import json
import sys
from import Collection
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from math import modf
from queue import Empty, Queue
from threading import Thread
from confluent_kafka import Consumer
except ImportError as error: # pragma: no cover
raise ImportError(
"Kafka Readers require the dependency 'confluent-kafka' to be installed."
) from error
import numpy as np
from dateutil.parser import parse
from .base import DetectionReader, Reader, GroundTruthReader
from ..base import Property
from ..buffered_generator import BufferedGenerator
from ..types.array import StateVector
from ..types.detection import Detection
from ..types.groundtruth import GroundTruthPath, GroundTruthState
class _KafkaReader(Reader):
topic: str = Property(doc="The Kafka topic on which to listen for messages.")
kafka_config: dict[str, str] = Property(
doc="Configuration properties for the underlying kafka consumer. See the "
"`confluent-kafka documentation <>`_ " # noqa
"for more details.")
state_vector_fields: list[str] = Property(
doc="List of columns names to be used in state vector.")
time_field: str = Property(
doc="Name of column to be used as time field.")
time_field_format: str = Property(
default=None, doc="Optional datetime format.")
timestamp: bool = Property(
default=False, doc="Treat time field as a timestamp from epoch.")
metadata_fields: Collection[str] = Property(
default=None, doc="List of columns to be saved as metadata, default all.")
buffer_size: int = Property(
doc="Size of the frame buffer. The frame buffer is used to cache frames in "
"cases where the stream generates messages faster than they are ingested "
"by the reader. If `buffer_size` is less than or equal to zero, the buffer "
"size is infinite.")
timeout: bool = Property(
doc="Timeout (in seconds) when reading from buffer. Defaults to None in which case the "
"reader will block until new data becomes available.")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._buffer = Queue(maxsize=self.buffer_size)
self._non_metadata_fields = [*self.state_vector_fields, self.time_field]
self._running = False
def stop(self):
self._running = False
def _subscribe(self):
self._running = True
self._consumer = Consumer(self.kafka_config)
self._consumer_thread = Thread(daemon=True, target=self._consume)
def _consume(self):
while self._running:
msg = self._consumer.poll(timeout=10.0)
if msg.error():
sys.stderr.write(f"kafka error: {msg.error()}")
def _get_time(self, data):
if self.time_field_format is not None:
time_field_value = datetime.strptime(
data[self.time_field], self.time_field_format
elif self.timestamp is True:
fractional, timestamp = modf(float(data[self.time_field]))
time_field_value = datetime.fromtimestamp(
int(timestamp), timezone.utc).replace(tzinfo=None)
time_field_value += timedelta(microseconds=fractional * 1e6)
time_field_value = parse(data[self.time_field], ignoretz=True)
return time_field_value
def _get_metadata(self, data):
metadata_fields = set(data.keys())
if self.metadata_fields is None:
metadata_fields -= set(self._non_metadata_fields)
metadata_fields = metadata_fields.intersection(set(self.metadata_fields))
local_metadata = {field: data[field] for field in metadata_fields}
return local_metadata
def _on_msg(self, msg):
# Extract data from message
data = json.loads(msg.value())
class KafkaDetectionReader(DetectionReader, _KafkaReader):
"""A detection reader that reads detections from a Kafka broker
It is assumed that each message contains a single detection. The value of each message is a
JSON object containing the detection data. The JSON object must contain a field for each
element of the state vector and a timestamp. The JSON object may also contain fields
for the detection metadata.
def detections_gen(self):
detections = set()
previous_time = None
while self._consumer_thread.is_alive():
# Get data from buffer
data = self._buffer.get(timeout=self.timeout)
# Parse data
detection = self._parse_data(data)
timestamp = detection.timestamp
if previous_time is not None and previous_time != timestamp:
yield previous_time, detections
detections = set()
previous_time = timestamp
except Empty:
yield previous_time, detections
detections = set()
def _parse_data(self, data):
timestamp = self._get_time(data)
state_vector = StateVector(
[[data[field_name]] for field_name in self.state_vector_fields],
return Detection(
class KafkaGroundTruthReader(GroundTruthReader, _KafkaReader):
"""A ground truth reader that reads ground truths from a Kafka broker
It is assumed that each message contains a single ground truth state. The value of each message
is a JSON object containing the ground truth data. The JSON object must contain a field for
each element of the state vector, a timestamp, and the ground truth path ID. The JSON object
may also contain fields for the ground truth metadata.
path_id_field: str = Property(doc="Name of column to be used as path ID.")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._non_metadata_fields += [self.path_id_field]
def groundtruth_paths_gen(self):
groundtruth_dict = {}
updated_paths = set()
previous_time = None
while self._consumer_thread.is_alive():
# Get data from buffer
data = self._buffer.get(timeout=self.timeout)
# Parse data
state = self._parse_data(data)
timestamp = state.timestamp
if previous_time is not None and previous_time != timestamp:
yield previous_time, updated_paths
updated_paths = set()
previous_time = timestamp
# Update existing track or create new track
path_id = data[self.path_id_field]
groundtruth_path = groundtruth_dict[path_id]
except KeyError:
groundtruth_path = GroundTruthPath(id=path_id)
groundtruth_dict[path_id] = groundtruth_path
except Empty:
yield previous_time, updated_paths
updated_paths = set()
def _parse_data(self, data):
timestamp = self._get_time(data)
state_vector = StateVector(
[[data[field_name]] for field_name in self.state_vector_fields],
return GroundTruthState(