from functools import lru_cache
import numpy as np
from .kalman import KalmanUpdater
from ..types.prediction import ASDGaussianMeasurementPrediction
from ..types.update import ASDGaussianStateUpdate
class ASDKalmanUpdater(KalmanUpdater):
"""Accumulated State Densities Kalman Updater
A linear updater for accumulated state densities, for processing out of
sequence measurements. This requires the state is represented in
:class:`ASDGaussianState` multi-state.
1. W. Koch and F. Govaers, On Accumulated State Densities with Applications to
Out-of-Sequence Measurement Processing in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and
Electronic Systems,
vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 2766-2778, OCTOBER 2011, doi: 10.1109/TAES.2011.6034663.
def predict_measurement(self, predicted_state, measurement_model=None, measurement_noise=True,
r"""Predict the measurement implied by the predicted state mean
predicted_state : :class:`~.ASDState`
The predicted state :math:`\mathbf{x}_{k|k-1}`
measurement_model : :class:`~.MeasurementModel`
The measurement model. If omitted, the model in the updater
object is used
measurement_noise : bool
Whether to include measurement noise :math:`R` with innovation covariance
**kwargs : various
These are passed to :meth:`~.MeasurementModel.function` and
: :class:`ASDGaussianMeasurementPrediction`
The measurement prediction, :math:`\mathbf{z}_{k|k-1}`
measurement_model = self._check_measurement_model(measurement_model)
t_index = predicted_state.timestamps.index(predicted_state.act_timestamp)
state_at_t = predicted_state[t_index]
pred_meas = measurement_model.function(state_at_t, **kwargs)
hh = self._measurement_matrix(predicted_state=state_at_t,
innov_cov = hh@state_at_t.covar@hh.T
if measurement_noise:
innov_cov += measurement_model.covar()
t2t_plus = slice(t_index * predicted_state.ndim, (t_index+1) * predicted_state.ndim)
meas_cross_cov = predicted_state.multi_covar[:, t2t_plus] @ hh.T
return ASDGaussianMeasurementPrediction(
multi_state_vector=pred_meas, multi_covar=innov_cov,
def update(self, hypothesis, force_symmetric_covariance=False, **kwargs):
r"""The Kalman update method. Given a hypothesised association between
a predicted state and an actual measurement,
calculate the posterior state. The Measurement Prediction should be
calculated by this method. It is overwritten in this method
hypothesis : :class:`~.SingleHypothesis`
the prediction-measurement association hypothesis. This hypothesis
may carry a predicted measurement, or a predicted state. In the
latter case a predicted measurement will be calculated.
force_symmetric_covariance : :obj:`bool`, optional
A flag to force the output covariance matrix to be symmetric by way
of a simple geometric combination of the matrix and transpose.
Default is `False`
**kwargs : various
These are passed to :meth:`predict_measurement`
: :class:`~.ASDGaussianStateUpdate`
The posterior state Gaussian with mean :math:`\mathbf{x}_{k|k}` and
covariance :math:`P_{x|x}`
# Get the predicted state out of the hypothesis
predicted_state = hypothesis.prediction
correlation_matrices = predicted_state.correlation_matrices.copy()
if hypothesis.measurement_prediction is None:
# Get the measurement model out of the measurement if it's there.
# If not, use the one native to the updater (which might still be
# none)
measurement_model = hypothesis.measurement.measurement_model
measurement_model = self._check_measurement_model(measurement_model)
# Attach the measurement prediction to the hypothesis
hypothesis.measurement_prediction = self.predict_measurement(
predicted_state, measurement_model=measurement_model, **kwargs)
# Get the predicted measurement mean, innovation covariance and
# measurement cross-covariance
pred_meas = hypothesis.measurement_prediction.state_vector
innov_cov = hypothesis.measurement_prediction.covar
m_cross_cov = hypothesis.measurement_prediction.cross_covar
# Complete the calculation of the posterior
# This isn't optimised
kalman_gain = m_cross_cov @ np.linalg.inv(innov_cov)
posterior_mean = \
predicted_state.multi_state_vector \
+ kalman_gain @ (hypothesis.measurement.state_vector - pred_meas)
posterior_covariance = predicted_state.multi_covar - kalman_gain@innov_cov@kalman_gain.T
if force_symmetric_covariance:
posterior_covariance = \
(posterior_covariance + posterior_covariance.T) / 2
t_index = predicted_state.timestamps.index(predicted_state.act_timestamp)
t2t_plus = slice(t_index * predicted_state.ndim, (t_index+1) * predicted_state.ndim)
# save the new posterior, if it is no out of sequence measurement
correlation_matrices[t_index] = pred_corr_matrices = correlation_matrices[t_index].copy()
# update covariance after calculating
pred_corr_matrices['P'] = posterior_covariance[t2t_plus, t2t_plus]
pred_corr_matrices['PFP'] = (
@ pred_corr_matrices['F'].T
@ np.linalg.inv(pred_corr_matrices['P_pred']))
except KeyError:
return ASDGaussianStateUpdate(multi_state_vector=posterior_mean,