Source code for stonesoup.metricgenerator.uncertaintymetric

from abc import abstractmethod

import numpy as np

from .base import MetricGenerator
from ..types.state import State, StateMutableSequence
from ..types.metric import SingleTimeMetric, TimeRangeMetric
from ..types.time import TimeRange
from ..base import Property

class _CovarianceNormsMetric(MetricGenerator):
    _type = None
    tracks_key: str = Property(doc='Key to access set of tracks added to MetricManager',
    generator_name: str = Property(doc="Unique identifier to use when accessing generated "
                                       "metrics from MultiManager",

    def compute_metric(self, manager, **kwargs):
        """Computes the metric using the data in the metric manager

        manager : :class:`~.MetricManager`
            Contains the data to be used to create the metric

        metric : list :class:`~.Metric`
            Containing the metric information. The value of the metric is a
            list of the metric at each timestamp


        return self.compute_over_time(self.extract_states(manager.states_sets[self.tracks_key]))

    def extract_states(object_with_states):
        Extracts a list of states from a list of (or single) objects
        containing states. This method is defined to handle :class:`~.StateMutableSequence`
        and :class:`~.State` types.

        object_with_states: object containing a list of states
            Method of state extraction depends on the type of the object

        : list of :class:`~.State`

        state_list = StateMutableSequence()
        for element in list(object_with_states):
            if isinstance(element, StateMutableSequence):
            elif isinstance(element, State):
                raise ValueError(
                    "{!r} has no state extraction method".format(element))

        return state_list

    def compute_over_time(self, track_states):
        """Compute the metric using the data in the metric manager

        track_states : list of :class:`~.State`
            List of states created by a filter

        metric : TimeRangeMetric
            Covering the duration that states exist for in the parameters.
            Metric.value contains a list of the summarised covariance matrix norms
            at each timestamp


        # Make a sorted list of all the unique timestamps used
        timestamps = sorted({state.timestamp for state in track_states})

        covnorms = []

        for timestamp in timestamps:
            track_points = [state for state in track_states if state.timestamp == timestamp]

        return TimeRangeMetric(
            title=f'{self._type} of Covariance Norms Metric',
            time_range=TimeRange(min(timestamps), max(timestamps)),

    def compute_covariancenorms(self, track_states):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _get_unique_timestamp(track_states):
        timestamps = {state.timestamp for state in track_states}
        if len(timestamps) > 1:
            raise ValueError(
                'All states must be from the same time to compute total uncertainty')
        return timestamps.pop()

[docs] class SumofCovarianceNormsMetric(_CovarianceNormsMetric): """ Computes the sum of the covariance matrix norms of each state at a time step. The matrix norm calculated is the Frobenius norm. The metric generator will return this value at each time step in the track(s) as a measure of the uncertainty. """ _type = "Sum" generator_name: str = Property(doc="Unique identifier to use when accessing generated " "metrics from MultiManager", default='sumCovNorms_generator')
[docs] def compute_covariancenorms(self, track_states): """ Computes the sum of covariance norms metric for a single time step. Parameters ---------- track_states: list of :class:`~.State` List of states created by a filter Returns ------- metric: SingleTimeMetric The sum of covariance matrix norms metric at a single time step """ timestamp = self._get_unique_timestamp(track_states) covnorms_sum = sum(np.linalg.norm(state.covar) for state in track_states) return SingleTimeMetric(title='Covariance Matrix Norm Sum', value=covnorms_sum, timestamp=timestamp, generator=self)
[docs] class MeanofCovarianceNormsMetric(_CovarianceNormsMetric): _type = "Mean"
[docs] def compute_covariancenorms(self, track_states): """ Computes the mean of covariance norms metric for a single time step. Parameters ---------- track_states: list of :class:`~.State` List of states created by a filter Returns ------- metric: SingleTimeMetric The mean of covariance matrix norms metric at a single time step """ timestamp = self._get_unique_timestamp(track_states) covnorms_sum = sum(np.linalg.norm(state.covar) for state in track_states) covnorms_mean = covnorms_sum / len(track_states) return SingleTimeMetric(title='Covariance Matrix Norm Mean', value=covnorms_mean, timestamp=timestamp, generator=self)