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Actionable Platforms
This example demonstrates the management of actionable platforms in Stone Soup.
Platforms in Stone Soup
In Stone Soup, instances of the Platform
class are objects to which one or more
sensors can be mounted. They provide a means of controlling the position of mounted sensors.
All platforms in Stone Soup have a movement controller belonging to the class
, which determines if and how the platform can move. The default platforms
and corresponding movement controllers currently implemented in Stone Soup are:
, which has a default movable class ofFixedMovable
. The position of these platforms can be manually defined, but otherwise remains fixed.MovingPlatform
, which has a default movable class ofMovingMovable
. The position of these platforms is not fixed, but changes according to a predefinedTransitionModel
, which has a default movable class ofMultiTransitionMovable
. The same as forMovingPlatform
, but movement is defined by multiple transition models.
Actionable Platforms in Stone Soup
Actionable platforms work slightly differently to these other platforms. They can be
instantiated using the previously mentioned FixedPlatform
- what makes them
‘actionable’ is the use of a movement controller with an ActionGenerator
. The
produces objects of class Action
that can be given to a
to be optimised and acted upon at each timestep.
Currently, actionable platforms in Stone Soup can be created from a FixedPlatform
using the NStepDirectionalGridMovable
movement controller, which allows movement
across a grid-based action space according to a given step size and number of steps.
Additional actionable movement controllers will likely be added in the future.
This example demonstrates the basic usage of actionable platforms. A scenario is created in
which an NStepDirectionalGridMovable
platform mounted with a
sensor is used to track a single moving target that would
otherwise move out of the sensor’s range.
Setting Up the Scenario
We begin by setting up the scenario. We generate a ground truth to simulate the linear movement of a target with a small amount of noise.
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from stonesoup.models.transition.linear import CombinedLinearGaussianTransitionModel, ConstantVelocity
from stonesoup.types.groundtruth import GroundTruthPath, GroundTruthState
start_time =
transition_model = CombinedLinearGaussianTransitionModel(
[ConstantVelocity(0.1), ConstantVelocity(0.1)])
truth = GroundTruthPath([GroundTruthState([-450, 5, 450, -5], timestamp=start_time)])
duration = 120
timesteps = [start_time]
for k in range(1, duration):
transition_model.function(truth[k-1], noise=True, time_interval=timedelta(seconds=1)),
Visualising the ground truth.
from stonesoup.plotter import AnimatedPlotterly
plotter = AnimatedPlotterly(timesteps, tail_length=0.3)
plotter.plot_ground_truths(truth, [0, 2])
Creating the Actionable Platform
Next we create the actionable platform itself. To do this we create a FixedPlatform
but change the movement controller to a NStepDirectionalGridMovable
. The platform
starts alongside the target. We define the platforms movement such that it is capable of moving
up to two steps at each timestep. As the resolution is set to 1 and the step size 6.25, each
step corresponds to 6.25 grid cells, each (x=1, y=1) in size. These restrictions will be
reflected in the list of Action
objects created by the movement controller’s
We add a RadarRotatingBearingRange
radar to this platform, which has a field of
view of 30 degrees, a range of 100 grid cells, and is capable of rotating its dwell centre by
180 degrees each timestep.
from stonesoup.platform import FixedPlatform
from stonesoup.movable.grid import NStepDirectionalGridMovable
from stonesoup.sensor.radar.radar import RadarRotatingBearingRange
from stonesoup.types.angle import Angle
from stonesoup.types.state import State, StateVector
sensor = RadarRotatingBearingRange(
position_mapping=(0, 2),
noise_covar=np.array([[np.radians(1)**2, 0],
[0, 1**2]]),
platform = FixedPlatform(
movement_controller=NStepDirectionalGridMovable(states=[State([[-500], [500]],
position_mapping=(0, 1),
step_size=6.25, # 6.25 seems to match target
action_mapping=(0, 1)),
Creating a Predictor and Updater
Next we create some standard Stone Soup components required for tracking: a predictor, which in this case creates an initial estimate of the target at each timestep according to a linear transition model, and an updater, which updates our initial estimate based on our sensor’s measurements.
As we are working with a particle filter, we also include a resampler, which occasionally regenerates particles according to their weight/likelihood. The particles with higher weights are preserved and replicated. A drawback of this approach is particle impoverishment, whereby repeatedly resampling higher weight particles results in a lower diversity of samples. We therefore include a regulariser to mitigate sample impoverishment by slightly moving resampled particles according to a Gaussian kernel if an acceptance probability is met.
from stonesoup.resampler.particle import ESSResampler
from stonesoup.regulariser.particle import MCMCRegulariser
from stonesoup.predictor.particle import ParticlePredictor
from stonesoup.updater.particle import ParticleUpdater
resampler = ESSResampler()
regulariser = MCMCRegulariser()
predictor = ParticlePredictor(CombinedLinearGaussianTransitionModel([ConstantVelocity(0.1),
updater = ParticleUpdater(sensor.measurement_model,
Creating a Sensor Manager
Now we create a sensor manager, giving it our sensor and platform, and a reward function. In
this case the ExpectedKLDivergence
reward function is used, which chooses actions
based on the information gained by taking that action.
from stonesoup.sensormanager.reward import ExpectedKLDivergence
from stonesoup.sensormanager import BruteForceSensorManager
reward_updater = ParticleUpdater(measurement_model=None)
reward_func = ExpectedKLDivergence(predictor=predictor, updater=reward_updater)
sensormanager = BruteForceSensorManager(sensors={sensor},
Creating a Track
We create a prior and use this to initialise a track. The prior consists of 2000 particles for each component of our state vector, normally distributed around the ground truth, and each with an equal initial weight.
from stonesoup.types.state import StateVectors, ParticleState
from stonesoup.types.track import Track
nparts = 2000
prior = ParticleState(StateVectors([np.random.normal(truth[0].state_vector[0], 10, nparts),
np.random.normal(truth[0].state_vector[1], 1, nparts),
np.random.normal(truth[0].state_vector[2], 10, nparts),
np.random.normal(truth[0].state_vector[3], 1, nparts)]),
prior.parent = prior
track = Track([prior])
Creating a Hypothesiser and Data Associator
The final components we need before we can begin the tracking loop are a hypothesiser and data associator, which, in this case, pair detections with predictions based on their distance.
from stonesoup.hypothesiser.distance import DistanceHypothesiser
from stonesoup.measures import Mahalanobis
hypothesiser = DistanceHypothesiser(predictor, updater, measure=Mahalanobis(), missed_distance=5)
from stonesoup.dataassociator.neighbour import GNNWith2DAssignment
data_associator = GNNWith2DAssignment(hypothesiser)
Running the Tracking Loop
Finally we can run the tracking loop.
At each timestep we use our sensor manager to generate the optimal actions for our sensor and
platform. When we call the sensor manager’s choose_actions()
method, a few
things are happening in the background. For each actionable we control (including our actionable
platform), the actionable’s ActionGenerator
is used to retrieve all possible
actions that our sensor or platform could take at that timestep. What happens next will depend
on the kind of sensor manager used. In our case we chose a BruteForceSensorManager
so every combination of actions between sensor and platform are considered, and each one is
evaluated by our reward function. The combination of actions resulting in the highest reward
will be returned, and we then move our actionables accordingly.
After moving our actionable objects, we take a measurement with our sensor, and update our track depending on what we see.
from stonesoup.sensor.sensor import Sensor
import copy
from collections import defaultdict
sensor_history = defaultdict(dict)
measurements = []
for timestep in timesteps[1:]:
chosen_actions = sensormanager.choose_actions({track}, timestep)
for chosen_action in chosen_actions:
for actionable, actions in chosen_action.items():
if isinstance(actionable, Sensor):
measurement = actionable.measure({truth[timestep]},
hypotheses = data_associator.associate({track},
sensor_history[timestep][sensor] = copy.deepcopy(sensor)
hypothesis = hypotheses[track]
if hypothesis.measurement:
post = updater.update(hypothesis)
As we can see, the actionable platform is able to follow the target as it moves across the action space, keeping it within the sensor’s range.
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from stonesoup.functions import pol2cart
plotter.plot_tracks(track, mapping=(0, 2))
plotter.plot_measurements(measurements, mapping=(0, 2))
sensor_set = {sensor}
def plot_sensor_fov(fig_, sensor_set, sensor_history):
# Plot sensor field of view
trace_base = len(
for _ in sensor_set:
for frame in fig_.frames:
traces_ = list(frame.traces)
data_ = list(
timestring =
timestamp = datetime.strptime(timestring, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
for n_, sensor_ in enumerate(sensor_set):
x = [0, 0]
y = [0, 0]
if timestamp in sensor_history:
sensor_ = sensor_history[timestamp][sensor_]
for i, fov_side in enumerate((-1, 1)):
range_ = min(getattr(sensor_, 'max_range', np.inf), 100)
x[i], y[i] = pol2cart(range_,
sensor_.dwell_centre[0, 0]
+ sensor_.fov_angle / 2 * fov_side) \
+ sensor_.position[[0, 1], 0]
data_.append(go.Scatter(x=[x[0], sensor_.position[0], x[1]],
y=[y[0], sensor_.position[1], y[1]],
traces_.append(trace_base + n_)
frame.traces = traces_ = data_
plot_sensor_fov(plotter.fig, sensor_set, sensor_history)