Source code for stonesoup.deleter.error

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Contains collection of error based deleters"""
import numpy as np

from ..base import Property
from .base import Deleter

[docs]class CovarianceBasedDeleter(Deleter): """ Track deleter based on covariance matrix size. Deletes tracks whose state covariance matrix (more specifically its trace) exceeds a given threshold. """ covar_trace_thresh: float = Property(doc="Covariance matrix trace threshold")
[docs] def check_for_deletion(self, track, **kwargs): """Check if a given track should be deleted A track is flagged for deletion if the trace of its state covariance matrix is higher than :py:attr:`~covar_trace_thresh`. Parameters ---------- track : :class:`stonesoup.types.Track` A track object to be checked for deletion. Returns ------- : :class:`bool` ``True`` if track should be deleted, ``False`` otherwise. """ track_covar_trace = np.trace(track.state.covar) if(track_covar_trace > self.covar_trace_thresh): return True return False