import uuid
import numpy as np
from ordered_set import OrderedSet
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
from ..base import Property
from .base import MixtureReducer
from ..types.state import TaggedWeightedGaussianState, WeightedGaussianState
from ..measures import SquaredMahalanobis
from operator import attrgetter
class GaussianMixtureReducer(MixtureReducer):
Gaussian Mixture Reducer class:
Reduces the number of components in a Gaussian mixture to increase
computational efficiency. See [1] for details.
Achieved in three ways: pruning, merging, and truncating.
Pruning is the act of removing low weight components from the mixture
that fall below a pruning threshold.
Merging is the act of combining similar components in the mixture
that fall with a distance threshold into a single component.
Truncating is the act of removing low weight components from the
mixture so that the number of components in the mixture stays below a
given threshold. Truncating is performed after the pruning and merging.
[1] B.-N. Vo and W.-K. Ma, “The Gaussian Mixture Probability Hypothesis
Density Filter,” Signal Processing,IEEE Transactions on, vol. 54, no. 11,
pp. 4091–4104, 2006..
prune_threshold: float = Property(default=1e-9, doc='Mixture component weight '
'threshold for pruning')
merge_threshold: float = Property(default=16, doc='Squared Mahalanobis distance '
'threshold for merging')
max_number_components: int = Property(default=np.iinfo(np.int64).max,
doc='Maximum number of components to keep '
'in the Gaussian mixture')
merging: bool = Property(default=True, doc='Flag for merging')
pruning: bool = Property(default=True,
doc='Flag for pruning components whose weight is below '
truncating: bool = Property(default=True,
doc='Flag for truncating components, keeping a maximum '
'of :attr:`max_number_components` components')
kdtree_max_distance: float = Property(
doc="This defines the max Euclidean search distance for a kd-tree, "
"used as part of the merge process as a coarse gate. Default "
"`None` where tree isn't used and all components are checked "
"against the merge threshold.")
def reduce(self, components_list):
Reduce the components of Gaussian Mixture :class:`list`
through pruning, merging, and truncating
components_list : :class:`~.list`
The components of Gaussian Mixture
Reduced components
if len(components_list) > 0:
if self.pruning:
components_list = self.prune(components_list)
if len(components_list) > 1 and self.merging:
components_list = self.merge(components_list)
if len(components_list) > self.max_number_components and self.truncating:
components_list = self.truncate(components_list)
return components_list
def prune(self, components_list):
Pruning is the act of removing low weight components from the mixture
that fall below a pruning threshold :attr:`prune_threshold`.
components_list : :class:`~.list`
The components of Gaussian Mixture to be pruned
remaining_components : :class:`~.GaussianMixtureState`
Components that remain after pruning
# Prune low weight components
pruned_weight_sum = 0
for component in components_list:
if component.weight < self.prune_threshold:
pruned_weight_sum += component.weight
remaining_components = [component for component in components_list
if component.weight >= self.prune_threshold]
# Distribute pruned weights across remaining components
for component in remaining_components:
component.weight += \
pruned_weight_sum / len(remaining_components)
return remaining_components
def merge_components(self, component_1, component_2):
Merge two similar components
component_1 : :class:`~.WeightedGaussianState`
First component to be merged
component_2 : :class:`~.WeightedGaussianState`
Second component to be merged
merged_component : :class:`~.WeightedGaussianState`
Merged Gaussian component
weight_sum = component_1.weight + component_2.weight
w1 = component_1.weight / weight_sum
w2 = component_2.weight / weight_sum
merged_mean = component_1.mean*w1 + component_2.mean*w2
merged_covar = component_1.covar*w1 + component_2.covar*w2
mu1_minus_m2 = component_1.mean - component_2.mean
merged_covar = merged_covar + \
if weight_sum > 1:
weight_sum = 1
if isinstance(component_1, TaggedWeightedGaussianState):
merged_component = TaggedWeightedGaussianState(
elif isinstance(component_1, WeightedGaussianState):
merged_component = WeightedGaussianState(
return merged_component
def merge(self, components_list):
Merging is the act of combining similar components in the mixture
that fall with a distance threshold :attr:`merge_threshold` into
a single component.
components_list : :class:`~.list`
Components of the Gaussian Mixture to be merged
Merged components
if self.kdtree_max_distance is not None:
tree = KDTree(
np.vstack([component.state_vector[:, 0]
for component in components_list]))
tree = None
# Sort components by weight
remaining_components = OrderedSet(sorted(
components_list, key=attrgetter('weight')))
merged_components = []
final_merged_components = []
measure = SquaredMahalanobis(state_covar_inv_cache_size=None)
while remaining_components:
# Get highest weighted component
best_component = remaining_components.pop()
# If kdtree_max_distance set, use this as gate
if tree:
indexes = tree.query_ball_point(
matched_components = {components_list[i]
for i in indexes
if components_list[i] in remaining_components}
# Modifying list in loop, so copy used
matched_components = remaining_components.copy()
# Check for similar components against threshold
for component in matched_components:
# Calculate distance between component and best component
distance = measure(state1=component, state2=best_component)
# Merge if similar
if distance < self.merge_threshold:
best_component = self.merge_components(
best_component, component
# Add potentially merged component to new mixture
if all(isinstance(component, TaggedWeightedGaussianState)
for component in merged_components):
# Check for duplicate tags
components_tags = set(component.tag for component in merged_components)
if len(components_tags) != len(merged_components):
# There are duplicatze tags so assign
# new tags to the lower weighted shared ones
for shared_tag in components_tags:
shared_components = sorted(
(component for component in merged_components
if component.tag == shared_tag),
for component in shared_components[1:]:
# Assign a new uuid
component.tag = str(uuid.uuid4())
# No duplicates
# Just weighted components (no tags)
# Assign merged components to the mixture
return final_merged_components
def truncate(self, components_list):
Truncating is the act of removing low-weight components from the mixture
so that the size of the mixture (number of components) stays within the given
threshold :attr:`max_number_components`.
components_list : :class:`~.list`
Components of the Gaussian Mixture to be truncated
The :attr:`max_number_components` components with the highest weights
# Sort components by weight from highest to lowest
all_components = sorted(
components_list, key=attrgetter('weight'), reverse=True)
# Make list of truncated components. This function is called only when
# len(components_list) > self.max_number_components, so the next line
# will never give an index error
truncated_components = all_components[self.max_number_components:]
truncated_weight_sum = sum([component.weight for component in truncated_components])
# Distribute truncated weights across remaining components
remaining_components = all_components[:self.max_number_components]
for component in remaining_components:
component.weight += \
truncated_weight_sum / self.max_number_components
return remaining_components