Source code for stonesoup.models.measurement.categorical

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from typing import Union, Sequence

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import multinomial

from .base import MeasurementModel
from ...base import Property
from ...types.array import Matrix, StateVector, StateVectors, CovarianceMatrix

[docs]class CategoricalMeasurementModel(MeasurementModel): r"""Measurement model which returns a category. This is a time invariant model for simple observations of a state. A measurement can take one of a finite number of observation categories :math:`Y = \{y_k|k\in Z_{\gt0}\}` and a measurement vector :math:`(z_k)_i = P(y_i, k)` will define a categorical distribution over these categories. Measurements are generated via random sampling. Intended to be used in conjunction with the :class:`~.CategoricalState` type. """ emission_matrix: Matrix = Property( doc=r"The emission matrix defining emission probability " r":math:`(E_k)_{ij} = P(z_{j}, k | \phi_{i}, k)` (the probability of receiving an " r"observation :math:`z` from state :math:`x_{k_j} = P(\phi_j, k)`. " r"Rows of the matrix must sum to 1.") emission_covariance: CovarianceMatrix = Property(doc="Emission covariance.") mapping: Sequence[int] = Property(default=None, doc="Mapping between measurement and state dims.") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) for i, row in enumerate(self.emission_matrix): if not np.isclose(np.sum(row), 1): raise ValueError(f"Row {i} of emission matrix does not sum to 1") if self.mapping is None: self.mapping = np.arange(self.ndim_state) elif len(self.mapping) != np.shape(self.emission_matrix)[0]: raise ValueError(f"Emission matrix maps from {np.shape(self.emission_matrix)[0]} " f"elements of the state space, but the mapping is length " f"{len(self.mapping)}") @property def ndim_meas(self): """Number of observation dimensions/categories.""" return self.emission_matrix.shape[1] def _cond_prob_emission(self, state, noise=False, **kwargs): """This function returns the probability of each observation category conditioned on the input state, :math:`(p(z_j|x_i) p(x_i)` (this should come out normalised). Noise is additive, and used by transforming resultant vectors using a logit function.""" if type(noise) is bool and noise: noise = self.rvs() elif not noise: noise = 0 else: raise ValueError("Noise is generated via random sampling, and defined noise is not " "implemented") hp = self.emission_matrix.T @ state.state_vector[self.mapping] with np.errstate(divide='ignore', over='ignore', under='ignore'): if any(hp == 1): y = hp.astype(float) y[hp == 1] = np.finfo(np.float64).max y[hp == 0] = np.finfo(np.float64).min else: y = np.log(hp / (1 - hp)) y += noise p = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-y)) return p / np.sum(p)
[docs] def function(self, state, noise=False, **kwargs): r"""Observation function Parameters ---------- state: :class:`~.CategoricalState` An input (hidden class) state, where the state vector defines a categorical distribution over the set of possible hidden states :math:`\Phi = \{\phi_m|m\in Z_{\gt0}\}`. noise: bool If 'True', additive noise (generated via random sampling) will be included. Noise vectors cannot be defined beforehand. Only a boolean value is valid. Returns ------- state_vector: :class:`stonesoup.types.array.StateVector` of shape (:py:attr:`~ndim_meas, 1`). The resultant measurement vector. The resultant vector represents a categorical distribution over the set of possible measurement categories. A definitive measurement category is chosen, hence the vector will be binary. """ cond_prob_emission = self._cond_prob_emission(state, noise=noise, **kwargs) rv = multinomial(n=1, p=cond_prob_emission.flatten()) if noise: return StateVector(rv.rvs(size=1, random_state=None)) else: return StateVector(cond_prob_emission)
[docs] def rvs(self, num_samples=1, **kwargs) -> Union[StateVector, StateVectors]: """Additive noise.""" omega = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(self.ndim), self.emission_covariance, size=num_samples) return StateVectors(omega).T
[docs] def pdf(self, state1, state2, **kwargs): """Assumes that state 1 is a binary measurement state (i.e. one vector element is 1 and the rest are zeroes). Returns the probability that the emission of state 2 is state 1.""" Hx = self._cond_prob_emission(state2) return Hx.T @ state1.state_vector