Source code for stonesoup.dataassociator.neighbour

import itertools

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment

from .base import DataAssociator
from ..base import Property
from ..hypothesiser import Hypothesiser
from ..types.hypothesis import SingleHypothesis, JointHypothesis, \

[docs] class NearestNeighbour(DataAssociator): """Nearest Neighbour Associator Scores and associates detections to a predicted state using the Nearest Neighbour method. """ hypothesiser: Hypothesiser = Property( doc="Generate a set of hypotheses for each prediction-detection pair")
[docs] def associate(self, tracks, detections, timestamp, **kwargs): # Generate a set of hypotheses for each track on each detection hypotheses = self.generate_hypotheses(tracks, detections, timestamp, **kwargs) # Only associate tracks with one or more hypotheses associate_tracks = {track for track, track_hypotheses in hypotheses.items() if track_hypotheses} associations = {} associated_measurements = set() while associate_tracks > associations.keys(): # Define a 'greedy' association best_hypothesis = None for track in associate_tracks - associations.keys(): for hypothesis in hypotheses[track]: # A measurement may only be associated with a single track if hypothesis.measurement in associated_measurements: continue # best_hypothesis is 'greater than' other if (best_hypothesis is None or hypothesis > best_hypothesis): best_hypothesis = hypothesis best_hypothesis_track = track associations[best_hypothesis_track] = best_hypothesis if best_hypothesis: associated_measurements.add(best_hypothesis.measurement) return associations
[docs] class GlobalNearestNeighbour(DataAssociator): """Global Nearest Neighbour Associator Scores and associates detections to a predicted state using the Global Nearest Neighbour method, assuming a distance-based hypothesis score. """ hypothesiser: Hypothesiser = Property( doc="Generate a set of hypotheses for each prediction-detection pair")
[docs] def associate(self, tracks, detections, timestamp, **kwargs): # Generate a set of hypotheses for each track on each detection hypotheses = self.generate_hypotheses(tracks, detections, timestamp, **kwargs) # Link hypotheses into a set of joint_hypotheses and evaluate joint_hypotheses = self.enumerate_joint_hypotheses(hypotheses) associations = max(joint_hypotheses) return associations
[docs] @staticmethod def isvalid(joint_hypothesis): """Determine whether a joint_hypothesis is valid. Check the set of hypotheses that define a joint hypothesis to ensure a single detection is not associated to more than one track. Parameters ---------- joint_hypothesis : :class:`JointHypothesis` A set of hypotheses linking each prediction to a single detection Returns ------- bool Whether joint_hypothesis is a valid set of hypotheses """ number_hypotheses = len(joint_hypothesis) unique_hypotheses = len( {hyp.measurement for hyp in joint_hypothesis if hyp}) number_null_hypotheses = sum(not hyp for hyp in joint_hypothesis) # joint_hypothesis is invalid if one detection is assigned to more than # one prediction. Multiple missed detections are valid. if unique_hypotheses + number_null_hypotheses == number_hypotheses: return True else: return False
[docs] @classmethod def enumerate_joint_hypotheses(cls, hypotheses): """Enumerate the possible joint hypotheses. Create a list of all possible joint hypotheses from the individual hypotheses and determine whether each is valid. Parameters ---------- hypotheses : dict of :class:`~.Track`: :class:`~.Hypothesis` A list of all hypotheses linking predictions to detections, including missed detections Returns ------- joint_hypotheses : list of :class:`JointHypothesis` A list of all valid joint hypotheses with a score on each """ # Create a list of dictionaries of valid track-hypothesis pairs joint_hypotheses = [ JointHypothesis({ track: hypothesis for track, hypothesis in zip(hypotheses, joint_hypothesis)}) for joint_hypothesis in itertools.product(*hypotheses.values()) if cls.isvalid(joint_hypothesis)] return joint_hypotheses
[docs] class GNNWith2DAssignment(DataAssociator): """Global Nearest Neighbour Associator Associates detections to a predicted state using the Global Nearest Neighbour method, utilising a 2D matrix of distances and a "shortest path" assignment algorithm. """ hypothesiser: Hypothesiser = Property( doc="Generate a set of hypotheses for each prediction-detection pair")
[docs] def associate(self, tracks, detections, timestamp, **kwargs): """Associate a set of detections with predicted states. Parameters ---------- tracks : set of :class:`Track` Current tracked objects detections : set of :class:`Detection` Retrieved measurements timestamp : datetime.datetime Detection time to predict to Returns ------- dict Key value pair of tracks with associated detection """ # Generate a set of hypotheses for each track on each detection hypotheses = self.generate_hypotheses(tracks, detections, timestamp, **kwargs) # Create dictionary for associations associations = {} # Extract detected tracks detected_tracks = [track for track, track_hypotheses in hypotheses.items() if any(track_hypotheses)] # Store associations for undetected/missed tracks # NOTE: It is assumed that if a track is undetected/missed, then it # will only have a single missed detection hypothesis for track in hypotheses.keys() - set(detected_tracks): if hypotheses[track]: associations[track] = hypotheses[track][0] # No need to perform data association if all tracks are missed if not detected_tracks: return associations # Convert sets to indexable lists detections = list(detections) # Generate 2d array "matrix" of hypotheses mapping track to detection hypothesis_matrix = np.empty( (len(detected_tracks), len(detections) + len(detected_tracks)), SingleHypothesis) for i, track in enumerate(detected_tracks): row = np.empty( (hypothesis_matrix.shape[1]), SingleHypothesis) for hypothesis in hypotheses[track]: if not hypothesis: row[len(detections) + i] = hypothesis else: row[detections.index(hypothesis.measurement)] = hypothesis hypothesis_matrix[i] = row # Determine type of hypothesis used, probability or distance # Probability is a maximise problem, distance is a minimise problem # Mixed hypotheses cannot be computed at this time hypothesis_types = { isinstance(hypothesis, ProbabilityHypothesis) for row in hypothesis_matrix for hypothesis in row if hypothesis is not None} if len(hypothesis_types) > 1: raise RuntimeError( "2d assignment does not support mixed hypothesis types") probability_flag = hypothesis_types.pop() # Generate 2d array "matrix" of distances # Use probabilities instead for probability based hypotheses distance_matrix = np.empty(hypothesis_matrix.shape) for x in range(hypothesis_matrix.shape[0]): for y in range(hypothesis_matrix.shape[1]): if hypothesis_matrix[x][y] is None: distance_matrix[x][y] = -np.inf if probability_flag \ else np.inf else: if probability_flag: distance_matrix[x][y] = \ hypothesis_matrix[x][y].probability else: distance_matrix[x][y] = \ hypothesis_matrix[x][y].distance # Use "shortest path" assignment algorithm on distance matrix # to assign tracks to nearest detection # Maximise flag = true for probability instance # (converts minimisation problem to maximisation problem) try: row4col, col4row = linear_sum_assignment(distance_matrix, probability_flag) except ValueError: raise RuntimeError("Assignment was not feasible") # Generate dict of key/value pairs for j, track in enumerate(detected_tracks): associations[track] = hypothesis_matrix[j][col4row[j]] return associations