Particle filtering with Out-of-sequence Measurements

Out-of-sequence measurements (OOSM) are a common and bothersome problem in tracking, arising from delays in the processing chain and frequent when dealing with multi-sensor scenarios.

In literature, there are a number of approaches to deal with this problem (see [1] and [2]) and in a series of examples we have presented some algorithms that deal with such out of sequence measurements. These examples were adopted using a Kalman filter approach, here instead we consider the case of Particle filters (the algorithm implementation can be found here [3]).

Particle filters (PF) work in a different manner compared to the Kalman filters because they sequentially update the distribution, while the latter updates only the filtered distribution. In the PF application, we have each trajectory defined as a particle, where each have an associated weight. Weights can vary as new information arrives (measurements or clutter).

We have a series of measurements that arrive to the detector at different consecutive timesteps, \(k=0,1,2...\), with detection time defined as \(t_{k}\). If \(t_{k} > t_{k-1}\), meaning \(t_{k}\) is consecutive to \(t_{k-1}\), we apply the standard particle filter tracking method. Instead, if \(t_{k} < t_{k-1}\), a delayed measurement, then we apply this algorithm: search in the list of measurements where \(t_{k}\) belongs and find two indices, \(a\) and \(b\), such that \(t_{a} > t_{k} > t_{b}\). In this manner, we are able to insert the measurement in each particle trajectory history at the right time.

We have obtained a time location for the new measurement. We then sample the particles from the state at \(t_{b}\) with new weights (un-normalised), before applying the prediction and update steps with the delayed measurement \(t_{k}\), normalising the particle weights. To finalise the track we re-order the existing data such that \(t_{n} > t_{m}, \forall (n, m)\).

It is important to note that there is the risk of accumulating some disparity over time. As we deal with these measurements, this disparity can significantly impact the tracking performances causing some degeneracy. To solve this issue, we can use a resampling step, where the particles are probabilistically replicated or discarded, resulting in a shift of the degeneracy to the end of the track.

In this example we consider a simple single target scenario with negligible level of clutter. The scans mimic the data obtained by a sensor, and over time some of these have a delay in their arrival time, which we consider as OOSM data. To evaluate the improvement of applying this algorithm, we also consider an implementation where we ignore any measurement that we know has been delayed.

This example follows this structure:

  1. Create ground truth and detections;

  2. Instantiate the tracking components;

  3. Run the tracker, apply the algorithm and visualise the results.

General imports

import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
from copy import deepcopy

# Simulation parameters
start_time =
np.random.seed(1908)  # fix the seed
num_steps = 65  # simulation steps
number_particles = 256  # number of particles

Stone Soup Imports

from stonesoup.models.transition.linear import CombinedLinearGaussianTransitionModel, \
from stonesoup.types.groundtruth import GroundTruthPath, GroundTruthState

# instantiate the transition model
transition_model = CombinedLinearGaussianTransitionModel([ConstantVelocity(0.05),

# Create a list of timesteps
timestamps = [start_time]

# create a set of truths
truths = set()

1. Create ground truth and detections;

In this example we consider a target moving on a nearly constant velocity transition model, where the detections are obtained by a CartesianToBearingRange measurement model. In this scenario we consider a negligible level of clutter.

The detections are stored in scans, which contain also the time of arrival. When a delayed measurement appears, the timestamp of arrival will be modified, but not the timestamp attached to the measurement. As we collect all the scans, we order them by their arrival time.

# Instantiate the groundtruth for the first target
truth = GroundTruthPath([GroundTruthState([0, 1, -100, 0.3], timestamp=start_time)])

# Generate the ground truth
for k in range(1, num_steps):
        transition_model.function(truth[k-1], noise=True,
        timestamp=start_time + timedelta(seconds=5*k)))


# Create the measurements models
from stonesoup.models.measurement.nonlinear import CartesianToBearingRange

measurement_model = CartesianToBearingRange(
    mapping=(0, 2),
    noise_covar=np.diag([np.radians(10), 50]),
    translation_offset=np.array([[500], [-500]]))

# Collect the measurements using scans
scans = []

# Create the detections
from stonesoup.types.detection import TrueDetection

# Loop over the timesteps and collect the detections
for k in range(num_steps):
    detections = set()

    # Introduce the delay
    if k % 5 == 0 and k > 0:
        delay = 25
        delay = 0

    measurement = measurement_model.function(truth[k], noise=True)

    # Scans for tracking and reordering
    scans.append((truth[k].timestamp + timedelta(seconds=delay), detections))

# Reorder the scans by their arrival time
arrival_time_ordered = sorted(scans, key=lambda dscan: dscan[0])

2. Instantiate the tracking components;

We load the various tracking components for the particle filter including ParticleUpdater and ParticlePredictor. For the resampler we use ESSResampler, which calls SystematicResampler by default. Then, to initialise the tracks we start by defining a GaussianState. We sample the particles using a Multivariate Normal distribution around the prior state. We assign a weight to each particle, at the beginning they will have the same weight. Finally, we create a ParticleState prior with the new particles and their weights.

# Load the particle filter components
from stonesoup.updater.particle import ParticleUpdater
from stonesoup.predictor.particle import ParticlePredictor
from stonesoup.resampler.particle import ESSResampler

predictor = ParticlePredictor(transition_model)
resampler = ESSResampler()
updater = ParticleUpdater(measurement_model=measurement_model,

# Load the Particle state priors
from stonesoup.types.state import GaussianState, ParticleState, StateVector
from stonesoup.types.numeric import Probability
from stonesoup.types.particle import Particle

prior_state = GaussianState(
    StateVector([0, 1, -100, 0.3]),
    np.diag([10, 1, 10, 1]))

samples = multivariate_normal.rvs(

# create the particles
particles = [Particle(sample.reshape(-1, 1),
             for sample in samples]

particle_prior = ParticleState(state_vector=None,

3. Run the tracker, apply the algorithm and visualise the results.

The algorithm is applied only when the detection timestamp (\(t_{k}\)) is not greater than the previous recorded timestamp (\(t_{k-1}\)). To understand the benefits of this algorithm we compute a track where the delayed detections are ignored.

# Load the tracking components
from stonesoup.types.hypothesis import SingleHypothesis
from stonesoup.types.track import Track

track = Track(particle_prior)

# Track and prior for the comparison track
track2 = deepcopy(track)
particle_prior2 = deepcopy(particle_prior)

for k in range(1, len(arrival_time_ordered)):  # loop over the scans

    scan = arrival_time_ordered[k][1]
    for detection in scan:  # get the detection time
        arrival_time = detection.timestamp

    if arrival_time > timestamps[k-1]:  # if true, the detections are in order

        # in this scenario we employ a standard particle filter
        for detection in scan:
            prediction = predictor.predict(particle_prior, timestamp=detection.timestamp)
            hypothesis = SingleHypothesis(prediction, detection)
            post = updater.update(hypothesis)
            particle_prior = track[-1]

        # track ignoring the OOSm
        for detection in scan:
            prediction = predictor.predict(particle_prior2, timestamp=detection.timestamp)
            hypothesis = SingleHypothesis(prediction, detection)
            post = updater.update(hypothesis)
            particle_prior2 = track2[-1]

    else:  # if not, then the detection is delayed, apply the algorithm

        # find the index where the arrival time belongs
        scan_time_arrival = [arrival_time_ordered[kk][0] for kk in range(0, k-1)]  # get all times

        # Find the index of the t_b < t_k < t_a < t_{k-1}
        delta_time = [np.abs(entry - arrival_time) for entry in scan_time_arrival]

        # identify the index
        tb_index = delta_time.index(np.min(delta_time))

        # Create the sample state
        sample_state = [track[tb_index].state_vector[ii].mean() for ii in

        # draw the samples
        samples = multivariate_normal.rvs(
            np.diag([10, 1, 10, 1]),

        # get the new particles
        particles = [Particle(sample.reshape(-1, 1),
                     for sample in samples]

        particle_prior = ParticleState(state_vector=None,

        # apply the particle filter with the new particle prior and detection
        for detection in scan:
            prediction = predictor.predict(particle_prior, timestamp=detection.timestamp)
            hypothesis = SingleHypothesis(prediction, detection)
            post = updater.update(hypothesis)

        # re-order the track with the new state correct
        new_track = Track()
        for itrack in range(len(track)):
            if itrack == tb_index:

        # Re-assign to the track the newly ordered tracks
        track = new_track

        # resample the particles, if necessary
        particle_prior = resampler.resample(new_track[-1])

Visualise the tracks and measurements

# Create the detections scans for the plotting
scans_detections = [item[1] for item in arrival_time_ordered]

# Load the plotter
from stonesoup.plotter import AnimatedPlotterly

plotter = AnimatedPlotterly(timestamps)
plotter.plot_ground_truths(truths, [0, 2])

plotter.plot_measurements(scans_detections, [0, 2])
plotter.plot_tracks(track, [0, 2], label='Track dealing with OOSM',
plotter.plot_tracks(track2, [0, 2], label='Track ignoring OOSM')


In this example, we have presented a method on how to deal with OOSM using particle filters. This algorithm works by inserting the delayed measurements in to the particle history track. This allows it to have better tracking performance and not discard any information from the sensors. To validate that, we made a 1-to-1 comparison with a tracker which systematically ignores OOSM.


Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.818 seconds)

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