Source code for stonesoup.dataassociator.probability

from .base import DataAssociator
from ..base import Property
from ..hypothesiser import Hypothesiser
from ..hypothesiser.probability import PDAHypothesiser
from ..types.detection import MissedDetection
from ..types.hypothesis import (
    SingleProbabilityHypothesis, ProbabilityJointHypothesis)
from ..types.multihypothesis import MultipleHypothesis
from ..types.numeric import Probability
import itertools
import numpy as np

[docs] class PDA(DataAssociator): """Probabilistic Data Association (PDA) Given a set of detections and a set of tracks, each track has a probability that it is associated to each specific detection. """ hypothesiser: Hypothesiser = Property( doc="Generate a set of hypotheses for each prediction-detection pair")
[docs] def associate(self, tracks, detections, timestamp, **kwargs): # Generate a set of hypotheses for each track on each detection hypotheses = self.generate_hypotheses(tracks, detections, timestamp, **kwargs) # Ensure association probabilities are normalised for track, hypothesis in hypotheses.items(): hypothesis.normalise_probabilities(total_weight=1) return hypotheses
[docs] class JPDA(DataAssociator): r"""Joint Probabilistic Data Association (JPDA) Given a set of Detections and a set of Tracks, each Detection has a probability that it is associated with each specific Track. Rather than associate specific Detections/Tracks, JPDA calculates the new state of a Track based on its possible association with ALL Detections. The new state is a Gaussian Mixture, reduced to a single Gaussian. If .. math:: prob_{association(Detection, Track)} < \frac{prob_{association(MissedDetection, Track)}}{gate\ ratio} then Detection is assumed to be outside Track's gate, and the probability of association is dropped from the Gaussian Mixture. This calculation takes place in the function :meth:`enumerate_JPDA_hypotheses`. """ hypothesiser: PDAHypothesiser = Property( doc="Generate a set of hypotheses for each prediction-detection pair")
[docs] def associate(self, tracks, detections, timestamp, **kwargs): # Calculate MultipleHypothesis for each Track over all # available Detections hypotheses = self.generate_hypotheses(tracks, detections, timestamp, **kwargs) # enumerate the Joint Hypotheses of track/detection associations joint_hypotheses = \ self.enumerate_JPDA_hypotheses(tracks, hypotheses) # Calculate MultiMeasurementHypothesis for each Track over all # available Detections with probabilities drawn from JointHypotheses new_hypotheses = dict() for track in tracks: single_measurement_hypotheses = list() # record the MissedDetection hypothesis for this track prob_misdetect = Probability.sum( joint_hypothesis.probability for joint_hypothesis in joint_hypotheses if not joint_hypothesis.hypotheses[track].measurement) single_measurement_hypotheses.append( SingleProbabilityHypothesis( hypotheses[track][0].prediction, MissedDetection(timestamp=timestamp), measurement_prediction=hypotheses[track][0].measurement_prediction, probability=prob_misdetect)) # record hypothesis for any given Detection being associated with # this track for hypothesis in hypotheses[track]: if not hypothesis: continue pro_detect_assoc = Probability.sum( joint_hypothesis.probability for joint_hypothesis in joint_hypotheses if joint_hypothesis.hypotheses[track].measurement is hypothesis.measurement) single_measurement_hypotheses.append( SingleProbabilityHypothesis( hypothesis.prediction, hypothesis.measurement, measurement_prediction=hypothesis.measurement_prediction, probability=pro_detect_assoc)) result = MultipleHypothesis(single_measurement_hypotheses, True, 1) new_hypotheses[track] = result return new_hypotheses
@classmethod def enumerate_JPDA_hypotheses(cls, tracks, multihypths): joint_hypotheses = list() if not tracks: return joint_hypotheses # perform a simple level of gating - all track/detection pairs for # which the probability of association is a certain multiple less # than the probability of missed detection - detection is outside the # gating region, association is impossible possible_assoc = list() for track in tracks: track_possible_assoc = list() for hypothesis in multihypths[track]: # Always include missed detection (gate ratio < 1) track_possible_assoc.append(hypothesis) possible_assoc.append(track_possible_assoc) # enumerate all valid JPDA joint hypotheses enum_JPDA_hypotheses = ( joint_hypothesis for joint_hypothesis in itertools.product(*possible_assoc) if cls.isvalid(joint_hypothesis)) # turn the valid JPDA joint hypotheses into 'JointHypothesis' for joint_hypothesis in enum_JPDA_hypotheses: local_hypotheses = {} for track, hypothesis in zip(tracks, joint_hypothesis): local_hypotheses[track] = \ multihypths[track][hypothesis.measurement] joint_hypotheses.append( ProbabilityJointHypothesis(local_hypotheses)) # normalize ProbabilityJointHypotheses relative to each other sum_probabilities = Probability.sum(hypothesis.probability for hypothesis in joint_hypotheses) for hypothesis in joint_hypotheses: hypothesis.probability /= sum_probabilities return joint_hypotheses @staticmethod def isvalid(joint_hypothesis): # 'joint_hypothesis' represents a valid joint hypothesis if # no measurement is repeated (ignoring missed detections) measurements = set() for hypothesis in joint_hypothesis: measurement = hypothesis.measurement if not measurement: pass elif measurement in measurements: return False else: measurements.add(measurement) return True
[docs] class JPDAwithLBP(JPDA): """ Joint Probabilistic Data Association with Loopy Belief Propagation This is a faster alternative of the standard :class:`~.JPDA` algorithm, which makes use of Loopy Belief Propagation (LBP) to efficiently approximately compute the marginal association probabilities of tracks to measurements. See Williams and Lau (2014) for further details. Reference ---------- Jason L. Williams and Rosalyn A. Lau, Approximate evaluation of marginal association probabilities with belief propagation, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol 50(4), pp. 2942-2959, 2014. """
[docs] def associate(self, tracks, detections, timestamp, **kwargs): """Associate tracks and detections Parameters ---------- tracks : set of :class:`stonesoup.types.track.Track` Tracks which detections will be associated to. detections : set of :class:`stonesoup.types.detection.Detection` Detections to be associated to tracks. timestamp : :class:`datetime.datetime` Timestamp to be used for missed detections and to predict to. Returns ------- : mapping of :class:`stonesoup.types.track.Track` : :class:`stonesoup.types.hypothesis.Hypothesis` Mapping of track to Hypothesis """ # noqa: E501 # Calculate MultipleHypothesis for each Track over all available Detections hypotheses = { track: self.hypothesiser.hypothesise(track, detections, timestamp) for track in tracks} if not hypotheses or not detections: # No tracks or no detections return hypotheses else: return self._compute_multi_hypotheses(tracks, detections, hypotheses, timestamp)
@staticmethod def _calc_likelihood_matrix(tracks, detections, hypotheses): """ Compute the likelihood matrix (i.e. single target association weights) Parameters ---------- tracks: list of :class:`stonesoup.types.track.Track` Current tracked objects detections : list of :class:`stonesoup.types.detection.Detection` Retrieved measurements hypotheses: dict Key value pairs of tracks with associated detections Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` An indicator matrix of shape (num_tracks, num_detections + 1) indicating the possible (aka. valid) associations between tracks and detections. The first column corresponds to the null hypothesis (hence contains all ones). :class:`numpy.ndarray` A matrix of shape (num_tracks, num_detections + 1) containing the unnormalised likelihoods for all combinations of tracks and detections. The first column corresponds to the null hypothesis. """ # Construct validation and likelihood matrices # Both matrices have shape (num_tracks, num_detections + 1), where the first column # corresponds to the null hypothesis. num_tracks, num_detections = len(tracks), len(detections) likelihood_matrix = np.zeros((num_tracks, num_detections + 1)) for i, track in enumerate(tracks): for hyp in hypotheses[track]: if not hyp: likelihood_matrix[i, 0] = hyp.weight else: j = next(d_i for d_i, detection in enumerate(detections) if hyp.measurement is detection) likelihood_matrix[i, j + 1] = hyp.weight # change the normalisation of the likelihood matrix to have the no measurement # association hypothesis normalised to unity likelihood_matrix /= likelihood_matrix[:, [0]] return likelihood_matrix.astype(float) @staticmethod def _loopy_belief_propagation(likelihood_matrix, n_iterations, delta): """ Perform loopy belief propagation (Williams and Lau, 2014) to determine the approximate marginal association probabilities (of tracks to measurements). This requires: 1. likelihood_matrix = single target association weights 2. n_iterations = number of iterations between convergence checks 3. delta = deviation tolerance(of approximate weights from true weights) """ # number of tracks num_tracks = likelihood_matrix.shape[0] # number of measurements/detections num_measurements = likelihood_matrix.shape[1] - 1 # initialise iteration: int = 0 alpha: float = 1.0 d: float = 0.0 # allocate memory nu = np.ones((num_tracks, num_measurements)) nu_tilde = np.zeros((num_tracks, num_measurements)) assoc_prob_matrix = np.zeros((num_tracks, num_measurements + 1)) # determine W_star w_star: float = np.max(np.sum(likelihood_matrix[:, 1:], axis=1)) # loopy belief propagation while iteration == 0 or (alpha * d) / (1 - alpha) >= 0.5 * np.log10(1 + delta): for k in range(1, n_iterations + 1): # increment the number of iterations iteration += 1 # calculate L-R message val = likelihood_matrix[:, 1:] * nu # Minus val to remove j = j' s = 1 + np.sum(val, axis=1, keepdims=True) - val mu = likelihood_matrix[:, 1:] / s # save values for convergence check if k == n_iterations: nu_tilde = nu.copy() # calculate R-L messages nu = 1 / (1 + np.sum(mu, axis=0, keepdims=True) - mu) # check for convergence d = np.max(np.abs(np.log10(nu / nu_tilde))) # determine alpha if d > 0: alpha = np.log10((1 + w_star*d) / (1 + w_star)) alpha /= np.log10(d) else: alpha = 0.0 # if w_star has a very large value, alpha = 1 which causes division by zero in the # convergence check therefore, set alpha to be a nominal value just short of unity if alpha == 1: alpha = (1 - 1e-10) # calculate marginal probabilities (beliefs) s = 1 + np.sum(likelihood_matrix[:, 1:] * nu, axis=1, keepdims=True) assoc_prob_matrix[:, :1] = 1 / s assoc_prob_matrix[:, 1:] = (likelihood_matrix[:, 1:] * nu) / s # return the matrix of marginal association probabilities return assoc_prob_matrix.astype(float) @classmethod def _compute_multi_hypotheses(cls, tracks, detections, hypotheses, time): # Tracks and detections must be in a list, so we can keep track of their order track_list = list(tracks) detection_list = list(detections) # calculate the single target association weights likelihood_matrix = cls._calc_likelihood_matrix(track_list, detection_list, hypotheses) # Run Loopy Belief Propagation to determine the marginal association probability matrix n_iterations: int = 1 delta: float = 0.001 assoc_prob_matrix = cls._loopy_belief_propagation(likelihood_matrix, n_iterations, delta) # Calculate MultiMeasurementHypothesis for each Track over all # available Detections with probabilities drawn from the association matrix new_hypotheses = dict() for i, track in enumerate(track_list): single_measurement_hypotheses = list() # Null measurement hypothesis null_hypothesis = next((hyp for hyp in hypotheses[track] if not hyp), None) prob_misdetect = Probability(assoc_prob_matrix[i, 0]) single_measurement_hypotheses.append( SingleProbabilityHypothesis( null_hypothesis.prediction, MissedDetection(timestamp=time), measurement_prediction=null_hypothesis.measurement_prediction, probability=prob_misdetect)) # True hypotheses for hypothesis in hypotheses[track]: if not hypothesis: continue # Get the detection index j = next(d_i + 1 for d_i, detection in enumerate(detection_list) if hypothesis.measurement is detection) pro_detect_assoc = Probability(assoc_prob_matrix[i, j]) single_measurement_hypotheses.append( SingleProbabilityHypothesis( hypothesis.prediction, hypothesis.measurement, measurement_prediction=hypothesis.measurement_prediction, probability=pro_detect_assoc)) new_hypotheses[track] = MultipleHypothesis(single_measurement_hypotheses, True, 1) return new_hypotheses