Source code for stonesoup.metricgenerator.ospametric

from itertools import chain, zip_longest

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment

from .base import MetricGenerator
from ..base import Property
from ..measures import Measure, Euclidean
from ..types.state import State, StateMutableSequence
from ..types.time import TimeRange
from ..types.metric import SingleTimeMetric, TimeRangeMetric

[docs]class GOSPAMetric(MetricGenerator): """ Computes the Generalized Optimal SubPattern Assignment (GOSPA) metric for two sets of :class:`~.Track` objects. This implementation of GOSPA is based on the auction algorithm. The GOSPA metric is calculated at each time step in which a :class:`~.Track` object is present Reference: [1] A. S. Rahmathullah, A. F. García-Fernández, L. Svensson, Generalized optimal sub-pattern assignment metric, 2016, [online] Available: """ p: float = Property(doc="1<=p<infty, exponent.") c: float = Property(doc="c>0, cutoff distance.") measure: Measure = Property( default=Euclidean(), doc="Distance measure to use. Default :class:`~.measures.Euclidean()`") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.alpha = 2
[docs] def compute_metric(self, manager): """Compute the metric using the data in the metric manager Parameters ---------- manager : :class:`~.MetricManager` contains the data to be used to create the metric(s) Returns ------- metric : list :class:`~.Metric` Containing the metric information. The value of the metric is a list of metrics at each timestamp """ return self.compute_over_time( self.extract_states(manager.tracks), self.extract_states(manager.groundtruth_paths))
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_states(object_with_states): """ Extracts a list of states from a list of (or single) objects containing states. This method is defined to handle :class:`~.StateMutableSequence` and :class:`~.State` types. Parameters ---------- object_with_states: object containing a list of states Method of state extraction depends on the type of the object Returns ------- : list of :class:`~.State` """ state_list = StateMutableSequence() for element in list(object_with_states): if isinstance(element, StateMutableSequence): state_list.extend(element.states) elif isinstance(element, State): state_list.append(element) else: raise ValueError( "{!r} has no state extraction method".format(element)) return state_list
[docs] def compute_over_time(self, measured_states, truth_states): """ Compute the GOSPA metric at every timestep from a list of measured states and truth states. Parameters ---------- measured_states: List of states created by a filter truth_states: List of truth states to compare against Returns ------- metric: :class:`~.TimeRangeMetric` covering the duration that states exist for in the parameters. metric.value contains a list of metrics for the GOSPA metric at each timestamp """ # Make a list of all the unique timestamps used # Make a sorted list of all the unique timestamps used timestamps = sorted({ state.timestamp for state in chain(measured_states, truth_states)}) gospa_metrics = [] for timestamp in timestamps: meas_points = [state for state in measured_states if state.timestamp == timestamp] truth_points = [state for state in truth_states if state.timestamp == timestamp] metric, truth_to_measured_assignment = self.compute_gospa_metric( meas_points, truth_points) gospa_metrics.append(metric) # If only one timestamp is present then return a SingleTimeMetric if len(timestamps) == 1: return gospa_metrics[0] else: return TimeRangeMetric( title='GOSPA Metrics', value=gospa_metrics, time_range=TimeRange(min(timestamps), max(timestamps)), generator=self)
[docs] def compute_assignments(self, cost_matrix, max_iter): """Compute assignments using Auction Algorithm. Parameters ---------- cost_matrix: Matrix (size mxn) that denotes the cost of assigning mth truth state to each of the n measured states. max_iter: Maximum number of iterations to perform Returns --------- truth_to_measured: np.ndarray Vector of size m, which has indices of the measured objects or '-1' if unassigned. measured_to_truth: np.ndarray Vector of size n, which has indices of the truth objects or '-1' if unassigned. opt_cost: float Scalar value of the optimal assignment """ m_truth, n_measured = cost_matrix.shape # Index for objects that will be left un-assigned. unassigned_idx = -1 opt_cost = 0.0 measured_to_truth = np.full((n_measured, ), unassigned_idx) truth_to_measured = np.full((m_truth, ), unassigned_idx) if m_truth == 1: # Corner case 1: if there is only one truth state. max_cost_idx = np.argmax(cost_matrix, axis=1).item() opt_cost = cost_matrix[0, max_cost_idx] truth_to_measured[0] = max_cost_idx measured_to_truth[max_cost_idx] = 0 return truth_to_measured, measured_to_truth, opt_cost if n_measured == 1: # Corner case 1: if there is only one measured state. max_cost_idx = np.argmax(cost_matrix, axis=0).item() opt_cost = cost_matrix[max_cost_idx, 0] measured_to_truth[0] = max_cost_idx truth_to_measured[max_cost_idx] = 0 return truth_to_measured, measured_to_truth, opt_cost swap_dim_flag = False epsil = 1. / np.max([m_truth, n_measured]) if n_measured < m_truth: # The implementation only works when # m_truth <= n_measured # So swap cost matrix cost_matrix = cost_matrix.transpose() m_truth, n_measured = cost_matrix.shape measured_to_truth, truth_to_measured = truth_to_measured, measured_to_truth swap_dim_flag = True # Initial cost for each measured state c_measured = np.zeros((n_measured, )) k_iter = 0 while not np.all(truth_to_measured != unassigned_idx) and k_iter <= max_iter: for i in range(m_truth): if truth_to_measured[i] == unassigned_idx: # Unassigned truth object 'i' bids for the best # measured object j_star # Value for each measured object for truth 'i' tmp_mat = cost_matrix[i, :] - c_measured j = np.argsort(tmp_mat)[::-1] # Best measurement for truth 'i' j_star = j[0] # 1st and 2nd best value for truth 'i' v_i_j_star, w_i_j_star = tmp_mat[j[:2]] # Bid for measured j_star if w_i_j_star != -np.inf: c_measured[j_star] += v_i_j_star - w_i_j_star + epsil else: c_measured[j_star] += v_i_j_star + epsil # If j_star is unassigned if measured_to_truth[j_star] != unassigned_idx: opt_cost -= cost_matrix[measured_to_truth[j_star], j_star] truth_to_measured[measured_to_truth[j_star]] = unassigned_idx measured_to_truth[j_star] = i truth_to_measured[i] = j_star # update the cost of new assignment opt_cost += cost_matrix[i, j_star] k_iter += 1 if swap_dim_flag: measured_to_truth, truth_to_measured = truth_to_measured, measured_to_truth return truth_to_measured, measured_to_truth, opt_cost
[docs] def compute_cost_matrix(self, track_states, truth_states, complete=False): """Creates the cost matrix between two lists of states This distance measure here will return distances minimum of either :attr:`~.c` or the distance calculated from :attr:`~.Measure`. Parameters ---------- track_states: list of states truth_states: list of states complete: bool Cost matrix will be square, with :attr:`~.c` present for where there is a mismatch in cardinality Returns ---------- cost_matrix: np.ndarray Matrix of distance between each element in each list of states """ if complete: m = n = max((len(track_states), len(truth_states))) else: m, n = len(track_states), len(truth_states) cost_matrix = np.full((m, n), self.c, dtype=np.float_) # c could be int, so force to float for i_track, track_state, in zip_longest(range(m), track_states): for i_truth, truth_state in zip_longest(range(n), truth_states): if None in (track_state, truth_state): continue distance = self.measure(track_state, truth_state) if distance < self.c: cost_matrix[i_track, i_truth] = distance return cost_matrix
[docs] def compute_gospa_metric(self, measured_states, truth_states): """Computes GOSPA metric between measured and truth states. Parameters ---------- measured_states: list of :class:`~.State` list of state objects to be assigned to the truth truth_states: list of :class:`~.State` list of state objects for the truth points Returns ------- gospa_metric: Dictionary containing GOSPA metric for alpha = 2. GOSPA metric is divided into four components: 1. distance, 2. localisation, 3. missed, and 4. false. Note that distance = (localisation + missed + false)^1/p truth_to_measured_assignment: Assignment matrix. """ timestamps = { state.timestamp for state in chain(truth_states, measured_states)} if len(timestamps) != 1: raise ValueError( 'All states must be from the same time to compute GOSPA') gospa_metric = {'distance': 0.0, 'localisation': 0.0, 'missed': 0, 'false': 0} num_truth_states = len(truth_states) num_measured_states = len(measured_states) truth_to_measured_assignment = [] cost_matrix = self.compute_cost_matrix(measured_states, truth_states) cost_matrix = cost_matrix.transpose() opt_cost = 0.0 dummy_cost = (self.c ** self.p) / self.alpha unassigned_index = -1 if num_truth_states == 0: # When truth states are empty all measured states are false opt_cost = -1.0 * num_measured_states * dummy_cost elif num_measured_states == 0: # When measured states are empty all truth # states are missed opt_cost = -1. * num_truth_states * dummy_cost if self.alpha == 2: gospa_metric['missed'] = opt_cost else: # Use auction algorithm when both truth_states # and measured_states are non-empty cost_matrix = -1. * np.power(cost_matrix, self.p) truth_to_measured_assignment, measured_to_truth_assignment, _ =\ self.compute_assignments(cost_matrix, 10 * num_truth_states * num_measured_states) # Now use assignments to compute bids for i in range(num_truth_states): if truth_to_measured_assignment[i] != unassigned_index: opt_cost += cost_matrix[i, truth_to_measured_assignment[i]] if self.alpha == 2: const_assign = truth_to_measured_assignment[i] const_cmp = (-1 * self.c**self.p) gospa_metric['localisation'] += \ cost_matrix[i, const_assign]*(cost_matrix[i, const_assign] > const_cmp) gospa_metric['missed'] -= \ dummy_cost*(cost_matrix[i, const_assign] == const_cmp) gospa_metric['false'] -= \ dummy_cost*(cost_matrix[i, const_assign] == const_cmp) else: opt_cost = opt_cost - dummy_cost if self.alpha == 2: gospa_metric['missed'] -= dummy_cost opt_cost -= np.sum(measured_to_truth_assignment == unassigned_index) * dummy_cost if self.alpha == 2: gospa_metric['false'] -= \ np.sum(measured_to_truth_assignment == unassigned_index)*dummy_cost gospa_metric['distance'] = np.power((-1. * opt_cost), 1 / self.p) gospa_metric['localisation'] *= -1. gospa_metric['missed'] *= -1. gospa_metric['false'] *= -1. single_time_gospa_metric = SingleTimeMetric( title='GOSPA Metric', value=gospa_metric, timestamp=timestamps.pop(), generator=self) return single_time_gospa_metric, truth_to_measured_assignment
[docs]class OSPAMetric(GOSPAMetric): """ Computes the Optimal SubPattern Assignment (OSPA) distance [1] for two sets of :class:`~.Track` objects. The OSPA distance is measured between two point patterns. The OSPA metric is calculated at each time step in which a :class:`~.Track` object is present Reference: [1] A Consistent Metric for Performance Evaluation of Multi-Object Filters, D. Schuhmacher, B. Vo and B. Vo, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing 2008 """ c: float = Property(doc='Maximum distance for possible association') p: float = Property(doc='norm associated to distance')
[docs] def compute_over_time(self, measured_states, truth_states): """Compute the OSPA metric at every timestep from a list of measured states and truth states Parameters ---------- measured_states: list of :class:`~.State` Created by a filter truth_states: list of :class:`~.State` Truth states to compare against Returns ------- TimeRangeMetric Covering the duration that states exist for in the parameters. Metric.value contains a list of metrics for the OSPA distance at each timestamp """ # Make a sorted list of all the unique timestamps used timestamps = sorted({ state.timestamp for state in chain(measured_states, truth_states)}) ospa_distances = [] for timestamp in timestamps: meas_points = [state for state in measured_states if state.timestamp == timestamp] truth_points = [state for state in truth_states if state.timestamp == timestamp] ospa_distances.append( self.compute_OSPA_distance(meas_points, truth_points)) # If only one timestamp is present then return a SingleTimeMetric if len(timestamps) == 1: return ospa_distances[0] else: return TimeRangeMetric( title='OSPA distances', value=ospa_distances, time_range=TimeRange(min(timestamps), max(timestamps)), generator=self)
[docs] def compute_OSPA_distance(self, track_states, truth_states): r""" Computes the Optimal SubPattern Assignment (OSPA) metric for a single time step between two point patterns. Each point pattern consisting of a list of :class:`~.State` objects. The function :math:`\bar{d}_{p}^{(c)}` is the OSPA metric of order :math:`p` with cut-off :math:`c`. The OSPA metric is defined as: .. math:: \begin{equation*} \bar{d}_{p}^{(c)}({X},{Y}) := \Biggl( \frac{1}{n} \Bigl({min}_{\substack{ \pi\in\Pi_{n}}} \sum_{i=1}^{m} d^{(c)}(x_{i},y_{\pi(i)})^{p}+ c^{p}(n-m)\Bigr) \Biggr)^{ \frac{1}{p} } \end{equation*} Parameters ---------- track_states: list of :class:`~.State` truth_states: list of :class:`~.State` Returns ------- SingleTimeMetric The OSPA distance """ timestamps = { state.timestamp for state in chain(truth_states, track_states)} if len(timestamps) > 1: raise ValueError( 'All states must be from the same time to perform OSPA') if not track_states and not truth_states: # pragma: no cover # For completeness, but can't generate metric without timestamp. distance = 0 elif self.p < np.inf: cost_matrix = self.compute_cost_matrix(track_states, truth_states, complete=True) # Solve cost matrix with Hungarian/Munkres using row_ind, col_ind = linear_sum_assignment(cost_matrix) # Length of longest set of states n = max(len(track_states), len(truth_states)) # Calculate metric distance = ((1/n) * np.sum(cost_matrix[row_ind, col_ind]**self.p))**(1/self.p) else: # self.p == np.inf if len(track_states) == len(truth_states): cost_matrix = self.compute_cost_matrix(track_states, truth_states) row_ind, col_ind = linear_sum_assignment(cost_matrix) distance = np.max(cost_matrix[row_ind, col_ind]) else: distance = self.c return SingleTimeMetric(title='OSPA distance', value=distance, timestamp=timestamps.pop(), generator=self)