import copy
import math
import numpy as np
import scipy
from .ensemble import EnsembleUpdater
from .kalman import ExtendedKalmanUpdater
from ..base import Property
from ..types.prediction import Prediction, EnsembleStatePrediction
from ..types.state import State
from ..types.update import Update
from ..types.array import CovarianceMatrix, StateVectors, StateVector
class BayesianRecursiveUpdater(ExtendedKalmanUpdater):
Recursive extension of the ExtendedKalmanUpdater.
number_steps: int = Property(doc="Number of recursive steps",
def _get_meas_cov_scale_factor(cls, n=1, step_no=None):
return n
def _innovation_covariance(self, m_cross_cov, meas_mat, meas_mod, measurement_noise,
scale_factor=1, **kwargs):
"""Compute the innovation covariance
m_cross_cov : numpy.ndarray
The measurement cross covariance matrix
meas_mat : numpy.ndarray
Measurement matrix
meas_mod : :class:~.MeasurementModel`
Measurement model
measurement_noise : bool
Include measurement noise or not
scale_factor : float
Scaling factor between 0 and 1. Default 1 (no scaling)
: numpy.ndarray
The innovation covariance
innov_covar = meas_mat@m_cross_cov
if measurement_noise:
innov_covar += scale_factor*meas_mod.covar(**kwargs)
return innov_covar
def _posterior_covariance(self, hypothesis, scale_factor=1):
Return the posterior covariance for a given hypothesis
hypothesis: :class:`~.Hypothesis`
A hypothesised association between state prediction and measurement. It returns the
measurement prediction which in turn contains the measurement cross covariance,
:math:`P_{k|k-1} H_k^T and the innovation covariance,
:math:`S = H_k P_{k|k-1} H_k^T + R`
: :class:`~.CovarianceMatrix`
The posterior covariance matrix rendered via the Kalman update process.
: numpy.ndarray
The Kalman gain, :math:`K = P_{k|k-1} H_k^T S^{-1}`
if self.use_joseph_cov:
# Identity matrix
id_matrix = np.identity(hypothesis.prediction.ndim)
# Calculate Kalman gain
kalman_gain = hypothesis.measurement_prediction.cross_covar @ \
measurement_model = self._check_measurement_model(
# Calculate measurement matrix/jacobian matrix
meas_matrix = self._measurement_matrix(hypothesis.prediction,
# Calculate Prior covariance
prior_covar = hypothesis.prediction.covar
# Calculate measurement covariance
meas_covar = measurement_model.covar()
# Compute posterior covariance matrix
I_KH = id_matrix - kalman_gain @ meas_matrix
post_cov = I_KH @ prior_covar @ I_KH.T \
+ kalman_gain @ (scale_factor * meas_covar) @ kalman_gain.T
kalman_gain = hypothesis.measurement_prediction.cross_covar @ \
post_cov = hypothesis.prediction.covar - kalman_gain @ \
hypothesis.measurement_prediction.covar @ kalman_gain.T
return post_cov.view(CovarianceMatrix), kalman_gain
def update(self, hypothesis, **kwargs):
r"""The Kalman update method. Given a hypothesised association between
a predicted state or predicted measurement and an actual measurement,
calculate the posterior state.
hypothesis : :class:`~.SingleHypothesis`
the prediction-measurement association hypothesis. This hypothesis
may carry a predicted measurement, or a predicted state. In the
latter case a predicted measurement will be calculated.
**kwargs : various
These are passed to :meth:`predict_measurement`
: :class:`~.GaussianStateUpdate`
The posterior state Gaussian with mean :math:`\mathbf{x}_{k|k}` and
covariance :math:`P_{x|x}`
# Get the predicted state out of the hypothesis
predicted_state = hypothesis.prediction
# Get the measurement model out of the measurement if it's there.
# If not, use the one native to the updater (which might still be
# none)
measurement_model = hypothesis.measurement.measurement_model
measurement_model = self._check_measurement_model(measurement_model)
# If there is no measurement prediction in the hypothesis then do the
# measurement prediction (and attach it back to the hypothesis).
if hypothesis.measurement_prediction is None:
# Attach the measurement prediction to the hypothesis
hypothesis.measurement_prediction = self.predict_measurement(
predicted_state, measurement_model=measurement_model, **kwargs)
if not self.number_steps > 0:
raise ValueError("Updater cannot run 0 times (or less). This would not provide an "
"updated state")
nhypothesis = copy.copy(hypothesis)
for i in range(1, self.number_steps + 1):
sf = self._get_meas_cov_scale_factor(self.number_steps, i)
nhypothesis.measurement_prediction = self.predict_measurement(
nhypothesis.prediction, measurement_model=measurement_model, scale_factor=sf)
# Kalman gain and posterior covariance
posterior_covariance, kalman_gain = self._posterior_covariance(nhypothesis,
# Posterior mean
posterior_mean = self._posterior_mean(nhypothesis.prediction, kalman_gain,
nhypothesis.prediction = Prediction.from_state(
nhypothesis.prediction, state_vector=posterior_mean, covar=posterior_covariance)
if self.force_symmetric_covariance:
posterior_covariance = \
(posterior_covariance + posterior_covariance.T)/2
return Update.from_state(
posterior_mean, posterior_covariance,
timestamp=hypothesis.measurement.timestamp, hypothesis=hypothesis)
class RecursiveEnsembleUpdater(ExtendedKalmanUpdater, EnsembleUpdater):
Recursive version of EnsembleUpdater. Uses calculated posterior ensemble as prior ensemble to
recursively update number_steps times.
number_steps: int = Property(doc="Number of recursive steps")
def update(self, hypothesis, **kwargs):
r"""The BayesianRecursiveEnsembleUpdater update method. The Ensemble Kalman filter
simply uses the Kalman Update scheme
to evolve a set or Ensemble
of state vectors as a group. This ensemble of vectors contains all the
information on the system state.
Uses calculated posterior ensemble as prior ensemble to
recursively update number_steps times.
hypothesis : :class:`~.SingleHypothesis`
the prediction-measurement association hypothesis. This hypothesis
may carry a predicted measurement, or a predicted state. In the
latter case a predicted measurement will be calculated.
: :class:`~.EnsembleStateUpdate`
The posterior state which contains an ensemble of state vectors
and a timestamp.
# Assigning more readible variable names
hypothesis = self._check_measurement_prediction(hypothesis)
num_vectors = hypothesis.prediction.num_vectors
nhypothesis = copy.copy(hypothesis)
if not self.number_steps > 0:
raise ValueError("Updater cannot run 0 times (or less). This would not provide an "
"updated state")
for _ in range(self.number_steps):
# Clear measurement prediction so that it is automatically recalculated
nhypothesis.measurement_prediction = None
# Generate an ensemble of measurements based on measurement
measurement_ensemble = nhypothesis.prediction.generate_ensemble(
# Recalculate measurement prediction
nhypothesis = self._check_measurement_prediction(nhypothesis)
# Calculate Kalman Gain according to Dr. Jan Mandel's EnKF formalism.
innovation_ensemble = nhypothesis.prediction.state_vector - nhypothesis.prediction.mean
meas_innovation = (
- self.measurement_model.function(State(nhypothesis.prediction.mean)))
# Calculate Kalman Gain
kalman_gain = 1 / (num_vectors - 1) * innovation_ensemble @ meas_innovation.T @ \
scipy.linalg.inv(1 / (num_vectors - 1) * meas_innovation @ meas_innovation.T +
# Calculate Posterior Ensemble
posterior_ensemble = (
+ kalman_gain @ (
measurement_ensemble -
nhypothesis.prediction = EnsembleStatePrediction(posterior_ensemble,
return Update.from_state(hypothesis.prediction,
class RecursiveLinearisedEnsembleUpdater(ExtendedKalmanUpdater, EnsembleUpdater):
Implementation of 'The Bayesian Recursive Update Linearized EnKF' algorithm from "Ensemble
Kalman Filter with Bayesian Recursive Update" by Kristen Michaelson, Andrey A. Popov and
Renato Zanetti.
Recursive version of the LinearisedEnsembleUpdater that recursively iterates over the update
step for a given number of steps.
1. K. Michaelson, A. A. Popov and R. Zanetti,
"Ensemble Kalman Filter with Bayesian Recursive Update"
number_steps: int = Property(doc="Number of recursive steps")
inflation_factor: float = Property(default=1.,
doc="Parameter to control inflation")
def update(self, hypothesis, **kwargs):
r"""The RecursiveLinearisedEnsembleUpdater update method. Uses an alternative form of
Kalman gain to calculate a value for each member of the ensemble. Iterates over the update
step recursively to improve upon error caused by linearisation.
hypothesis : :class:`~.SingleHypothesis`
the prediction-measurement association hypothesis. This hypothesis
may carry a predicted measurement, or a predicted state. In the
latter case a predicted measurement will be calculated.
: :class:`~.EnsembleStateUpdate`
The posterior state which contains an ensemble of state vectors
and a timestamp.
# Number of steps
N = self.number_steps
if not self.number_steps > 0:
raise ValueError("Updater cannot run 0 times (or less). This would not provide an "
"updated state")
# Preserve original hypothesis - use copy instead
nhypothesis = copy.copy(hypothesis)
# Measurement covariance
R = self.measurement_model.covar()
# Line 1: Ensemble from prior distribution
X = nhypothesis.prediction.state_vector
# Line 2: Iterate the update step
for _ in range(N):
# Line 3: Generate mean of prediction ensemble
m = nhypothesis.prediction.mean
# Line 4: Compute inflation
X = StateVectors(m + (self.inflation_factor ** (1/N)) * (X - m))
# Clear measurement prediction so that it is recalculated
nhypothesis.measurement_prediction = None
# Update predicted state vector
nhypothesis.prediction.state_vector = X
# Recalculate measurement prediction
nhypothesis = self._check_measurement_prediction(nhypothesis)
# Number of vectors
M = hypothesis.prediction.num_vectors
# Line 5: Compute prior covariance
P = 1/(M-1) * (X - m) @ (X - m).T
# Line 7: Y_hat (vectorised)
Y_hat = nhypothesis.measurement_prediction.state_vector
# Line 6
states = list()
for x, y_hat in zip(X, Y_hat):
# Line 8: Compute Jacobian
H = self.measurement_model.jacobian(
State(state_vector=x, timestamp=nhypothesis.measurement.timestamp))
# Line 9: Compute Innovation
S = H @ P @ H.T + N * R
# Line 10: Calculate Kalman gain
K = P @ H.T @ scipy.linalg.inv(S)
# Line 11: Recalculate X
x = x + K @ (hypothesis.measurement.state_vector - y_hat)
X = StateVectors(np.hstack(states))
nhypothesis.prediction = EnsembleStatePrediction(X,
return Update.from_state(hypothesis.prediction,
class VariableStepBayesianRecursiveUpdater(BayesianRecursiveUpdater):
Extension of the BayesianRecursiveUpdater. The BayesianRecursiveUpdater uses equal
measurement noise for each recursive step. The VariableStepBayesianUpdater over-inflates
measurement noise in the earlier steps, requiring the use of a smaller number of steps.
1. K. Michaelson, A. A. Popov and R. Zanetti,
"Bayesian Recursive Update for Ensemble Kalman Filters"
number_steps: int = Property(doc="Number of recursive steps",
def _get_meas_cov_scale_factor(cls, n=1, step_no=None):
return 1 / (step_no / ((n * (n + 1)) / 2))
class ErrorControllerBayesianRecursiveUpdater(BayesianRecursiveUpdater):
Extension of the variable-step Bayesian recursive update method, which introduces
error-controlling parameters. This method allows the step size to adjust according to the
error value from the previous step. Implementation based on algorithm 3 of [1]. Default
values for parameters atol, rtol, f, fmin and fmax are copied from values stated in examples
in [1]
1. K. Michaelson, A. A. Popov and R. Zanetti,
"Bayesian Recursive Update for Ensemble Kalman Filters"
atol: float = Property(default=1.e-3,
doc="Absolute tolerance value")
rtol: float = Property(default=1.e-3,
doc="Relative tolerance value")
f: float = Property(doc="Nominal value for step size scale factor")
fmin: float = Property(doc="Minimum value for step size scale factor")
fmax: float = Property(doc="Maximum value for step size scale factor")
def update(self, hypothesis, **kwargs):
Update method of the ErrorControllerBayesianRecursiveUpdater. This method allows the
step size to adjust according to the error value from the previous step.
hypothesis : :class:`~.SingleHypothesis`
the prediction-measurement association hypothesis. This hypothesis
may carry a predicted measurement, or a predicted state. In the
latter case a predicted measurement will be calculated.
: :class:`~.GaussianStateUpdate`
The posterior state Gaussian with mean :math:`\\mathbf{x}_{k|k}` and
covariance :math:`P_{x|x}`
if not self.number_steps > 0:
raise ValueError("Updater cannot run 0 times (or less). This would not provide an "
"updated state")
# # 1-2) X0 = prior state estimate
X_0 = hypothesis.prediction.state_vector
P_0 = hypothesis.prediction.covar
# Get the measurement model out of the measurement if it's there.
# If not, use the one native to the updater (which might still be
# none)
measurement_model = hypothesis.measurement.measurement_model
measurement_model = self._check_measurement_model(measurement_model)
# If there is no measurement prediction in the hypothesis then do the
# measurement prediction (and attach it back to the hypothesis).
if hypothesis.measurement_prediction is None:
# Attach the measurement prediction to the hypothesis
hypothesis.measurement_prediction = self.predict_measurement(
hypothesis.prediction, measurement_model=measurement_model, **kwargs)
# 3) define initial tc value
tc = 0
# 4) define initial ds value
ds = 1/self.number_steps
# 5) start iteration count
i = 1
# Make two deep copies of the hypothesis
nhypothesis = copy.deepcopy(hypothesis)
nhypothesis_prime = copy.deepcopy(hypothesis)
# initial values for iteration i-1
X_iminus1 = X_0
P_iminus1 = P_0
while tc < 1:
if tc + ds > 1:
# 9) update ds value
ds = 1 - tc
# Update predicted state
nhypothesis.prediction = Prediction.from_state(nhypothesis_prime.prediction,
nhypothesis.measurement_prediction = None
# 12-13) Jacobian, innov_cov calculations using prior state. Note different innov
# cov method
nhypothesis.measurement_prediction = self.predict_measurement(
nhypothesis.prediction, measurement_model=measurement_model, scale_factor=1/ds)
# 14, 17) Posterior cov and Kalman gain calculation
P_i, K = self._posterior_covariance(nhypothesis, scale_factor=1/ds)
# 16) posterior state_vector calculation
X_i = self._posterior_mean(nhypothesis.prediction, K,
# 15) deltaX calculation
deltaX_i = X_i - X_iminus1
# Set nhypothesis_prime.prediction to be the posterior state
nhypothesis_prime.prediction = Prediction.from_state(nhypothesis.prediction,
# 19-20) Jacobian, innov_cov calculations using posterior state. Note different innov
# cov method
nhypothesis_prime.measurement_prediction = self.predict_measurement(
nhypothesis_prime.prediction, measurement_model=measurement_model,
# 21) P' and K' calculation
P_prime, K_prime = self._posterior_covariance(nhypothesis_prime, scale_factor=1 / ds)
# 22) deltaX_prime calculation
deltaX_i_prime = self._posterior_mean(nhypothesis_prime.prediction, K_prime,
nhypothesis_prime.measurement_prediction) - \
# 23) posterior_state_prime calculation
X_i_prime = X_iminus1 + 0.5*(deltaX_i + deltaX_i_prime)
# 24) sc calculation
sc = self.atol + \
StateVector(np.max(np.hstack((np.abs(X_i), np.abs(X_i_prime))), axis=1)) * \
# 25) error calculation
error = np.sqrt(np.mean((np.multiply(1/sc, X_i - X_i_prime)) ** 2))
if error > 1:
# 28) update ds
ds = ds * min(0.9, max(self.fmin, self.f * math.sqrt(1/error)))
# 29) reject update and go to top of loop
# 32) update tc (tc = tc + ds)
tc = tc + ds
# 33) posterior_state_vector <- posterior_state_vector_tilda
X_iminus1 = X_i
# 34) posterior_cov <- posterior_cov_tilda
P_iminus1 = P_i
# 35) update iteration count
i += 1
# 36) update ds
ds = ds * min(self.fmax, max(self.fmin, self.f * math.sqrt(1/error)))
# 39) final_posterior_state_vector <- posterior_state_vector at i-1
X = X_iminus1
# 40) final_posterior_cov <- posterior_cov
P = P_i
if self.force_symmetric_covariance:
P = (P + P.T)/2
return Update.from_state(
X, P,
timestamp=hypothesis.measurement.timestamp, hypothesis=hypothesis)