Source code for stonesoup.types.update

from import Sequence

from .array import StateVectors
from .base import Type
from .hypothesis import Hypothesis, CompositeHypothesis
from .mixture import GaussianMixture
from .state import CreatableFromState, CompositeState, KernelParticleState
from .state import State, GaussianState, ParticleState, EnsembleState, \
    SqrtGaussianState, InformationState, CategoricalState, ASDGaussianState, \
    WeightedGaussianState, TaggedWeightedGaussianState, \
    MultiModelParticleState, RaoBlackwellisedParticleState, BernoulliParticleState
from ..base import Property

[docs] class Update(Type, CreatableFromState): """ Update type The base update class. Updates are returned by :class:'~.Updater' objects and contain the information that was used to perform the updating""" hypothesis: Hypothesis = Property(doc="Hypothesis used for updating")
[docs] class StateUpdate(Update, State): """ StateUpdate type Most simple state update type, where everything only has time and a state vector. Requires a prior state that was updated, and the hypothesis used to update the prior. """
[docs] class GaussianStateUpdate(Update, GaussianState): """ GaussianStateUpdate type This is a simple Gaussian state update object, which, as the name suggests, is described by a Gaussian distribution. """
[docs] class SqrtGaussianStateUpdate(Update, SqrtGaussianState): """ SqrtGaussianStateUpdate type This is equivalent to a Gaussian state update object, but with the covariance of the Gaussian distribution stored in matrix square root form. """
[docs] class WeightedGaussianStateUpdate(Update, WeightedGaussianState): """ WeightedGaussianStateUpdate type This is a simple Gaussian state update object, which, as the name suggests, is described by a Gaussian distribution with an associated weight. """
[docs] class TaggedWeightedGaussianStateUpdate(Update, TaggedWeightedGaussianState): """ TaggedWeightedGaussianStateUpdate type This is a simple Gaussian state update object, which, as the name suggests, is described by a Gaussian distribution, with an associated weight and unique tag. """
[docs] class GaussianMixtureUpdate(Update, GaussianMixture): """ GaussianMixtureUpdate type This is a Gaussian mixture update object, which, as the name suggests, is described by a Gaussian mixture. """
[docs] class ASDGaussianStateUpdate(Update, ASDGaussianState): """ ASDGaussianStateUpdate type This is a simple ASD Gaussian state update object, which, as the name suggests, is described by a Gaussian distribution. """
[docs] class ParticleStateUpdate(Update, ParticleState): """ParticleStateUpdate type This is a simple Particle state update object. """
[docs] class MultiModelParticleStateUpdate(Update, MultiModelParticleState): """MultiModelStateUpdate type This is a simple Multi-Model Particle state update object. """
[docs] class RaoBlackwellisedParticleStateUpdate(Update, RaoBlackwellisedParticleState): """RaoBlackwellisedStateUpdate type This is a simple Rao Blackwellised Particle state update object. """
[docs] class BernoulliParticleStateUpdate(Update, BernoulliParticleState): """BernoulliStateUpdate type This is a simple Bernoulli Particle state update object. """
[docs] class KernelParticleStateUpdate(Update, KernelParticleState): """KernelParticleStateUpdate type This is a Kernel Particle state update object. """ proposal: StateVectors = Property(default=None, doc='Kernel covariance value. Default `None`.')
[docs] class EnsembleStateUpdate(Update, EnsembleState): """EnsembleStateUpdate type This is a simple Ensemble state update object. """
[docs] class InformationStateUpdate(Update, InformationState): """ InformationUpdate type This is a simple Information state update object, which, as the name suggests, is described by a precision matrix and its corresponding state vector. """
[docs] class CategoricalStateUpdate(Update, CategoricalState): """Categorical state prediction type"""
[docs] class CompositeUpdate(Update, CompositeState): """Composite update type Composition of :class:`~.Update`. """ sub_states: Sequence[Update] = Property( doc="Sequence of sub-updates comprising the composite update. All sub-updates must have " "matching timestamp. Must not be empty.") hypothesis: CompositeHypothesis = Property(doc="Hypothesis used for updating")