Source code for stonesoup.metricgenerator.plotter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from typing import Tuple

from .base import PlotGenerator
from ..base import Property
from ..types.metric import TimeRangePlottingMetric
from ..types.prediction import Prediction
from ..types.time import TimeRange
from ..plotter import Plotter

[docs]class TwoDPlotter(PlotGenerator): """:class:`~.MetricManager` for the plotting data Plots of :class:`~.Track`, :class:`~.Detection` and :class:`~.GroundTruthPath` objects in two dimensions. """ track_indices: Tuple[int, int] = Property( doc="Elements of track state vector to plot as x and y") gtruth_indices: Tuple[int, int] = Property( doc="Elements of ground truth path state vector to plot as x and y") detection_indices: Tuple[int, int] = Property( doc="Elements of detection state vector to plot as x and y") uncertainty: bool = Property(default=False, doc='If True the plot includes uncertainty ellipses') particle: bool = Property(default=False, doc='If True the plot includes particles')
[docs] def compute_metric(self, manager, *args, **kwargs): """Compute the metric using the data in the metric manager Parameters ---------- manager : MetricManager Containing the data to be used to create the metric(s) Returns ------- TimeRangePlottingMetric Contains a matplotlib figure """ metric = self.plot_tracks_truth_detections(manager.tracks, manager.groundtruth_paths, manager.detections, self.uncertainty, self.particle) return metric
[docs] def plot_tracks_truth_detections(self, tracks, groundtruth_paths, detections, uncertainty=False, particle=False): """Plots tracks, truths and detections onto a 2d matplotlib figure Parameters ---------- tracks: set of :class:`~.Track` Objects to be plotted as tracks groundtruth_paths: set of :class:`~.GroundTruthPath` Objects to be plotted as truths detections: set of :class:`~.Detection` Objects to be plotted as detections uncertainty : bool If True, function plots uncertainty ellipses. particle : bool If True, function plots particles. Returns ---------- TimeRangePlottingMetric Contains the produced plot """ plotter = Plotter() # initialises axes using Plotter class plotter.plot_ground_truths(groundtruth_paths, [self.gtruth_indices[0], self.gtruth_indices[1]], linestyle=':') plotter.plot_measurements(detections, [self.detection_indices[0], self.detection_indices[1]], color='tab:blue') plotting_tracks = set() for track in tracks: if len([state for state in track.states if not isinstance( state, Prediction)]) >= 2: plotting_tracks.add(track) else: continue # Don't plot tracks with only one detection associated; probably clutter if uncertainty: plotter.plot_tracks(plotting_tracks, [self.track_indices[0], self.track_indices[1]], uncertainty=True) elif particle: plotter.plot_tracks(plotting_tracks, [self.track_indices[0], self.track_indices[1]], particle=True) else: plotter.plot_tracks(plotting_tracks, [self.track_indices[0], self.track_indices[1]]) timestamps = [] for state in tracks.union(groundtruth_paths, detections): if state.timestamp not in timestamps: timestamps.append(state.timestamp) return TimeRangePlottingMetric( title='Track plot', value=plotter.fig, time_range=TimeRange(min(timestamps), max(timestamps)), generator=self)