Source code for stonesoup.plotter

import warnings
from itertools import chain

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
from matplotlib.legend_handler import HandlerPatch

from .types import detection
from .models.base import LinearModel, NonLinearModel

[docs]class Plotter: """Plotting class for building graphs of Stone Soup simulations A plotting class which is used to simplify the process of plotting ground truths, measurements, clutter and tracks. Tracks can be plotted with uncertainty ellipses or particles if required. Legends are automatically generated with each plot. Attributes ---------- fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure Generated figure for graphs to be plotted on ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes Generated axes for graphs to be plotted on handles_list: list of :class:`matplotlib.legend_handler.HandlerBase` A list of generated legend handles labels_list: list of str A list of generated legend labels """ def __init__(self): # Generate plot axes self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) = self.fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)"$x$")"$y$")'equal') # Create empty lists for legend handles and labels self.handles_list = [] self.labels_list = []
[docs] def plot_ground_truths(self, truths, mapping, truths_label="Ground Truth", **kwargs): """Plots ground truth(s) Plots each ground truth path passed in to :attr:`truths` and generates a legend automatically. Ground truths are plotted as dashed lines with default colors. Users can change linestyle, color and marker using keyword arguments. Any changes will apply to all ground truths. Parameters ---------- truths : set of :class:`~.GroundTruthPath` Set of ground truths which will be plotted. If not a set, and instead a single :class:`~.GroundTruthPath` type, the argument is modified to be a set to allow for iteration. mapping: list List of 2 items specifying the mapping of the x and y components of the state space. \\*\\*kwargs: dict Additional arguments to be passed to plot function. Default is ``linestyle="--"``. """ truths_kwargs = dict(linestyle="--") truths_kwargs.update(kwargs) if not isinstance(truths, set): truths = {truths} # Make a set of length 1 for truth in truths:[state.state_vector[mapping[0]] for state in truth], [state.state_vector[mapping[1]] for state in truth], **truths_kwargs) # Generate legend items truths_handle = Line2D([], [], linestyle=truths_kwargs['linestyle'], color='black') self.handles_list.append(truths_handle) self.labels_list.append(truths_label) # Generate legend, labels=self.labels_list)
[docs] def plot_measurements(self, measurements, mapping, measurement_model=None, measurements_label="Measurements", **kwargs): """Plots measurements Plots detections and clutter, generating a legend automatically. Detections are plotted as blue circles by default unless the detection type is clutter. If the detection type is :class:`~.Clutter` it is plotted as a yellow 'tri-up' marker. Users can change the color and marker of detections using keyword arguments but not for clutter detections. Parameters ---------- measurements : list of :class:`~.Detection` Detections which will be plotted. If measurements is a set of lists it is flattened. mapping: list List of 2 items specifying the mapping of the x and y components of the state space. measurement_model : :class:`~.Model`, optional User-defined measurement model to be used in finding measurement state inverses if they cannot be found from the measurements themselves. \\*\\*kwargs: dict Additional arguments to be passed to plot function for detections. Defaults are ``marker='o'`` and ``color='b'``. """ measurement_kwargs = dict(marker='o', color='b') measurement_kwargs.update(kwargs) if any(isinstance(item, set) for item in measurements): measurements_set = chain.from_iterable(measurements) # Flatten into one set else: measurements_set = measurements plot_detections = [] plot_clutter = [] for state in measurements_set: meas_model = state.measurement_model # measurement_model from detections if meas_model is None: meas_model = measurement_model # measurement_model from input if isinstance(meas_model, LinearModel): model_matrix = meas_model.matrix() inv_model_matrix = np.linalg.pinv(model_matrix) state_vec = inv_model_matrix @ state.state_vector elif isinstance(meas_model, NonLinearModel): try: state_vec = meas_model.inverse_function(state) except (NotImplementedError, AttributeError): warnings.warn('Nonlinear measurement model used with no inverse ' 'function available') continue else: warnings.warn('Measurement model type not specified for all detections') continue if isinstance(state, detection.Clutter): # Plot clutter plot_clutter.append((*state_vec[mapping], )) elif isinstance(state, detection.Detection): # Plot detections plot_detections.append((*state_vec[mapping], )) else: warnings.warn(f'Unknown type {type(state)}') continue if plot_detections: detection_array = np.array(plot_detections)[:, 0], detection_array[:, 1], **measurement_kwargs) measurements_handle = Line2D([], [], linestyle='', **measurement_kwargs) # Generate legend items for measurements self.handles_list.append(measurements_handle) self.labels_list.append(measurements_label) if plot_clutter: clutter_array = np.array(plot_clutter)[:, 0], clutter_array[:, 1], color='y', marker='2') clutter_handle = Line2D([], [], linestyle='', marker='2', color='y') clutter_label = "Clutter" # Generate legend items for clutter self.handles_list.append(clutter_handle) self.labels_list.append(clutter_label) # Generate legend, labels=self.labels_list)
[docs] def plot_tracks(self, tracks, mapping, uncertainty=False, particle=False, track_label="Track", **kwargs): """Plots track(s) Plots each track generated, generating a legend automatically. If ``uncertainty=True``, uncertainty ellipses are plotted. If ``particle=True``, particles are plotted. Tracks are plotted as solid lines with point markers and default colors. Uncertainty ellipses are plotted with a default color which is the same for all tracks. Users can change linestyle, color and marker using keyword arguments. Uncertainty ellipses will also be plotted with the user defined colour and any changes will apply to all tracks. Parameters ---------- tracks : set of :class:`~.Track` Set of tracks which will be plotted. If not a set, and instead a single :class:`~.Track` type, the argument is modified to be a set to allow for iteration. mapping: list List of 2 items specifying the mapping of the x and y components of the state space. uncertainty : bool If True, function plots uncertainty ellipses. particle : bool If True, function plots particles. track_label: str Label to apply to all tracks for legend. \\*\\*kwargs: dict Additional arguments to be passed to plot function. Defaults are ``linestyle="-"``, ``marker='.'`` and ``color=None``. """ tracks_kwargs = dict(linestyle='-', marker=".", color=None) tracks_kwargs.update(kwargs) if not isinstance(tracks, set): tracks = {tracks} # Make a set of length 1 # Plot tracks track_colors = {} for track in tracks: line =[state.state_vector[mapping[0]] for state in track], [state.state_vector[mapping[1]] for state in track], **tracks_kwargs) track_colors[track] = plt.getp(line[0], 'color') # Assuming a single track or all plotted as the same colour then the following will work. # Otherwise will just render the final track colour. tracks_kwargs['color'] = plt.getp(line[0], 'color') # Generate legend items for track track_handle = Line2D([], [], linestyle=tracks_kwargs['linestyle'], marker=tracks_kwargs['marker'], color=tracks_kwargs['color']) self.handles_list.append(track_handle) self.labels_list.append(track_label) if uncertainty: # Plot uncertainty ellipses for track in tracks: HH = np.eye(track.ndim)[mapping, :] # Get position mapping matrix for state in track: w, v = np.linalg.eig(HH @ state.covar @ HH.T) max_ind = np.argmax(w) min_ind = np.argmin(w) orient = np.arctan2(v[1, max_ind], v[0, max_ind]) ellipse = Ellipse(xy=state.state_vector[mapping[:2], 0], width=2 * np.sqrt(w[max_ind]), height=2 * np.sqrt(w[min_ind]), angle=np.rad2deg(orient), alpha=0.2, color=track_colors[track]) # Generate legend items for uncertainty ellipses ellipse_handle = Ellipse((0.5, 0.5), 0.5, 0.5, alpha=0.2, color=tracks_kwargs['color']) ellipse_label = "Uncertainty" self.handles_list.append(ellipse_handle) self.labels_list.append(ellipse_label) # Generate legend, labels=self.labels_list, handler_map={Ellipse: _HandlerEllipse()}) elif particle: # Plot particles for track in tracks: for state in track: data = state.particles.state_vector[mapping[:2], :][0], data[1], linestyle='', marker=".", markersize=1, alpha=0.5) # Generate legend items for particles particle_handle = Line2D([], [], linestyle='', color="black", marker='.', markersize=1) particle_label = "Particles" self.handles_list.append(particle_handle) self.labels_list.append(particle_label) # Generate legend, labels=self.labels_list) else:, labels=self.labels_list)
# Ellipse legend patch (used in Tutorial 3)
[docs] @staticmethod def ellipse_legend(ax, label_list, color_list, **kwargs): """Adds an ellipse patch to the legend on the axes. One patch added for each item in `label_list` with the corresponding color from `color_list`. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Looks at the plot axes defined label_list : list of str Takes in list of strings intended to label ellipses in legend color_list : list of str Takes in list of colors corresponding to string/label Must be the same length as label_list \\*\\*kwargs: dict Additional arguments to be passed to plot function. Default is ``alpha=0.2``. """ ellipse_kwargs = dict(alpha=0.2) ellipse_kwargs.update(kwargs) legend = ax.legend(handler_map={Ellipse: _HandlerEllipse()}) handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() for color in color_list: handle = Ellipse((0.5, 0.5), 0.5, 0.5, color=color, **ellipse_kwargs) handles.append(handle) for label in label_list: labels.append(label) legend._legend_box = None legend._init_legend_box(handles, labels) legend._set_loc(legend._loc) legend.set_title(legend.get_title().get_text())
class _HandlerEllipse(HandlerPatch): def create_artists(self, legend, orig_handle, xdescent, ydescent, width, height, fontsize, trans): center = 0.5*width - 0.5*xdescent, 0.5*height - 0.5*ydescent p = Ellipse(xy=center, width=width + xdescent, height=height + ydescent) self.update_prop(p, orig_handle, legend) p.set_transform(trans) return [p]