Source code for stonesoup.models.transition.categorical

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from typing import Union

import numpy as np

from .base import Property
from ...models.transition import TransitionModel
from ...types.array import Matrix, StateVector, StateVectors, CovarianceMatrix
from ...types.state import CategoricalState

[docs]class CategoricalTransitionModel(TransitionModel): r"""The transition model for categorical data This is a time invariant model for the transition of a state that can take one of a finite number of categories :math:`\{\phi_m|m\in Z_{\gt0}\}`, where a state space vector takes the form :math:`x_{k_i} = P(\phi_i, k)`, i.e. the :math:`i`-th state vector component is the probability that the state is of category :math:`\phi_i` at 'time' :math:`k`. Intended to be used in conjunction with the :class:`~.CategoricalState` type. """ transition_matrix: Matrix = Property( doc=r"Stochastic matrix :math:`(F_{k+1})_{ij} = P(\phi_i, k+1 | \phi_j, k)` determining " r"the conditional probability that an object is category :math:`\phi_i` at 'time' " r":math:`k + 1` given that it was category :math:`\phi_j` at 'time' :math:`k`. " r"Columns must sum to 1.") transition_covariance: CovarianceMatrix = Property( default=None, doc="Transition covariance, used in noise generation.") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) for i, col in enumerate(self.transition_matrix.T): if not np.isclose(np.sum(col), 1): raise ValueError(f"Column {i} of transition matrix does not sum to 1") @property def ndim_state(self): """Number of model state dimensions/categories.""" return self.transition_matrix.shape[0]
[docs] def function(self, state: CategoricalState, noise: bool = False, **kwargs) -> StateVector: r"""Applies the linear transformation: .. math:: (F_{k+1}\mathbf{x}_k)_{i} = P(\phi_i, k+1 | \phi_j, k)P(\phi_j, k) The resultant vector is transformed to the interval :math:`[-\infty, \infty]` via a logit function, in order to add noise. This is then transformed back to the interval :math:`[0, 1]` and normalised. Parameters ---------- state : :class:`~.CategoricalState` The state to be transitioned according to the models in :py:attr:`~model_list`. noise: bool If 'True', additive log noise (generated via random sampling) will be included prior to transformation back to the interval :math:`[0, 1]`. Noise vectors cannot be defined beforehand. Only a boolean value is valid. Returns ------- state_vector: :class:`stonesoup.types.array.StateVector` of shape (:py:attr:`~ndim_state, 1`). The resultant state vector of the transition. Notes ----- For p=0 or p=1 infinities will be generated. We manage that by using the `numpy.finfo()` function. """ if isinstance(noise, bool) and noise: noise = self.rvs() elif not noise: noise = 0 else: raise ValueError("Noise is generated via random sampling, and defined noise is not " "implemented") # what to do if p=1 fp = self.transition_matrix @ state.state_vector with np.errstate(divide='ignore', over='ignore', under='ignore'): if any(fp == 1): y = fp.astype(float) y[fp == 1] = np.finfo(np.float64).max y[fp == 0] = np.finfo(np.float64).min else: y = np.log(fp / (1 - fp)) y += noise p = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-y)) return p / np.sum(p)
[docs] def rvs(self, num_samples=1, **kwargs) -> Union[StateVector, StateVectors]: r"""Create noise samples. This samples from a multivariate normal distribution with :math:`mean=0` and covariance defined by the transition covariance matrix. Note: * This is additive log noise, so multiplicative but with its effect largest at :math:`p=0.5` (:math:`logit(p)=0`) and :math:`nil` when :math:`p=0` (:math:`logit(p)=-\infty`, or :math:`p=1` (:math:`logit(p)=+\infty`). * One could 'normalise' this such that the effect is more constant across :math:`p` but it's impossible to escape the points that map to infinity in the logit function, so :math:`p = 1 + noise` will still be :math:`p = 1 (+etc)`, unless a different form is used. """ omega = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(self.ndim_state), self.transition_covariance, size=num_samples) return StateVectors(omega).T
[docs] def pdf(self, state1, state2, **kwargs): """Assumes that state 1 is binary and this returns the probability that the transited state2 is state1""" Fx = self.transition_matrix @ state2.state_vector return Fx.T @ state1.state_vector