import datetime
from collections import defaultdict
from operator import attrgetter
from typing import Sequence
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
import rtree
except (ImportError, AttributeError, OSError) as err: # pragma: no cover
# AttributeError or OSError raised when libspatialindex missing or unable to load.
import warnings
warnings.warn(f"Failed to import 'rtree': {err!r}")
rtree = None
from ..base import Base, Property
from ..hypothesiser import Hypothesiser
from ..models.base import LinearModel
from ..models.measurement import MeasurementModel
from ..predictor import Predictor
from ..types.update import Update
from ..updater import Updater
from .neighbour import NearestNeighbour
from .neighbour import GlobalNearestNeighbour
from .neighbour import GNNWith2DAssignment
from .probability import PDA
from .probability import JPDA
class DetectionKDTreeMixIn(Base):
"""Detection kd-tree based mixin
Construct a kd-tree from detections and then use a :class:`~.Predictor` and
:class:`~.Updater` to get prediction of track in measurement space. This is
then queried against the kd-tree, and only matching detections are passed
to the :attr:`hypothesiser`.
This is only suitable where measurements are in same space as each other
(i.e. have the same measurement model) and at the same timestamp.
hypothesiser: Hypothesiser = Property(
doc="Underlying hypothesiser used to generate detection-target pairs")
predictor: Predictor = Property(
doc="Predict tracks to detection times")
updater: Updater = Property(
doc="Updater used to get measurement prediction")
number_of_neighbours: int = Property(
doc="Number of neighbours to find. Default `None`, which means all "
"points within the :attr:`max_distance` are returned.")
max_distance: float = Property(
doc="Max distance to return points. Default `inf`")
max_distance_covariance_multiplier: float = Property(
doc="If set, the max distance will be limited to maximum of covariance "
"diagonal of the track state, multiplied by this attribute, or "
":attr:`max_distance`, whichever is smallest. Default `None` where "
"only :attr:`max_distance` is used."
def generate_hypotheses(self, tracks, detections, timestamp, **kwargs):
# No need for tree here.
if not tracks:
return {}
if not detections:
return {track: self.hypothesiser.hypothesise(
track, detections, timestamp, **kwargs)
for track in tracks}
measurement_models = {detection.measurement_model for detection in detections}
if len(measurement_models) > 1:
raise RuntimeError("KDTree requires all detections have same measurement model")
# Must be single model (or all None)
measurement_model = measurement_models.pop()
detections_list = list(detections)
tree = KDTree(
np.vstack([detection.state_vector[:, 0]
for detection in detections_list]))
track_detections = defaultdict(set)
for track in tracks:
prediction = self.predictor.predict(track, timestamp, **kwargs)
meas_pred = self.updater.predict_measurement(prediction, measurement_model, **kwargs)
if self.max_distance_covariance_multiplier is None:
max_distance = self.max_distance
max_distance = min(
np.max(np.diag(meas_pred.covar)) * self.max_distance_covariance_multiplier)
meas_pred_state_vector = meas_pred.mean
except AttributeError:
meas_pred_state_vector = meas_pred.state_vector
if self.number_of_neighbours is None:
indexes = tree.query_ball_point(
_, indexes = tree.query(
for index in np.atleast_1d(indexes):
# Index is equal to length of detections when no neighbours found
if index != len(detections_list):
return {track: self.hypothesiser.hypothesise(
track, track_detections[track], timestamp, **kwargs)
for track in tracks}
class TPRTreeMixIn(Base):
"""Detection TPR tree based mixin
Construct a TPR-tree to filter detections for generating hypotheses. This assumes
tracks move in constant velocity like model, using the mean and covariance to define
region to look for detections.
This requires that track state has a mean (position and velocity) and covariance, which
is then approximated to a TPR node (position, velocity and time bounding box).
hypothesiser: Hypothesiser = Property(
doc="Underlying hypothesiser used to generate detection-target pairs")
measurement_model: MeasurementModel = Property(
doc="Measurement model used within the TPR tree")
horizon_time: datetime.timedelta = Property(
doc="How far the TPR tree should look into the future")
pos_mapping: Sequence[int] = Property(
doc="Mapping for position coordinates. Default `None`, which uses the measurement model"
vel_mapping: Sequence[int] = Property(
doc="Mapping for velocity coordinates. Default `None`, which uses the position mapping "
"adding offset of 1 to each")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.pos_mapping is None:
self.pos_mapping = self.measurement_model.mapping
# if no vel_mapping take position mapping and plus 1 to each dimension
# e.g. 0,2 would become 1,3
if self.vel_mapping is None:
self.vel_mapping = [i + 1 for i in self.pos_mapping]
def _reset_tree(self):
# Create tree
tree_property = rtree.index.Property(
self._tree = rtree.index.RtreeContainer(properties=tree_property)
self._coords = dict()
def _track_tree_coordinates(self, track):
state_vector = track.mean[self.pos_mapping, :]
state_delta = 3 * np.sqrt(
np.diag(track.covar)[self.pos_mapping, ].reshape(-1, 1))
vel_vector = track.mean[self.vel_mapping, :]
vel_delta = 3 * np.sqrt(
np.diag(track.covar)[self.vel_mapping, ].reshape(-1, 1))
min_pos = (state_vector - state_delta).ravel()
max_pos = (state_vector + state_delta).ravel()
min_vel = (vel_vector - vel_delta).ravel()
max_vel = (vel_vector + vel_delta).ravel()
return ((*min_pos, *max_pos), (*min_vel, *max_vel),
def generate_hypotheses(self, tracks, detections, timestamp, **kwargs):
# No need for tree here.
if not tracks:
return dict()
# Update the tree in this first section
sorted_tracks = sorted(tracks.union(self._tree), key=attrgetter('timestamp'))
# Get initial starting time from earliest track
c_time = sorted_tracks[0].timestamp
for track in sorted_tracks:
if track not in self._tree: # track not in tree, so insert it
self._coords[track] = self._track_tree_coordinates(track)
self._tree.insert(track, self._coords[track])
elif track not in tracks: # track in tree, but not in tracks now; remove it from tree
coords = self._coords[track][:-1] \
+ ((self._coords[track][-1] - 1e-6,
self._tree.delete(track, coords)
del self._coords[track]
elif isinstance(track.state, Update): # Track in tree, and updated; so update it.
coords = self._coords[track][:-1] \
+ ((self._coords[track][-1]-1e-6,
self._tree.delete(track, coords)
self._coords[track] = self._track_tree_coordinates(track)
self._tree.insert(track, self._coords[track])
# Set current tree to tracks timestamp
c_time = track.timestamp
# With tree up to date, find tracks that intersect with detections
track_detections = defaultdict(set)
for detection in sorted(detections, key=attrgetter('timestamp')):
if detection.measurement_model is not None:
model = detection.measurement_model
model = self.measurement_model
# Convert detection to track state space
if isinstance(model, LinearModel):
model_matrix = model.matrix(**kwargs)
inv_model_matrix = sp.linalg.pinv(model_matrix)
state_meas = (inv_model_matrix
@ detection.state_vector)[self.pos_mapping, :]
state_meas = model.inverse_function(
detection, **kwargs)[self.pos_mapping, :]
# Find intersections
det_time = detection.timestamp.astimezone(datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp()
intersected_tracks = self._tree.intersection((
(*state_meas.ravel(), *state_meas.ravel()),
(0, 0)*len(self.pos_mapping),
(det_time, det_time + 1e-3)))
for track in intersected_tracks:
except KeyError:
return self.generate_hypotheses(tracks, detections, timestamp, **kwargs)
return {track: self.hypothesiser.hypothesise(
track, track_detections[track], timestamp, **kwargs)
for track in tracks}
class DetectionKDTreeNN(DetectionKDTreeMixIn, NearestNeighbour):
'''DetectionKDTreeNN from NearestNeighbour and DetectionKDTreeMixIn'''
class DetectionKDTreeGNN(DetectionKDTreeMixIn, GlobalNearestNeighbour):
'''DetectionKDTreeGNN from GlobalNearestNeighbour and DetectionKDTreeMixIn'''
class DetectionKDTreeGNN2D(DetectionKDTreeMixIn, GNNWith2DAssignment):
'''DetectionKDTreeGNN2D from GNNWith2DAssignment and DetectionKDTreeMixIn'''
class TPRTreeNN(TPRTreeMixIn, NearestNeighbour):
'''TPRTreeNN from NearestNeighbour and TPRTreeMixIn'''
class TPRTreeGNN(TPRTreeMixIn, GlobalNearestNeighbour):
'''TPRTreeGNN from GlobalNearestNeighbour and TPRTreeMixIn'''
class TPRTreeGNN2D(TPRTreeMixIn, GNNWith2DAssignment):
'''TPRTreeGNN2D from GNNWith2DAssignment and TPRTreeMixIn'''
class KDTreePDA(DetectionKDTreeMixIn, PDA):
'''KDTreePDA from PDA and DetectionKDTreeMixin'''
class KDTreeJPDA(DetectionKDTreeMixIn, JPDA):
'''KDTreeJPDA from JPDA and DetectionKDTreeMixin'''
class TPRTreePDA(TPRTreeMixIn, PDA):
'''TPRTreePDA from PDA and TPRTreeMixIn'''
class TPRTreeJPDA(TPRTreeMixIn, JPDA):
'''TPRTreeJPDA from JPDA and TPRTreeMixIn'''