
class stonesoup.sensor.base.BaseSensor[source]

Bases: stonesoup.base.Base, abc.ABC

Sensor base class


This class is private and should not be used or subclassed directly. Instead use the Sensor class which is needed to achieve the functionality described in this class’s documentation.

property platform

Return the platform system to which the sensor is attached. Resolves the weakref stored in the platform_system Property.

property platform_system

Return a weakref to the platform on which the sensor is mounted

property position

The sensor position on a 3D Cartesian plane, expressed as a 3x1 StateVector of Cartesian coordinates in the order \(x,y,z\).


This property delegates the actual calculation of position to the platform on which the sensor is mounted.

It is settable if, and only if, the sensor holds its own internal platform.

property orientation

A 3x1 StateVector of angles (rad), specifying the sensor orientation in terms of the counter-clockwise rotation around each Cartesian axis in the order \(x,y,z\). The rotation angles are positive if the rotation is in the counter-clockwise direction when viewed by an observer looking along the respective rotation axis, towards the origin.


This property delegates the actual calculation of orientation to the platform on which the sensor is mounted.

It is settable if, and only if, the sensor holds its own internal platform.

property velocity

The sensor velocity on a 3D Cartesian plane, expressed as a 3x1 StateVector of Cartesian coordinates in the order \(x,y,z\).


This property delegates the actual calculation of velocity to the platform on which the sensor is mounted.

It is settable if, and only if, the sensor holds its own internal platform which is a MovingPlatfom.

class stonesoup.sensor.sensor.Sensor[source]

Bases: stonesoup.sensor.base.BaseSensor, abc.ABC

Sensor Base class for general use.

Most properties and methods are inherited from BaseSensor, but this class includes crucial functionality and so should be used in preference.

All sensors must be mounted on a platform to calculate their position and orientation. To make this easier, if the sensor has a position and/or orientation specified in the constructor, and no platform_system, then the default is to create an internally held “private” platform for the Sensor. This restricts the later setting of the platform_system but does allow the Sensor to control (and set) its own position and orientation.


class stonesoup.sensor.passive.PassiveElevationBearing(ndim_state, mapping, noise_covar)[source]

Bases: stonesoup.sensor.sensor.Sensor

A simple passive sensor that generates measurements of targets, using a CartesianToElevationBearing model, relative to its position.


The current implementation of this class assumes a 3D Cartesian plane.

ndim_state: int

Number of state dimensions. This is utilised by (and follows in format) the underlying CartesianToElevationBearing model

mapping: numpy.ndarray

Mapping between the targets state space and the sensors measurement capability

noise_covar: stonesoup.types.array.CovarianceMatrix

The sensor noise covariance matrix. This is utilised by (and follow in format) the underlying CartesianToElevationBearing model

measure(ground_truths: Set[stonesoup.types.groundtruth.GroundTruthState], noise: Union[numpy.ndarray, bool] = True, **kwargs)Set[stonesoup.types.detection.TrueDetection][source]

Generate a measurement for a given state


A set of measurements generated from the given states. The timestamps of the measurements are set equal to that of the corresponding states that they were calculated from. Each measurement stores the ground truth path that it was produced from.

Return type
