import copy
import datetime
import typing
import uuid
import weakref
from import MutableMapping, MutableSequence, Sequence
from numbers import Integral
from typing import Any, Optional
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
from ..base import Property, clearable_cached_property
from .array import StateVector, CovarianceMatrix, PrecisionMatrix, StateVectors
from .base import Type
from .particle import Particle, MultiModelParticle, RaoBlackwellisedParticle
from .numeric import Probability
class State(Type):
"""State type.
Most simple state type, which only has time and a state vector."""
timestamp: datetime.datetime = Property(
default=None, doc="Timestamp of the state. Default None.")
state_vector: StateVector = Property(doc='State vector.')
def __init__(self, state_vector, *args, **kwargs):
# Don't cast away subtype of state_vector if not necessary
if state_vector is not None \
and not isinstance(state_vector, (StateVector, StateVectors)):
state_vector = StateVector(state_vector)
super().__init__(state_vector, *args, **kwargs)
def ndim(self):
"""The number of dimensions represented by the state."""
return self.state_vector.shape[0]
def from_state(state: 'State', *args: Any, target_type: Optional[typing.Type] = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> 'State':
"""Class utility function to create a new state (or compatible type) from an existing
state. The type and properties of this new state are defined by `state` except for any
explicitly overwritten via `args` and `kwargs`.
It acts similarly in feel to a copy constructor, with the optional over-writing of
state: State
:class:`~.State` to use existing properties from, and identify new state-type from.
\\*args: Sequence
Arguments to pass to newly created state, replacing those with same name in `state`.
target_type: Type, optional
Optional argument specifying the type of object to be created. This need not
necessarily be :class:`~.State` subclass. Any arguments that match between the input
`state` and the target type will be copied from the old to the new object (except those
explicitly specified in `args` and `kwargs`).
\\*\\*kwargs: Mapping
New property names and associate value for use in newly created state, replacing those
on the `state` parameter.
# Handle being initialised with state sequence
if isinstance(state, StateMutableSequence):
state = state.state
if target_type is None:
target_type = type(state)
args_property_names = {
name for n, name in enumerate( if n < len(args)}
new_kwargs = {
name: getattr(state, name)
for name in type(state).properties.keys() &
if name not in args_property_names and name not in kwargs}
return target_type(*args, **new_kwargs)
class CreatableFromState:
class_mapping = {}
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
bases = cls.__bases__
if CreatableFromState in bases:
# Direct subclasses should not be added to the class mapping, only subclasses of
# subclasses
if len(bases) != 2:
raise TypeError('A CreatableFromState subclass must have exactly two superclasses')
base_class, state_type = cls.__bases__
if not issubclass(base_class, CreatableFromState):
raise TypeError('The first superclass of a CreatableFromState subclass must be a '
'CreatableFromState (or a subclass)')
if not issubclass(state_type, State):
# Non-state subclasses do not need adding to the class mapping, as they should not
# be created from States
if base_class not in CreatableFromState.class_mapping:
CreatableFromState.class_mapping[base_class] = {}
CreatableFromState.class_mapping[base_class][state_type] = cls
def from_state(
state: State,
*args: Any,
target_type: Optional[type] = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> 'State':
Return new object instance of suitable type from an existing `state`.
The type returned can be explicitly specified using the `target_type` argument, otherwise
it is chosen by introspection of the created subclasses of this type: see below for an
example. Any compatible properties are copied from the input `state` to the returned
object, except for those specified by `args` and `kwargs`, which take precedence over those
from the input `state`.
This method is primarily concerned with type selection, with actual copying performed by
the static :meth:`~.State.from_state` method. As an example of the type selection
algorithm, consider the case of the class
`GaussianStatePrediction(Prediction, GaussianState)`. This is subclass of `Prediction`,
and `GaussianState` and so the `class_mapping` property will have an entry added (when
`GaussianStatePrediction` is defined) such that
`class_mapping[Prediction][GaussianState] = GaussianStatePrediction`. If this method is
then called like below
>>>> gaussian_state = GaussianState(some_arguments)
>>>> new_prediction = Prediction.from_state(gaussian_state, *args, **kwargs)
then the `from_state` method will look up the class mapping and see that
`Prediction.from_state()` called with a `GaussianState` input should return a
`GaussianStatePrediction` object, and therefore the type of `new_prediction` will be
The functionality is currently used by :class:`~.Prediction` and :class:`~.Updater`
state: State
:class:`~.State` to use existing properties from, and identify prediction type from
\\*args: Sequence
Arguments to pass to newly created prediction, replacing those with same name on
``state`` parameter.
target_type: Type, optional
Type to use for prediction, overriding one from :attr:`class_mapping`.
\\*\\*kwargs: Mapping
New property names and associate value for use in newly created prediction, replacing
those on the ``state`` parameter.
# Handle being initialised with state sequence
if isinstance(state, StateMutableSequence):
state = state.state
state_type = next(type_ for type_ in type(state).mro()
if type_ in CreatableFromState.class_mapping[cls])
except StopIteration:
raise TypeError(f'{cls.__name__} type not defined for {type(state).__name__}')
if target_type is None:
target_type = CreatableFromState.class_mapping[cls][state_type]
return target_type.from_state(state, *args, **kwargs, target_type=target_type)
class PointMassState(State):
"""PointMassState State type
For the Lagrangina Point Mass filter.
state_vector: StateVectors = Property(doc="State vectors.")
weight: MutableSequence[Probability] = Property(
default=None, doc="Masses of grid points"
grid_delta: np.ndarray = Property(default=None, doc="Grid step per dim")
grid_dim: np.ndarray = Property(
doc="Grid coordinates per dimension before rotation and translation",
center: np.ndarray = Property(default=None, doc="Center of the grid")
eigVec: np.ndarray = Property(default=None, doc="Eigenvectors of the grid")
Npa: np.ndarray = Property(default=None, doc="Points per dim")
def __len__(self):
return self.state_vector.shape[1]
def ndim(self):
"""The number of dimensions represented by the state."""
return self.state_vector.shape[0]
def mean(self):
"""Sample mean for particles"""
return np.hstack(self.state_vector @ self.weight *
def covar(self):
# Measurement update covariance
chip_ = self.state_vector - self.mean[:, np.newaxis]
chip_w = chip_ * self.weight.reshape(1, -1, order="C")
measVar = (chip_w @ chip_.T) *
measVar = CovarianceMatrix(measVar)
return measVar
State.register(PointMassState) # noqa: E305
class ASDState(Type):
"""ASD State type
For the use of Accumulated State Densities.
multi_state_vector: StateVector = Property(
doc="State vector of all timestamps")
timestamps: Sequence[datetime.datetime] = Property(
doc="List of all timestamps which have a state in the ASDState")
max_nstep: int = Property(
doc="Decides when the state is pruned in a prediction step. If 0 then there is no pruning")
def __init__(self, multi_state_vector, timestamps,
max_nstep=0, *args, **kwargs):
if multi_state_vector is not None and timestamps is not None:
multi_state_vector = StateVector(multi_state_vector)
if not isinstance(timestamps, Sequence):
timestamps = list([timestamps])
self.max_nstep = max_nstep
super().__init__(multi_state_vector, timestamps, max_nstep, *args, **kwargs)
def __getitem__(self, item):
if isinstance(item, Integral):
ndim = self.ndim
start = item * ndim
end = None if item == -1 else (item+1) * ndim
state_slice = slice(start, end)
state_vector = StateVector(self.multi_state_vector[state_slice])
timestamp = self.timestamps[item]
return State(state_vector=state_vector, timestamp=timestamp)
raise TypeError(f'{type(self).__name__!r} only subscriptable by int')
def state_vector(self):
"""The State vector of the newest timestamp"""
return self.multi_state_vector[0:self.ndim]
def timestamp(self):
"""The newest timestamp"""
return self.timestamps[0]
def ndim(self):
"""Dimension of one State"""
return int(self.multi_state_vector.shape[0] / len(self.timestamps))
def nstep(self):
"""Number of timesteps which are in the ASDState"""
return len(self.timestamps)
@clearable_cached_property('multi_state_vector', 'timestamps')
def state(self):
"""A :class:`~.State` object representing latest timestamp"""
return self[0]
@clearable_cached_property('multi_state_vector', 'timestamps')
def states(self):
return [self[i] for i in range(self.nstep)]
class StateMutableSequence(Type, MutableSequence):
"""A mutable sequence for :class:`~.State` instances
This sequence acts like a regular list object for States, as well as
proxying state attributes to the last state in the sequence. This sequence
can also be indexed/sliced by :class:`datetime.datetime` instances.
If shallow copying, similar to a list, it is safe to add/remove states
without affecting the original sequence.
>>> t0 = datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 1, 14, 00)
>>> t1 = t0 + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)
>>> state0 = State([[0]], t0)
>>> sequence = StateMutableSequence([state0])
>>> print(sequence.state_vector, sequence.timestamp)
[[0]] 2018-01-01 14:00:00
>>> sequence.append(State([[1]], t1))
>>> for state in sequence[t1:]:
... print(state.state_vector, state.timestamp)
[[1]] 2018-01-01 14:01:00
states: MutableSequence[State] = Property(
doc="The initial list of states. Default `None` which initialises with empty list.")
def __init__(self, states=None, *args, **kwargs):
if states is None:
states = []
elif not isinstance(states, Sequence):
# Ensure states is a list
states = [states]
super().__init__(states, *args, **kwargs)
def __len__(self):
return self.states.__len__()
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
return self.states.__setitem__(index, value)
def __delitem__(self, index):
return self.states.__delitem__(index)
def __getitem__(self, index):
if isinstance(index, slice) and (
isinstance(index.start, datetime.datetime)
or isinstance(index.stop, datetime.datetime)):
items = []
for state in self.states:
if index.start and state.timestamp < index.start:
if index.stop and state.timestamp >= index.stop:
except TypeError as exc:
raise TypeError(
'both indices must be `datetime.datetime` objects for'
'time slice') from exc
return StateMutableSequence(items[::index.step])
elif isinstance(index, datetime.datetime):
for state in reversed(self.states):
if state.timestamp == index:
return state
raise IndexError('timestamp not found in states')
elif isinstance(index, slice):
return StateMutableSequence(self.states.__getitem__(index))
return self.states.__getitem__(index)
def __getattribute__(self, name):
# This method is called if we try to access an attribute of self. First we try to get the
# attribute directly, but if that fails, we want to try getting the same attribute from
# self.state instead. If that, in turn, fails we want to return the error message that
# would have originally been raised, rather than an error message that the State has no
# such attribute.
# An alternative mechanism using __getattr__ seems simpler (as it skips the first few lines
# of code, but __getattr__ has no mechanism to capture the originally raised error).
# This tries first to get the attribute from self.
return Type.__getattribute__(self, name)
except AttributeError as original_error:
if name.startswith("_"):
# Don't proxy special/private attributes to `state`, just raise the original error
raise original_error
# For non _ attributes, try to get the attribute from self.state instead of self.
my_state = Type.__getattribute__(self, 'state')
return getattr(my_state, name)
except AttributeError:
# If we get the error about 'State' not having the attribute, then we want to
# raise the original error instead
raise original_error
def __copy__(self):
inst = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
property_name = self.__class__.states._property_name
inst.__dict__[property_name] = copy.copy(self.__dict__[property_name])
return inst
def insert(self, index, value):
return self.states.insert(index, value)
def state(self):
return self.states[-1]
def last_timestamp_generator(self):
"""Generator yielding the last state for each timestamp
This provides a method of iterating over a sequence of states,
such that when multiple states for the same timestamp exist,
only the last state is yielded. This is particularly useful in
cases where you may have multiple :class:`~.Update` states for
a single timestamp e.g. multi-sensor tracking example.
A state for each timestamp present in the sequence.
state_iter = iter(self)
current_state = next(state_iter)
for next_state in state_iter:
if next_state.timestamp > current_state.timestamp:
yield current_state
current_state = next_state
yield current_state
class GaussianState(State):
"""Gaussian State type
This is a simple Gaussian state object, which, as the name suggests,
is described by a Gaussian state distribution.
covar: CovarianceMatrix = Property(doc='Covariance matrix of state.')
def __init__(self, state_vector, covar, *args, **kwargs):
# Don't cast away subtype of covar if not necessary
if not isinstance(covar, CovarianceMatrix):
covar = CovarianceMatrix(covar)
super().__init__(state_vector, covar, *args, **kwargs)
if self.state_vector.shape[0] != self.covar.shape[0]:
raise ValueError(
"state vector and covariance should have same dimensions")
def mean(self):
"""The state mean, equivalent to state vector"""
return self.state_vector
class SqrtGaussianState(State):
"""A Gaussian State type where the covariance matrix is stored in a form :math:`W` such that
:math:`P = WW^T`
For :math:`P` in general, :math:`W` is not unique and the user may choose the form to their
taste. No checks are undertaken to ensure that a sensible square root form has been chosen.
sqrt_covar: CovarianceMatrix = Property(doc="A square root form of the Gaussian covariance "
def __init__(self, state_vector, sqrt_covar, *args, **kwargs):
sqrt_covar = CovarianceMatrix(sqrt_covar)
super().__init__(state_vector, sqrt_covar, *args, **kwargs)
def mean(self):
"""The state mean, equivalent to state vector"""
return self.state_vector
def covar(self):
"""The full covariance matrix."""
return self.sqrt_covar @ self.sqrt_covar.T
GaussianState.register(SqrtGaussianState) # noqa: E305
class ASDGaussianState(ASDState):
"""ASDGaussian State type
This is a simple Accumulated State Density Gaussian state object, which as
the name suggests is described by a Gaussian state distribution.
multi_covar: CovarianceMatrix = Property(doc="Covariance of all timesteps")
correlation_matrices: MutableSequence[MutableMapping[str, np.ndarray]] = Property(
doc="Sequence of Correlation Matrices, consisting of :math:`P_{l|l}`, :math:`P_{l|l+1}` "
"and :math:`F_{l+1|l}` built in the Kalman predictor and Kalman updater, aligned to "
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.correlation_matrices is None:
self.correlation_matrices = []
def __getitem__(self, item):
if isinstance(item, Integral):
ndim = self.ndim
start = item * ndim
end = None if item == -1 else (item+1) * ndim
state_slice = slice(start, end)
state_vector = StateVector(self.multi_state_vector[state_slice])
covar = CovarianceMatrix(self.multi_covar[state_slice, state_slice])
timestamp = self.timestamps[item]
return GaussianState(state_vector=state_vector, covar=covar, timestamp=timestamp)
raise TypeError(f'{type(self).__name__!r} only subscriptable by int')
def covar(self):
return self.multi_covar[:self.ndim, :self.ndim]
def mean(self):
"""The state mean, equivalent to state vector"""
return self.state_vector
@clearable_cached_property('multi_state_vector', 'multi_covar', 'timestamps')
def state(self):
"""A :class:`~.GaussianState` object representing latest timestamp"""
return super().state
@clearable_cached_property('multi_state_vector', 'multi_covar', 'timestamps')
def states(self):
return super().states
class WeightedGaussianState(GaussianState):
"""Weighted Gaussian State Type
Gaussian State object with an associated weight. Used as components
for a GaussianMixtureState.
weight: Probability = Property(default=0, doc="Weight of the Gaussian State.")
@clearable_cached_property('state_vector', 'covar')
def gaussian_state(self):
"""The Gaussian state."""
return GaussianState(self.state_vector,
def from_gaussian_state(cls, gaussian_state, *args, copy=True, **kwargs):
Returns a WeightedGaussianState instance based on the gaussian_state.
gaussian_state : :class:`~.GaussianState`
The guassian_state used to create the new WeightedGaussianState.
\*args : See main :class:`~.WeightedGaussianState`
args are passed to :class:`~.WeightedGaussianState` __init__()
copy : Boolean, optional
If True, the WeightedGaussianState is created with copies of the elements
of gaussian_state. The default is True.
\*\*kwargs : See main :class:`~.WeightedGaussianState`
kwargs are passed to :class:`~.WeightedGaussianState` __init__()
Instance of WeightedGaussianState.
state_vector = gaussian_state.state_vector
covar = gaussian_state.covar
timestamp = gaussian_state.timestamp
if copy:
state_vector = state_vector.copy()
covar = covar.copy()
return cls(
*args, **kwargs
class TaggedWeightedGaussianState(WeightedGaussianState):
"""Tagged Weighted Gaussian State Type
Gaussian State object with an associated weight and tag. Used as components
for a GaussianMixtureState.
tag: str = Property(default=None, doc="Unique tag of the Gaussian State.")
BIRTH = 'birth'
'''Tag value used to signify birth component'''
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.tag is None:
self.tag = str(uuid.uuid4())
class ASDWeightedGaussianState(ASDGaussianState):
"""ASD Weighted Gaussian State Type
ASD Gaussian State object with an associated weight. Used as components
for a GaussianMixtureState.
weight: Probability = Property(default=0, doc="Weight of the Gaussian State.")
class ParticleState(State):
"""Particle State type
This is a particle state object which describes the state as a
distribution of particles
state_vector: StateVectors = Property(doc='State vectors.')
weight: MutableSequence[Probability] = Property(default=None, doc='Weights of particles')
log_weight: np.ndarray = Property(default=None, doc='Log weights of particles')
parent: 'ParticleState' = Property(default=None, doc='Parent particles')
particle_list: MutableSequence[Particle] = Property(default=None,
doc='List of Particle objects')
fixed_covar: CovarianceMatrix = Property(default=None,
doc='Fixed covariance value. Default `None`, where'
'weighted sample covariance is then used.')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
weight = next(
(val for name, val in zip(type(self).properties, args) if name == 'weight'),
kwargs.get('weight', None))
log_weight, idx = next(
((val, idx) for idx, (name, val) in enumerate(zip(type(self).properties, args))
if name == 'log_weight'),
(kwargs.get('log_weight', None), None))
if weight is not None and log_weight is not None:
raise ValueError("Cannot provide both weight and log weight")
elif log_weight is None and weight is not None:
log_weight = np.log(np.asarray(weight, dtype=np.float64))
if idx is not None:
args[idx] = log_weight
kwargs['log_weight'] = log_weight
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if (self.particle_list is not None) and \
(self.state_vector is not None or self.weight is not None):
raise ValueError("Use either a list of Particle objects or StateVectors and weights,"
" but not both.")
if self.particle_list and isinstance(self.particle_list, list):
self.state_vector = \
StateVectors([particle.state_vector for particle in self.particle_list])
self.weight = \
np.array([Probability(particle.weight) for particle in self.particle_list])
parent_list = [particle.parent for particle in self.particle_list]
if parent_list.count(None) == 0:
self.parent = ParticleState(None, particle_list=parent_list)
elif 0 < parent_list.count(None) < len(parent_list):
raise ValueError("Either all particles should have"
" parents or none of them should.")
if self.parent and self.parent.parent: # Create weakref to avoid using significant memory
self.parent.parent = weakref.ref(self.parent.parent)
if self.state_vector is not None and not isinstance(self.state_vector, StateVectors):
self.state_vector = StateVectors(self.state_vector)
def __getitem__(self, item):
if self.parent is not None:
parent = copy.copy(self.parent)
parent.parent = None # Don't slice parent parent
parent = parent[item]
parent = None
if self.log_weight is not None:
log_weight = self.log_weight[item]
log_weight = None
if isinstance(item, int):
result = Particle(state_vector=self.state_vector[:, item],
weight=self.weight[item] if self.weight is not None else None,
# Allow for Prediction/Update sub-types
result = type(self).from_state(self,
state_vector=self.state_vector[:, item],
return result
def parent(self):
if isinstance(self._property_parent, weakref.ReferenceType):
return self._property_parent()
return self._property_parent
def from_state(cls, state: 'State', *args: Any, target_type: Optional[typing.Type] = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> 'State':
# Handle default presence of both particle_list and weight once class has been created by
# ignoring particle_list and weight (setting to None) if not provided.
particle_list, particle_list_idx = next(
((val, idx) for idx, (name, val) in enumerate(zip(, args))
if name == 'particle_list'),
(kwargs.get('particle_list', None), None))
if particle_list_idx is None:
kwargs['particle_list'] = particle_list
weight, weight_idx = next(
((val, idx) for idx, (name, val) in enumerate(zip(, args))
if name == 'weight'),
(kwargs.get('weight', None), None))
if weight_idx is None:
kwargs['weight'] = weight
return super().from_state(state, *args, target_type=target_type, **kwargs)
@clearable_cached_property('state_vector', 'log_weight')
def particles(self):
"""Sequence of individual :class:`~.Particle` objects."""
if self.particle_list is not None:
return self.particle_list
return tuple(particle for particle in self)
def __len__(self):
return self.state_vector.shape[1]
def ndim(self):
"""The number of dimensions represented by the state."""
return self.state_vector.shape[0]
@clearable_cached_property('state_vector', 'log_weight')
def mean(self):
"""Sample mean for particles"""
if len(self) == 1: # No need to calculate mean
return self.state_vector
return np.average(self.state_vector, axis=1,
weights=np.exp(self.log_weight - np.max(self.log_weight)))
@clearable_cached_property('state_vector', 'log_weight', 'fixed_covar')
def covar(self):
"""Sample covariance matrix for particles"""
if self.fixed_covar is not None:
return self.fixed_covar
return np.cov(self.state_vector, ddof=0,
aweights=np.exp(self.log_weight - np.max(self.log_weight)))
def weight(self, value):
if value is None:
self.log_weight = None
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): # Log weight of -inf is fine
self.log_weight = np.log(np.asarray(value, dtype=np.float64))
self.__dict__['weight'] = np.asanyarray(value)
def weight(self):
return self.__dict__['weight']
except KeyError:
log_weight = self.log_weight
if log_weight is None:
return None
weight = Probability.from_log_ufunc(log_weight)
self.__dict__['weight'] = weight
return weight
State.register(ParticleState) # noqa: E305
class MultiModelParticleState(ParticleState):
"""Multi-Model Particle State type
This is a particle state object which describes the state as a
distribution of particles, where each particle has an associated
dynamics model
dynamic_model: np.ndarray = Property(
doc="Array of indices that identify which model is associated with each particle.")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.particle_list and isinstance(self.particle_list, list):
self.dynamic_model = \
np.array([particle.dynamic_model for particle in self.particle_list])
def __getitem__(self, item):
if self.parent is not None:
parent = copy.copy(self.parent)
parent.parent = None # Don't slice parent parent
parent = parent[item]
parent = None
if self.log_weight is not None:
log_weight = self.log_weight[item]
log_weight = None
if self.dynamic_model is not None:
dynamic_model = self.dynamic_model[item]
dynamic_model = None
if isinstance(item, int):
result = MultiModelParticle(
state_vector=self.state_vector[:, item],
weight=self.weight[item] if self.weight is not None else None,
# Allow for Prediction/Update sub-types
result = type(self).from_state(self,
state_vector=self.state_vector[:, item],
return result
class RaoBlackwellisedParticleState(ParticleState):
model_probabilities: np.ndarray = Property(
doc="2d NumPy array containing probability of particle belong to particular model. "
"Shape (n-models, m-particles)."
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.particle_list and isinstance(self.particle_list, list):
self.model_probabilities = \
np.column_stack([particle.model_probabilities for particle in self.particle_list])
def __getitem__(self, item):
if self.parent is not None:
parent = copy.copy(self.parent)
parent.parent = None # Don't slice parent parent
parent = parent[item]
parent = None
if self.log_weight is not None:
log_weight = self.log_weight[item]
log_weight = None
if self.model_probabilities is not None:
model_probabilities = self.model_probabilities[:, item]
model_probabilities = None
if isinstance(item, int):
result = RaoBlackwellisedParticle(
state_vector=self.state_vector[:, item],
weight=self.weight[item] if self.weight is not None else None,
# Allow for Prediction/Update sub-types
result = type(self).from_state(self,
state_vector=self.state_vector[:, item],
return result
class BernoulliParticleState(ParticleState):
"""Bernoulli Particle State type
This is a particle state object that describes the target
as a distribution of particles and an estimated existence
probability according to the Bernoulli particle filter [1]_.
.. [1] Ristic, Branko & Vo, Ba-Toung & Vo, Ba-Ngu & Farina, Alfonso, A
Tutorial on Bernoulli Filters: Theory, Implementation and Applications,
2013, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 61(13), 3406-3430.
existence_probability: Probability = Property(
doc="Target existence probability estimate"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __getitem__(self, item):
if self.parent is not None:
parent = copy.copy(self.parent)
parent.parent = None # Don't slice parent parent
parent = parent[item]
parent = None
if self.weight is not None:
weight = self.weight[item]
weight = None
if self.existence_probability is not None:
existence_probability = self.existence_probability
existence_probability = None
if isinstance(item, int):
result = Particle(state_vector=self.state_vector[:, item],
# Allow for Prediction/Update sub-types
result = type(self).from_state(
state_vector=self.state_vector[:, item],
return result
class KernelParticleState(State):
"""Kernel Particle State type
This is a kernel particle state object which describes the state as a
distribution of particles and kernel covariance.
state_vector: StateVectors = Property(doc='State vectors.')
weight: np.ndarray = Property(default=None, doc='Weights of particles. Defaults to [1/N]*N.')
kernel_covar: CovarianceMatrix = Property(default=None,
doc='Kernel covariance value. Default `None`.'
'If None, the identity matrix is used.')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.kernel_covar is None:
self.kernel_covar = CovarianceMatrix(np.identity(self.state_vector.shape[1])
* (1/self.state_vector.shape[1]))
def __len__(self):
return self.state_vector.shape[1]
def ndim(self):
"""The number of dimensions represented by the state."""
return self.state_vector.shape[0]
@clearable_cached_property('state_vector', 'weight')
def mean(self):
return self.state_vector @ self.weight[:, np.newaxis]
@clearable_cached_property('state_vector', 'kernel_covar')
def covar(self):
return self.state_vector @ self.kernel_covar @ self.state_vector.T
class EnsembleState(State):
r"""Ensemble State type
This is an Ensemble state object which describes the system state as an
ensemble of state vectors for use in Ensemble based filters.
This approach is functionally identical to the Particle state type except
it doesn't use any weighting for any of the "particles" or ensemble members.
All "particles" or state vectors in the ensemble are equally weighted.
.. math::
\mathbf{X} = [x_1, x_2, ..., x_M]
state_vector: StateVectors = Property(doc="An ensemble of state vectors which represent the "
timestamp: datetime.datetime = Property(
default=None, doc="Timestamp of the state. Default None.")
def from_gaussian_state(cls, gaussian_state, num_vectors, **kwargs):
Returns an EnsembleState instance, from a given
GaussianState object.
gaussian_state : :class:`~.GaussianState`
The GaussianState used to create the new EnsembleState.
num_vectors : int
The number of desired column vectors present in the ensemble.
Instance of EnsembleState.
mean = gaussian_state.mean
covar = gaussian_state.covar
timestamp = gaussian_state.timestamp
return cls(state_vector=cls.generate_ensemble(mean, covar, num_vectors),
def generate_ensemble(mean, covar, num_vectors):
Returns a StateVectors wrapped ensemble of state vectors, from a given
mean and covariance matrix.
mean : :class:`~.numpy.ndarray`
The mean value of the distribution being sampled to generate
covar : :class:`~.numpy.ndarray`
The covariance matrix of the distribution being sampled to
generate ensemble.
num_vectors : int
The number of desired column vectors present in the ensemble,
or the number of "samples".
Instance of EnsembleState.
if not isinstance(mean, StateVector):
mean = StateVector(mean)
ndim = mean.shape[0]
vectors = np.atleast_2d(
multivariate_normal.rvs(np.zeros(ndim), covar, num_vectors))
if ndim > 1:
vectors = vectors.T
return StateVectors(vectors) + mean
def num_vectors(self):
"""Number of columns in state ensemble"""
return np.shape(self.state_vector)[1]
def mean(self):
"""The state mean, numerically equivalent to state vector"""
return np.average(self.state_vector, axis=1)
def covar(self):
"""Sample covariance matrix for ensemble"""
return np.cov(self.state_vector)
def sqrt_covar(self):
"""sqrt of sample covariance matrix for ensemble, useful for
some EnKF algorithms"""
return ((self.state_vector-np.tile(self.mean, self.num_vectors))
/ np.sqrt(self.num_vectors - 1))
class CategoricalState(State):
r"""CategoricalState type.
State object representing an object in a categorical state space. A state vector
:math:`\mathbf{\alpha}_t^i = P(\phi_t^i)` defines a categorical distribution over a finite set
of discrete categories :math:`\Phi = \{\phi^m|m\in \mathbf{N}, m\le M\}` for some finite
categories: Sequence[float] = Property(doc="Category names. Defaults to a list of integers.",
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.state_vector = self.state_vector / np.sum(self.state_vector) # normalise state vector
if self.categories is None:
self.categories = list(map(str, range(self.ndim)))
if len(self.categories) != self.ndim:
raise ValueError(
f"ndim of {self.ndim} does not match number of categories {len(self.categories)}"
def __str__(self):
strings = [f"P({category}) = {p}"
for category, p in zip(self.categories, self.state_vector)]
string = ',\n'.join(strings)
return string
def category(self):
"""Return the name of the most likely category."""
return self.categories[np.argmax(self.state_vector)]
class CompositeState(Type):
"""Composite state type.
A composition of ordered sub-states (:class:`State`) existing at the same timestamp,
representing an object with a state for (potentially) multiple, distinct state spaces.
sub_states: Sequence[State] = Property(
doc="Sequence of sub-states comprising the composite state. All sub-states must have "
"matching timestamp. Must not be empty.")
default_timestamp: datetime.datetime = Property(
doc="Default timestamp if no sub-states exist to attain timestamp from. Defaults to "
"`None`, whereby sub-states will be required to have timestamps.")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if len(self.sub_states) == 0:
raise ValueError("Cannot create an empty composite state")
self._check_timestamp() # validate timestamps of sub-states
def timestamp(self):
return self.default_timestamp
def _check_timestamp(self):
"""Check all timestamps are equal. Replace empty sub-state timestamps with validated
self._timestamp = None
sub_timestamps = {sub_state.timestamp
for sub_state in self.sub_states
if sub_state.timestamp}
if len(sub_timestamps) > 1:
raise ValueError("All sub-states must share the same timestamp if defined")
if (sub_timestamps and self.default_timestamp
and not sub_timestamps == {self.default_timestamp}):
raise ValueError("Sub-state timestamps and default timestamp must be the same if "
if sub_timestamps:
self.default_timestamp = sub_timestamps.pop()
for sub_state in self.sub_states:
sub_state.timestamp = self.default_timestamp
def state_vectors(self):
return [state.state_vector for state in self.sub_states]
def state_vector(self):
"""A combination of the component states' state vectors."""
return StateVector(np.concatenate(self.state_vectors))
def __contains__(self, item):
return self.sub_states.__contains__(item)
def __getitem__(self, index):
if isinstance(index, slice):
return self.__class__(self.sub_states.__getitem__(index))
return self.sub_states.__getitem__(index)
def __iter__(self):
return self.sub_states.__iter__()
def __len__(self):
return self.sub_states.__len__()
State.register(CompositeState) # noqa: E305