Source code for stonesoup.feeder.base

"""Base classes for Stone Soup feeder"""
from abc import abstractmethod

from ..base import Property
from ..reader import Reader, DetectionReader, GroundTruthReader
from ..buffered_generator import BufferedGenerator

[docs] class Feeder(Reader): """Feeder base class Feeder consumes and outputs :class:`.State` data and can be used to modify the sequence, duplicate or drop data. """ reader: Reader = Property(doc="Source of detections") @abstractmethod @BufferedGenerator.generator_method def data_gen(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class DetectionFeeder(Feeder, DetectionReader): """Detection feeder base class Feeder consumes and outputs :class:`.Detection` data and can be used to modify the sequence, duplicate or drop data. """
[docs] @BufferedGenerator.generator_method def detections_gen(self): yield from self.data_gen()
[docs] class GroundTruthFeeder(Feeder, GroundTruthReader): """Ground truth feeder base class Feeder consumes and outputs :class:`.GroundTruthPath` data and can be used to modify the sequence, duplicate or drop data. """
[docs] @BufferedGenerator.generator_method def groundtruth_paths_gen(self): yield from self.data_gen()