Source code for stonesoup.sensormanager.tree_search

import copy
import itertools as it
from datetime import timedelta
from typing import Callable
from enum import Enum

import numpy as np

from .base import SensorManager
from ..base import Property

[docs] class MCTSBestChildPolicyEnum(Enum): r"""Best child policy Enum class for specifying which policy to use when selecting the best child at the end of the MCTS process.""" MAXAREWARD = 'max_average_reward' MAXCREWARD = 'max_cumulative_reward' MAXVISITS = 'max_visits'
[docs] class MonteCarloTreeSearchSensorManager(SensorManager): r"""A Monte Carlo tree search based sensor management algorithm implementing simple value estimation. Monte Carlo tree search works by simultaneously constructing and evaluating a search tree of states and actions through an iterative process. The process consists of 4 stages: Selection, Expansion, Simulation and Backpropagation. The purpose of the algorithm is to arrive at the optimal action policy by sequentially estimating the action value function, :math:`Q`, and returning the maximum argument to this at the end of the process. Starting from the root node (current state or estimated state) the best child node is selected. The most common way, and the way implemented here, is to select this node according to the upper confidence bound (UCB) for trees. This is given by .. math:: \text{argmax}_{a} \frac{Q(h, a)}{N(h, a)}+c\sqrt{\frac{\log N(h)}{N(h,a)}}, where :math:`a` is the action, :math:`h` is the history (for POMDP problems a history or belief is commonly used but in MDP problems h would be replaced with a state), :math:`Q(h, a)` is the current cumulative action value estimate, :math:`N(h, a)` is the number of visits or simulations of this node, :math:`N(h)` is the number of visits to the parent node and :math:`c` is the exploration factor, defined with :attr:`exploration_factor`. The purpose of the UCB is to trade off between exploitation of the most rewarding nodes in the tree and exploration of those that have been visited fewer times, as the second term in the above expression will accumulate as the ratio of number of parent visits and child visits increases. Once the best child node has been selected, this becomes a parent node and a new child node added according to the available set of unvisited actions. This selection happens at random. This node is then simulated by predicting the current state estimate in the parent node and updating this estimate with a generated detection after applying the candidate action. This provides a predicted future state which is used to calculate the action value of this node. This is done by providing a :attr:`reward_function`. Finally, this reward is added to the current action value estimated in each node on the search tree branch that was descended during selection. This creates a tradeoff between future and immediate rewards during the next iteration of the search process. Once a predefined computational budget has been reached, which in this implementation is the :attr:`niterations` attribute, the best child to the root node in the tree is determined and returned from the :meth:`choose_actions`. The user can select which criteria used to select this best action by defining the :attr:`best_child_policy`. Further detail on this particular implementation, including the rollout process in :class:`~.MCTSRolloutSensorManager` can be seen in work by Glover et al [1]_. Further detail on MCTS and its variations can also be seen in [2]_. References ---------- .. [1] Glover, Timothy & Nanavati, Rohit V. & Coombes, Matthew & Liu, Cunjia & Chen, Wen-Hua & Perree, Nicola & Hiscocks, Steven. "A Monte Carlo Tree Search Framework for Autonomous Source Term Estimation in Stone Soup, 2024 27th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), 1-8, 2024. Accepted, awaiting publication" .. [2] Kochenderfer, Mykel J. & Wheeler, Tim A. & Wray, Kyle H. "Algorithms for decision making", MIT Press, 2022 ( """ reward_function: Callable = Property( default=None, doc="A function or class designed to work out the reward associated with an " "action or set of actions. This will be implemented to evaluate each " "action within the rollout with the discounted sum being stored at " "the node representing the first action.") niterations: int = Property( default=100, doc="The number of iterations of the tree search process to be carried out.") time_step: timedelta = Property( default=timedelta(seconds=1), doc="The sample time between steps in the horizon.") exploration_factor: float = Property( default=1.0, doc="The exploration factor used in the upper confidence bound for trees.") best_child_policy: MCTSBestChildPolicyEnum = Property( default=MCTSBestChildPolicyEnum.MAXCREWARD, doc="The policy for selecting the best child. Options are ``'max_average_reward'`` for " "the maximum reward per visit to a node, ``'max_cumulative_reward'`` for the maximum " "total reward after all simulations and ``'max_visits'`` for the node with the " "maximum number of visits. Default is ``'max_cumulative_reward'``." ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Ensure birth scheme is a valid BirthSchemeEnum self.best_child_policy = MCTSBestChildPolicyEnum(self.best_child_policy)
[docs] def choose_actions(self, tracks, timestamp, nchoose=1, **kwargs): """Returns a list of actions that reflect the best child nodes to the root node in the tree. Parameters ---------- tracks: set of :class:`~Track` Set of tracks at given time. Used in reward function. timestamp: :class:`datetime.datetime` Time at which the actions are carried out until nchoose : int Number of actions from the set to choose (default is 1) Returns ------- : dict The pairs of :class:`~.Sensor`: [:class:`~.Action`] selected """ nodes = [{'Child_IDs': [], 'sensors': self.actionables, 'config': dict(), # the config that has resulted in this node 'configs': [], # the configs that have not been simulated 'action_count': 0, 'visits': 0, 'reward': 0, 'tracks': copy.deepcopy(tracks), 'timestamp': timestamp-self.time_step, 'level': 0}] loop_count = 0 while loop_count <= self.niterations: loop_count += 1 # select best child node node_indx = 0 selected_branch = [0] level = 1 while (len(nodes[node_indx]['Child_IDs']) > 0 and len(nodes[node_indx]['Child_IDs']) == nodes[node_indx]['action_count']): node_indx = self.tree_policy(nodes, node_indx) selected_branch.insert(0, node_indx) level += 1 next_timestamp = nodes[node_indx]['timestamp'] + self.time_step if not nodes[node_indx]['Child_IDs']: action_count = 1 all_action_choices = dict() for sensor in nodes[node_indx]['sensors']: # get action 'generator(s)' action_generators = sensor.actions(next_timestamp) # list possible action combinations for the sensor action_choices = list(it.product(*action_generators)) if len(action_choices) != 1 and len(action_choices[0]) != 0: action_count *= len(action_choices) # dictionary of sensors: list(action combinations) all_action_choices[sensor] = action_choices nodes[node_indx]['action_count'] = action_count configs = [{sensor: action for sensor, action in zip(all_action_choices.keys(), actionconfig)} for actionconfig in it.product(*all_action_choices.values())] nodes[node_indx]['configs'] = configs # select one of the unsimulated configs config_indx = np.random.randint(0, len(nodes[node_indx]['configs'])) nodes[node_indx]['Child_IDs'].append(len(nodes)) selected_branch.insert(0, len(nodes)) nodes.append({'Child_IDs': [], 'sensors': set(), 'config': nodes[node_indx]['configs'][config_indx], 'configs': [], 'action_count': 0, 'visits': 0, 'reward': 0, 'timestamp': next_timestamp, 'tracks': set(), 'level': level}) selected_config = copy.deepcopy(nodes[node_indx]['configs'].pop(config_indx)) reward, updates = self.simulate_action(nodes[-1], nodes[node_indx]) nodes[-1]['tracks'] = updates for sensor, actions in selected_config.items(): sensor.add_actions(actions) sensor.act(nodes[-1]['timestamp']) nodes[-1]['sensors'].add(sensor) for node_id in selected_branch: nodes[node_id]['visits'] += 1 nodes[node_id]['reward'] += reward best_children = self.select_best_child(nodes) selected_configs = [] for best_child in best_children: selected_configs.append(nodes[best_child]['config']) return selected_configs
[docs] def tree_policy(self, nodes, node_indx): """Implements the upper confidence bound for trees, which balances exploitation of highly rewarding actioned and exploring actions that have been visited a fewer times""" uct = [] for Child_ID in nodes[node_indx]['Child_IDs']: uct.append(nodes[Child_ID]['reward']/nodes[Child_ID]['visits'] + self.exploration_factor*np.sqrt(np.log(nodes[node_indx]['visits']) / nodes[Child_ID]['visits'])) max_uct_indx = np.argmax(uct) return nodes[node_indx]['Child_IDs'][max_uct_indx]
[docs] def select_best_child(self, nodes): """Selects the best child node to the root node in the tree according to maximum number of visits.""" visit_list = [] reward_list = [] for Child_ID in nodes[0]['Child_IDs']: visit_list.append(nodes[Child_ID]['visits']) reward_list.append(nodes[Child_ID]['reward']) if self.best_child_policy == MCTSBestChildPolicyEnum.MAXCREWARD: max_indx = np.argmax(reward_list) elif self.best_child_policy == MCTSBestChildPolicyEnum.MAXAREWARD: max_indx = np.argmax(np.asarray(reward_list) / np.asarray(visit_list)) elif self.best_child_policy == MCTSBestChildPolicyEnum.MAXVISITS: max_indx = np.argmax(visit_list) return [nodes[0]['Child_IDs'][max_indx]]
[docs] def simulate_action(self, node, parent_node): """Simulates the expected reward that would be received by executing the candidate action.""" reward, updates = self.reward_function(node['config'], parent_node['tracks'], node['timestamp']) return reward, updates
[docs] class MCTSRolloutSensorManager(MonteCarloTreeSearchSensorManager): r"""A Monte Carlo Tree Search based sensor management algorithm that implements Monte Carlo rollout for more robust action simulation. All other details are consistent with :class:`~.MonteCarloTreeSearchSensorManager`""" rollout_depth: int = Property( default=1, doc="The depth of rollout to conduct for each node.") discount_factor: float = Property( default=0.9, doc="The discount factor is applied to each action evaluated in the " "tree to assign an incrementally lower multiplier to future actions " "in the tree.")
[docs] def simulate_action(self, node, parent_node): """Simulates the expected reward that would be received by executing the candidate action.""" reward_list = [] # calculate reward of new node reward, updates = self.reward_function(node['config'], parent_node['tracks'], node['timestamp']) reward_list.append(reward) updates_ = updates tmp_sensors = set() for sensor, actions in copy.deepcopy(node['config']).items(): sensor.add_actions(actions) sensor.act(node['timestamp']) tmp_sensors.add(sensor) # execute Monte Carlo Rollout from the new node for d in range(self.rollout_depth): all_action_choices = dict() timestamp = node['timestamp'] + ((d + 1) * self.time_step) action_count = 0 for sensor in tmp_sensors: # get action 'generator(s)' action_generators = sensor.actions(timestamp) # list possible action combinations for the sensor action_choices = list(it.product(*action_generators)) if len(action_choices) != 1 and len(action_choices[0]) != 0: action_count += len(action_choices) # dictionary of sensors: list(action combinations) all_action_choices[sensor] = action_choices configs = [{sensor: action for sensor, action in zip(all_action_choices.keys(), actionconfig)} for actionconfig in it.product(*all_action_choices.values())] random_config_indx = np.random.randint(0, action_count) random_config = configs[random_config_indx] reward, updates_ = self.reward_function(random_config, updates_, timestamp) reward *= self.discount_factor**(d+1) reward_list.append(reward) for sensor, actions in random_config.items(): sensor.add_actions(actions) sensor.act(timestamp) final_reward = sum(reward_list) return final_reward, updates