Metric Generators

class stonesoup.metricgenerator.base.MetricGenerator[source]

Bases: stonesoup.base.Base

Metric Generator base class

Generates Metric objects used to asses the performance of a tracker using data held in a MetricManager object

abstract compute_metric(manager, **kwargs)[source]

Compute metric


manager (MetricManager) – containing the data to be used to create the metric(s)


Generated metrics

Return type

list of Metric objects

class stonesoup.metricgenerator.base.MetricManager[source]

Bases: stonesoup.base.Base

Metric Manager base class

Holds the data and manages the production of Metric objects through a MetricGenerator

class stonesoup.metricgenerator.base.MetricTableGenerator[source]

Bases: stonesoup.metricgenerator.base.MetricGenerator

Metric Table base class

Takes a set of :class: ~.Metric objects and outputs a table of the values next to a description and target for each metric

abstract compute_metric(**kwargs)[source]

Generate table

:param : :type : set of :class: ~.Metric objects


Return type

matplotlib.Table object

class stonesoup.metricgenerator.base.PlotGenerator[source]

Bases: stonesoup.metricgenerator.base.MetricGenerator

PlotGenerator base class

PlotGenerators generate metrics that are visualisations. Return PlottingMetric objects.

abstract compute_metric(**kwargs)[source]

Generate table

:param : :type : set of :class: ~.Metric objects


Return type

matplotlib.Table object

Metric Managers

class stonesoup.metricgenerator.manager.SimpleManager(generators=None, associator=None)[source]

SimpleManager class for metric management

Simple MetricManager for the generation of metrics on multiple Track, Detection and GroundTruthPath objects.

  • generators (Sequence[MetricGenerator], optional) – List of generators to use

  • associator (Associator, optional) – Associator to combine tracks and truth

generators: Sequence[stonesoup.metricgenerator.base.MetricGenerator]

List of generators to use

associator: stonesoup.dataassociator.base.Associator

Associator to combine tracks and truth

add_data(groundtruth_paths: Optional[Iterable[Union[stonesoup.types.groundtruth.GroundTruthPath, stonesoup.platform.base.Platform]]] = None, tracks: Optional[Iterable[stonesoup.types.track.Track]] = None, detections: Optional[Iterable[stonesoup.types.detection.Detection]] = None, overwrite=True)[source]

Adds data to the metric generator

  • groundtruth_paths (list or set of GroundTruthPath) – Ground truth paths to be added to the manager.

  • tracks (list or set of Track) – Tracks objects to be added to the manager.

  • detections (list or set of Detection) – Detections to be added to the manager.

  • overwrite (bool) – declaring whether pre-existing data will be overwritten. Note that overwriting one field (e.g. tracks) does not affect the others


Associate tracks to truth using the associator

The resultant AssociationSet internally.


Generate metrics using the generators and data that has been added


Metrics generated

Return type

set of Metric


List all the timestamps used in the tracks and truth, in order


unique timestamps present in the internal tracks and truths.

Return type

list of datetime.datetime