Classification Using Hidden Markov Model

This is a demonstration using the implemented Hidden Markov model to classify multiple targets.

We will attempt to classify 3 targets in an undefined region. Our sensor will be all-seeing, and provide us with indirect observations of the targets such that, using the implemented Hidden Markov Model (HMM), we should hopefully successfully classify exactly 3 targets correctly.

All Stone Soup imports will be given in order of usage.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import numpy as np

Ground Truth

The targets may take one of three discrete hidden classes: ‘bike’, ‘car’ and ‘bus’. It will be assumed that the targets cannot transition from one class to another, hence an identity transition matrix is given to the CategoricalTransitionModel.

A CategoricalState class is used to store information on the classification/category of the targets. The state vector will define a categorical distribution over the 3 possible classes, whereby each component defines the probability that a target is of the corresponding class. For example, the state vector (0.2, 0.3, 0.5), with category names (‘bike’, ‘car’, ‘bus’) indicates that a target has a 20% probability of being class ‘bike’, a 30% probability of being class ‘car’ etc. It does not make sense to have a true target being a distribution over the possible classes, and therefore the true categorical states will have binary state vectors indicating a specific class (i.e. a ‘1’ at one state vector index, and ‘0’s elsewhere). The CategoricalGroundTruthState class inherits directly from the base CategoricalState class.

While the category will remain the same, a CategoricalTransitionModel is used here for the sake of demonstration.

The category and timings for one of the ground truth paths will be printed.

from stonesoup.models.transition.categorical import CategoricalTransitionModel
from stonesoup.types.groundtruth import CategoricalGroundTruthState
from stonesoup.types.groundtruth import GroundTruthPath

category_transition = CategoricalTransitionModel(transition_matrix=np.eye(3),
                                                 transition_covariance=0.1 * np.eye(3))

start =

hidden_classes = ['bike', 'car', 'bus']

# Generating ground truth
ground_truths = list()
for i in range(1, 4):
    state_vector = np.zeros(3)  # create a vector with 3 zeroes
    state_vector[np.random.choice(3, 1, p=[1/3, 1/3, 1/3])] = 1  # pick a random class out of the 3
    ground_truth_state = CategoricalGroundTruthState(state_vector,

    ground_truth = GroundTruthPath([ground_truth_state], id=f"GT{i}")

    for _ in range(10):
        new_vector = category_transition.function(ground_truth[-1],
        new_state = CategoricalGroundTruthState(
            timestamp=ground_truth[-1].timestamp + timedelta(seconds=1),


for states in np.vstack(ground_truths).T:
    print(f"{states[0].timestamp:%H:%M:%S}", end="")
    for state in states:
        print(f" -- {state.category}", end="")


14:43:04 -- car -- bike -- bike
14:43:05 -- car -- bike -- bike
14:43:06 -- car -- bike -- bike
14:43:07 -- car -- bike -- bike
14:43:08 -- car -- bike -- bike
14:43:09 -- car -- bike -- bike
14:43:10 -- car -- bike -- bike
14:43:11 -- car -- bike -- bike
14:43:12 -- car -- bike -- bike
14:43:13 -- car -- bike -- bike
14:43:14 -- car -- bike -- bike


Using a Hidden markov model, it is assumed the hidden class of a target cannot be directly observed, and instead indirect observations are taken. In this instance, observations of the targets’ sizes are taken (‘small’ or ‘large’), which have direct implications as to the targets’ hidden classes, and this relationship is modelled by the emission matrix of the CategoricalMeasurementModel, which is used by the CategoricalSensor to provide CategoricalDetection types. We will model this such that a ‘bike’ has a very small chance of being observed as a ‘big’ target. Similarly, a ‘bus’ will tend to appear as ‘large’. Whereas, a ‘car’ has equal chance of being observed as either.

from stonesoup.models.measurement.categorical import CategoricalMeasurementModel
from stonesoup.sensor.categorical import CategoricalSensor

E = np.array([[0.99, 0.01],  # P(small | bike)  P(large | bike)
              [0.5, 0.5],
              [0.01, 0.99]])
model = CategoricalMeasurementModel(ndim_state=3,
                                    emission_covariance=0.1 * np.eye(2),
                                    mapping=[0, 1, 2])

eo = CategoricalSensor(measurement_model=model,
                       category_names=['small', 'large'])

# Generating measurements
measurements = list()
for index, states in enumerate(np.vstack(ground_truths).T):
    if index == 5:
        measurements_at_time = set()  # Give tracker chance to use prediction instead
        measurements_at_time = eo.measure(states)
    timestamp = next(iter(states)).timestamp
    measurements.append((timestamp, measurements_at_time))

    print(f"{timestamp:%H:%M:%S} -- {[meas.category for meas in measurements_at_time]}")


14:43:04 -- ['small', 'small', 'small']
14:43:05 -- ['small', 'small', 'small']
14:43:06 -- ['small', 'small', 'small']
14:43:07 -- ['small', 'small', 'small']
14:43:08 -- ['small', 'small', 'small']
14:43:09 -- []
14:43:10 -- ['small', 'small', 'small']
14:43:11 -- ['small', 'small', 'small']
14:43:12 -- ['small', 'small', 'small']
14:43:13 -- ['small', 'small', 'small']
14:43:14 -- ['small', 'small', 'small']

Tracking Components


A HMMPredictor specifically uses CategoricalTransitionModel types to predict.

from stonesoup.predictor.categorical import HMMPredictor

predictor = HMMPredictor(category_transition)


from stonesoup.updater.categorical import HMMUpdater

updater = HMMUpdater()


A CategoricalHypothesiser is used for calculating categorical hypotheses. It utilises the ObservationAccuracy measure: a multi-dimensional extension of an ‘accuracy’ score, essentially providing a measure of the similarity between two categorical distributions.

Data Associator

We will use a standard GNNWith2DAssignment data associator.

from stonesoup.dataassociator.neighbour import GNNWith2DAssignment

data_associator = GNNWith2DAssignment(hypothesiser)


As we are tracking in a categorical state space, we should initiate with a categorical state for the prior. Equal probability is given to all 3 of the possible hidden classes that a target might take (the category names are also provided here).

from stonesoup.types.state import CategoricalState

prior = CategoricalState([1 / 3, 1 / 3, 1 / 3], category_names=hidden_classes)


For each unassociated detection, a new track will be initiated. In this instance we use a SimpleCategoricalInitiator, which specifically handles categorical state priors.

from stonesoup.initiator.categorical import SimpleCategoricalInitiator

initiator = SimpleCategoricalInitiator(prior_state=prior, measurement_model=None)


We can use a standard UpdateTimeStepsDeleter.

from stonesoup.deleter.time import UpdateTimeStepsDeleter

deleter = UpdateTimeStepsDeleter(2)


We can use a standard MultiTargetTracker.


tracks = set()
for time, ctracks in tracker:

print(f"Number of tracks: {len(tracks)}")
for track in tracks:
    certainty = track.state_vector[np.argmax(track.state_vector)][0] * 100
    print(f"id: {} -- category: {track.category} -- certainty: {certainty}%")
    for state in track:
        _time = state.timestamp.strftime('%H:%M')
        _type = str(type(state)).replace("class 'stonesoup.types.", "").strip("<>'. ")
        state_string = f"{_time} -- {_type} -- {state.category}"
            meas_string = f"associated measurement: {state.hypothesis.measurement.category}"
        except AttributeError:
            state_string += f" -- {meas_string}"


Number of tracks: 3
id: 700d05e9-3058-4485-baae-9e87cebde67e -- category: bike -- certainty: 99.88086609945167%
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- prediction.CategoricalStatePrediction -- bike
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small

id: c2ae6278-d5e5-4c08-b742-cfa7c977a902 -- category: bike -- certainty: 99.88086609945167%
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- prediction.CategoricalStatePrediction -- bike
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small

id: 647a4e84-5ccc-4ac9-979b-8d02956a7c76 -- category: bike -- certainty: 33.33333333333333%
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- prediction.CategoricalStatePrediction -- bike
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small
14:43 -- update.CategoricalStateUpdate -- bike -- associated measurement: small


Determining tracking accuracy. In calculating how many targets were classified correctly, only tracks with the highest classification certainty are considered. In the situation where probabilities are equal, a random classification is chosen.


Excess tracks: 0
No. correct classifications: 2

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.134 seconds)

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