# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from .base import Hypothesiser
from ..base import Property
from ..types.multihypothesis import MultipleHypothesis
from ..types.prediction import TaggedWeightedGaussianStatePrediction
class MFAHypothesiser(Hypothesiser):
"""Multi-Frame Assignment Hypothesiser based on an underlying Hypothesiser
Generates a list of SingleHypotheses pertaining to individual component-detection hypotheses
This is to be used in conjunction with the :class:`~.MFADataAssociator`
1. Xia, Y., Granström, K., Svensson, L., García-Fernández, Á.F., and Williams, J.L.,
2019. Multiscan Implementation of the Trajectory Poisson Multi-Bernoulli Mixture Filter.
J. Adv. Information Fusion, 14(2), pp. 213–235.
hypothesiser: Hypothesiser = Property(
doc="Underlying hypothesiser used to generate detection-target pairs")
def hypothesise(self, track, detections, timestamp, detections_tuple, **kwargs):
"""Form hypotheses for associations between Detections and a given track.
track: :class:`~.Track`
The track object to hypothesise on
detections : set of :class:`~.Detection`
Retrieved measurements
timestamp : datetime
Time of the detections/predicted states
detections_tuple : tuple of :class:`~.Detection`
Original tuple of detections required for consistent indexing
: :class:`~.MultipleHypothesis`
A container of :class:`~.SingleProbabilityHypothesis` objects, pertaining to individual
component-detection hypotheses
# Check to make sure all detections are obtained from the same time
timestamps = {detection.timestamp for detection in detections}
if len(timestamps) > 1:
raise ValueError("All detections must have the same timestamp")
hypotheses = list()
for component in track.state.components:
# Get hypotheses for that component for all measurements
component_hypotheses = self.hypothesiser.hypothesise(
component, detections, timestamp, **kwargs)
for hypothesis in component_hypotheses:
# Update component tag and weight
det_idx = detections_tuple.index(hypothesis.measurement) + 1 if hypothesis else 0
new_weight = component.weight * hypothesis.weight
hypothesis.prediction = \
tag=[*component.tag, det_idx], # TODO: Avoid dependency on indexes
# Create Multiple Hypothesis and add to list
hypotheses = MultipleHypothesis(hypotheses)
return hypotheses