weights : :class:`np.ndarray` of shape (num_components, ), optional The weights of the GM components. If not defined, assumed equal. Returns ------- : :class:`~.StateVectors` of shape (num_dims, :attr:`size`)""" if isinstance(means, np.ndarray): if len(means.shape) == 1: means = StateVectors(np.array([means]).T) else: means = StateVectors(means) if isinstance(means, StateVector): means = means.view(StateVectors) if isinstance(means, StateVectors) and weights is None: weights = np.array([1 / means.shape[1]] * means.shape[1]) elif weights is None: weights = np.array([1 / len(means)] * len(means)) n_samples = np.random.multinomial(size, weights) samples = np.vstack([np.random.multivariate_normal(mean.ravel(), covar, sample) for (mean, covar, sample) in zip(means, covars, n_samples)]).T return StateVectors(samples)
[docs] def gm_reduce_single(means, covars, weights): """Reduce mixture of multi-variate Gaussians to single Gaussian Parameters ---------- means : :class:`~.StateVectors` The means of the GM components covars : np.array of shape (num_dims, num_dims, num_components) The covariance matrices of the GM components weights : np.array of shape (num_components,) The weights of the GM components Returns ------- : :class:`~.StateVector` The mean of the reduced/single Gaussian : :class:`~.CovarianceMatrix` The covariance of the reduced/single Gaussian """ # Normalise weights such that they sum to 1 weights = weights / Probability.sum(weights) # Cast means as a StateVectors, so this works with ndarray types means = means.view(StateVectors) # Calculate mean mean = np.average(means, axis=1, weights=weights) # Calculate covar delta_means = means - mean covar = np.sum(covars*weights, axis=2, dtype=np.float64) + weights*delta_means@delta_means.T return mean.view(StateVector), covar.view(CovarianceMatrix)
[docs] def mod_bearing(x): r"""Calculates the modulus of a bearing. Bearing angles are within the \ range :math:`-\pi` to :math:`\pi`. Parameters ---------- x: float bearing angle in radians Returns ------- float Angle in radians in the range math: :math:`-\pi` to :math:`+\pi` """ x = (x+np.pi) % (2.0*np.pi)-np.pi return x
[docs] def mod_elevation(x): r"""Calculates the modulus of an elevation angle. Elevation angles \ are within the range :math:`-\pi/2` to :math:`\pi/2`. Parameters ---------- x: float elevation angle in radians Returns ------- float Angle in radians in the range math: :math:`-\pi/2` to :math:`+\pi/2` """ x = x % (2*np.pi) # limit to 2*pi N = x // (np.pi / 2) # Count # of 90 deg multiples if N == 1: x = np.pi - x elif N == 2: x = np.pi - x elif N == 3: x = x - 2.0 * np.pi elif N == 4: # will only occur on occasions when first operation ('x = ..') returns 2pi to floating # point limit. x = 0.0 return x
[docs] def build_rotation_matrix(angle_vector: np.ndarray): """ Calculates and returns the (3D) axis rotation matrix given a vector of three angles: [roll, pitch/elevation, yaw/azimuth] Order of rotations is in reverse: yaw, pitch, roll (z, y, x) This is the rotation matrix that implements the rotations that convert the input angle_vector to match the x-axis. Parameters ---------- angle_vector : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape (3, 1): the rotations about the :math:'x, y, z' axes. In aircraft/radar terms these correspond to [roll, pitch/elevation, yaw/azimuth] Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape (3, 3) The model (3D) rotation matrix. """ theta_x = -angle_vector[0, 0] # roll theta_y = angle_vector[1, 0] # pitch#elevation theta_z = -angle_vector[2, 0] # yaw#azimuth return rotx(theta_x) @ roty(theta_y) @ rotz(theta_z)
[docs] def build_rotation_matrix_xyz(angle_vector: np.ndarray): """ Calculates and returns the (3D) axis rotation matrix given a vector of three angles: [roll, pitch/elevation, yaw/azimuth] Order of rotations is roll, pitch, yaw (x, y, z) This is the rotation matrix that implements the rotations that convert a vector aligned to the x-axis to the input angle_vector. Parameters ---------- angle_vector : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape (3, 1): the rotations about the :math:'x, y, z' axes. In aircraft/radar terms these correspond to [roll, pitch/elevation, yaw/azimuth] Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape (3, 3) The model (3D) rotation matrix. """ theta_x = -angle_vector[0, 0] # roll theta_y = angle_vector[1, 0] # pitch#elevation theta_z = -angle_vector[2, 0] # yaw#azimuth return rotz(theta_z) @ roty(theta_y) @ rotx(theta_x)
[docs] def dotproduct(a, b): r"""Returns the dot (or scalar) product of two StateVectors or two sets of StateVectors. The result for vectors of length :math:`n` is :math:`\Sigma_i^n a_i b_i`. Parameters ---------- a : StateVector, StateVectors A (set of) state vector(s) b : StateVector, StateVectors A state vector(s) object of equal dimension to :math:`a` Returns ------- : float, numpy.array A (set of) scalar value(s) representing the dot product of the vectors. """ if np.shape(a) != np.shape(b): raise ValueError("Inputs must be (a collection of) column vectors of the same dimension") # Decide whether this is a StateVector or a StateVectors if type(a) is StateVector and type(b) is StateVector: return np.sum(a * b) elif type(a) is StateVectors and type(b) is StateVectors: return np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(np.sum(a * b, axis=0))) else: raise ValueError("Inputs must be `StateVector` or `StateVectors` and of the same type")
[docs] def sde_euler_maruyama_integration(fun, t_values, state_x0): """Perform SDE Euler Maruyama Integration Performs Stochastic Differential Equation Integration using the Euler Maruyama method. Parameters ---------- fun : callable Function to integrate. t_values : list of :class:`float` Time values to integrate over state_x0 : :class:`~.State` Initial state for time in first value in :obj:`t_values`. Returns ------- : :class:`~.StateVector` Final value for the time in last value in :obj:`t_values` """ state_x = copy.deepcopy(state_x0) for t, next_t in zip(t_values[:-1], t_values[1:]): delta_t = next_t - t delta_w = np.random.normal(scale=np.sqrt(delta_t), size=(state_x.ndim, 1)) a, b = fun(state_x, t) state_x.state_vector = state_x.state_vector + a*delta_t + b@delta_w return state_x.state_vector
[docs] def gauss2cubature(state, alpha=1.0): r"""Evaluate the cubature points for an input Gaussian state. This is done under the assumption that the input state is :math:`\mathcal{N}(\mathbf{\mu}, \Sigma)` of dimension :math:`n`. We calculate the square root of the covariance (via Cholesky factorization), and find the cubature points, :math:`X`, as, .. math:: \Sigma &= S S^T X_i &= S \xi_i + \mathbf{\mu} for :math:`i = 1,...,2n`, where :math:`\xi_i = \sqrt{ \alpha n} [\pm \mathbf{1}]_i` and :math:`[\pm \mathbf{1}]_i` are the positive and negative unit vectors in each dimension. We include a scaling parameter :math:`\alpha` to allow the selection of cubature points closer to the mean or more in the tails, as a potentially useful free parameter. Parameters ---------- state : :class:`~.GaussianState` A Gaussian state with mean and covariance alpha : float, optional scaling parameter allowing the selection of cubature points closer to the mean (lower values) or further from the mean (higher values) Returns ------- : :class:`~.StateVectors` Cubature points (as a :class:`~.StateVectors` of dimension :math:`n \times 2n`) """ ndim_state = np.shape(state.state_vector)[0] sqrt_covar = np.linalg.cholesky(state.covar) cuba_points = np.sqrt(alpha*ndim_state) * np.hstack((np.identity(ndim_state), -np.identity(ndim_state))) if np.issubdtype(cuba_points.dtype, np.integer): cuba_points = cuba_points.astype(float) cuba_points = sqrt_covar@cuba_points + state.mean return StateVectors(cuba_points)
[docs] def cubature2gauss(cubature_points, covar_noise=None, alpha=1.0): r"""Get the predicted Gaussian mean and covariance from the cubature points. For dimension :math:`n` there are :math:`m = 2n` cubature points. The mean is, .. math:: \mu = \frac{1}{m} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{m} X_i and the covariance .. math:: \Sigma = \frac{1}{\alpha}\left(\frac{1}{m} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{m} X_i X_i^T - \mathbf{\mu}\mathbf{\mu}^T\right) + Q where :math:`Q` is an optional additive noise matrix. The scaling parameter :math:`\alpha` allow the for cubature points closer to the mean or more in the tails, Parameters ---------- cubature_points : :class:`~.StateVectors` Cubature points (as a :class:`~.StateVectors` of dimension :math:`n \times 2n`) covar_noise : :class:`~.CovarianceMatrix` of shape `(Ns, Ns)`, optional Additive noise covariance matrix (default is `None`) alpha : float, optional scaling parameter allowing the nomination of cubature points closer to the mean (lower values) or further from the mean (higher values) Returns ------- : :class:`~.GaussianState` A Gaussian state with mean and covariance """ m = np.shape(cubature_points)[1] mean = np.average(cubature_points, axis=1) sigma_mult = cubature_points @ cubature_points.T mean_mult = mean @ mean.T covar = (1/alpha)*((1/m)*sigma_mult - mean_mult) if covar_noise is not None: covar = covar + covar_noise return mean.view(StateVector), covar.view(CovarianceMatrix)
[docs] def cubature_transform(state, fun, points_noise=None, covar_noise=None, alpha=1.0): r"""Undertakes the cubature transform as described in [#f]_ Given a Gaussian distribution, calculates the set of cubature points using :meth:`gauss2cubature`, then passes these through the given function and reconstructs the Gaussian using :meth:`cubature2gauss`. Returns the mean, covariance, cross covariance and transformed cubature points. This instance includes a scaling parameter :math:`\alpha`, not included in the reference detailed above, which allows for the selection of cubature points closer to, or further from, tne mean. Parameters ---------- state : :class:`~.GaussianState` A Gaussian state with mean and covariance fun : function handle A (non-linear) transition function Must be of the form "y = fun(x,w)", where y can be a scalar or \ :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(Ns, 1)` or `(Ns,)` covar_noise : :class:`~.CovarianceMatrix` of shape `(Ns, Ns)`, optional Additive noise covariance matrix (default is `None`) points_noise : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(Ns, 2*Ns+1,)`, optional points to pass into f's second argument (default is `None`) alpha : float, optional scaling parameter allowing the selection of cubature points closer to the mean (lower values) or further from the mean (higher values) Returns ------- : :class:`~.StateVector` of shape `(Ns, 1)` Transformed mean : :class:`~.CovarianceMatrix` of shape `(Ns, Ns)` Transformed covariance : :class:`~.CovarianceMatrix` of shape `(Ns,Nm)` Calculated cross-covariance matrix : :class:`~.StateVectors` of shape `(Ns, 2*Ns)` An array containing the locations of the transformed cubature points References ---------- .. [#f] I. Arasaratnam and S. Haykin, “Cubature Kalman Filters,” in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 1254-1269, June 2009, doi: 10.1109/TAC.2009.2019800. """ ndim_state = np.shape(state.state_vector)[0] cubature_points = gauss2cubature(state) if points_noise is None: cubature_points_t = StateVectors([fun(State(cub_point)) for cub_point in cubature_points]) else: cubature_points_t = StateVectors([ fun(State(cub_point), points_noise) for cub_point, point_noise in zip(cubature_points, points_noise)]) mean, covar = cubature2gauss(cubature_points_t, covar_noise) cross_covar = (1/alpha)*((1./(2*ndim_state))*cubature_points@cubature_points_t.T - np.average(cubature_points, axis=1)@mean.T) cross_covar = cross_covar.view(CovarianceMatrix) return mean, covar, cross_covar, cubature_points_t