import datetime
import itertools
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from import Generator, Iterable, MutableSequence
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import scipy
from ordered_set import OrderedSet
from ..base import Property
from ..measures import Euclidean, Measure
from ..types.association import AssociationSet, TimeRangeAssociation
from ..types.groundtruth import GroundTruthPath
from ..types.state import State
from ..types.time import TimeRange
from ..types.track import Track
from .base import TwoTrackToTrackAssociator
StatesFromTimeIdLookup = dict[datetime.datetime, dict[str, State]]
TrackFromIdLookup = dict[str, Track]
class ClearMotAssociator(TwoTrackToTrackAssociator):
"""Track to truth associator used in the CLEAR MOT metrics paper[1].
Compares two sets of :class:`~.Track`, each formed of a sequence of
:class:`~.State` objects and returns an :class:`~.Association` object for
each time at which a the two :class:`~.State` within the :class:`~.Track`
are assessed to be associated. A track keeps its association with the
truth from previous timestep,even if there is a new track which is closer to the truth.
Unassigned tracks and truths are matched using Munkres algorithm if they
are below the specified distance threshold.
A track can only be associated with one Truth (one-2-one relationship) at a
given time step and vice versa.
[1] Evaluating Multiple Object Tracking Performance: The CLEAR MOT Metrics,
Bernardin et al, 2008
association_threshold: float = Property(
doc="Threshold distance measure which states must be within for an "
"association to be recorded")
measure: Measure = Property(
doc="Distance measure to use. Default :class:`~.measures.Euclidean()`")
def associate_tracks(self, tracks_set: set[Track], truth_set: set[GroundTruthPath])\
-> AssociationSet:
"""Associate Tracks
Method compares to sets of :class:`~.Track` objects and will determine
associations between the two sets.
tracks_set : set of :class:`~.Track` objects
Tracks to associate to truth
truth_set : set of :class:`~.GroundTruthPath` objects
Truth to associate to tracks
Contains a set of :class:`~.Association` objects
timestamps, truth_states_by_time_id, track_states_by_time_id, \
truth_tracks_by_id, estim_tracks_by_id = \
self._prepare_timestamps_and_helpful_lookups(tracks_set, truth_set)
# we use this to collect match sets over time
matches_over_time: list[set[tuple[str, str]]] = []
# holds the match set of the previous timestep in (truth_id, track_id) format
matches_previous: set[tuple[str, str]] = set()
for current_time in timestamps:
truth_ids_at_current_time = OrderedSet(truth_states_by_time_id[current_time])
track_ids_at_current_time = OrderedSet(track_states_by_time_id[current_time])
truth_states_by_id = truth_states_by_time_id[current_time]
track_states_by_id = track_states_by_time_id[current_time]
matches_current, remaining_truth_ids_at_current_time, \
remaining_track_ids_at_current_time = \
# in case either the truth or tracks are empty, continue with the next timestep,
# since there is nothing left to associate anymore
if not remaining_truth_ids_at_current_time or not remaining_track_ids_at_current_time:
matches_previous = matches_current
matches_from_unassigned = \
matches_current |= matches_from_unassigned
matches_previous = matches_current
associations = self._create_associations_from_matches_over_time(estim_tracks_by_id,
return AssociationSet(associations)
def _prepare_timestamps_and_helpful_lookups(self, tracks_set: set[Track],
truth_set: set[Track]) -> \
tuple[list[datetime.datetime], StatesFromTimeIdLookup, StatesFromTimeIdLookup,
TrackFromIdLookup, TrackFromIdLookup]:
"""Helper function to prepare lookups and determine unique timestamps across
both truth and tracks.
timestamps = set()
truth_tracks_by_id = { truth for truth in truth_set}
estim_tracks_by_id = { track for track in tracks_set}
truth_states_by_time_id: StatesFromTimeIdLookup = defaultdict(dict)
for truth in truth_set:
for state in truth.last_timestamp_generator():
truth_states_by_time_id[state.timestamp][] = state
track_states_by_time_id: StatesFromTimeIdLookup = defaultdict(dict)
for track in tracks_set:
for state in track.last_timestamp_generator():
track_states_by_time_id[state.timestamp][] = state
# Make a sorted list of all the unique timestamps used
timestamps = sorted(timestamps)
return timestamps, truth_states_by_time_id, track_states_by_time_id, \
truth_tracks_by_id, estim_tracks_by_id
def _create_associations_from_matches_over_time(self,
estim_tracks_by_id: dict[str, Track],
truth_tracks_by_id: dict[str, GroundTruthPath],
timestamps: MutableSequence[datetime.datetime],
matches_over_time: list[set[tuple[str, str]]]):
unique_matches = {
match for matches_timestamp in matches_over_time for match in matches_timestamp}
associations = set()
for match in unique_matches:
timesteps_where_match_exists = list()
for i, matches_timestamp in enumerate(matches_over_time):
if match in matches_timestamp:
# deal with temporal gaps in associations
time_intervals = get_strictly_monotonously_increasing_intervals(
for (start_idx, end_idx) in time_intervals:
(estim_tracks_by_id[match[0]], truth_tracks_by_id[match[1]])),
return associations
def _forward_matches_from_previous_timestep(self,
truth_states_by_id: dict[str, State],
track_states_by_id: dict[str, State],
matches_previous: set[tuple[str, str]],
truth_ids_at_current_time: OrderedSet[str],
track_ids_at_current_time: OrderedSet[str]) \
-> tuple[set[tuple[str, str]], OrderedSet[str], OrderedSet[str]]:
"""Checks if matches from the previous timestep are still valid by their distance and
adds them to the returned set of matches. Note that, the variables
matches_current = set()
if not matches_previous:
return matches_current, truth_ids_at_current_time, track_ids_at_current_time
# we iterate over each match and check if it is still valid (i.e. below the
# assication threshold - if true, we keep it and add it to current set,
# if not we do not maintain the match
for (track_id, truth_id) in matches_previous:
truth_state_current = truth_states_by_id[truth_id]
track_state_current = track_states_by_id[track_id]
except KeyError:
distance = self.measure(track_state_current, truth_state_current)
# if distance is still lower than the threshold, keep the match
if distance < self.association_threshold:
matches_current.add((track_id, truth_id))
return matches_current, truth_ids_at_current_time, track_ids_at_current_time
def _match_unassigned_tracks(self, truth_states_by_id: dict[str, State],
track_states_by_id: dict[str, State],
truth_ids_at_current_time: OrderedSet[str],
track_ids_at_current_time: OrderedSet[str]
) -> set[tuple[str, str]]:
"""Match unassigned tracks using Munkers algorithm and distance threshold.
num_truth_unassigned = len(truth_ids_at_current_time)
num_tracks_unassigned = len(track_ids_at_current_time)
cost_matrix = np.zeros((num_truth_unassigned, num_tracks_unassigned), dtype=float)
matches = set()
for i in range(num_truth_unassigned):
for j in range(num_tracks_unassigned):
truth_id, track_id = truth_ids_at_current_time[i], track_ids_at_current_time[j]
truth_state_current = truth_states_by_id[truth_id]
track_state_current = track_states_by_id[track_id]
distance = self.measure(track_state_current, truth_state_current)
cost_matrix[i, j] = distance
# Munkers / Hungarian Method for the assignment problem
row_ind, col_in = scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment(cost_matrix)
for i, j in zip(row_ind, col_in):
if cost_matrix[i, j] < self.association_threshold:
matches.add((track_ids_at_current_time[j], truth_ids_at_current_time[i]))
return matches
def get_strictly_monotonously_increasing_intervals(arr: MutableSequence[int])\
-> list[tuple[int, int]]:
"""Return (start <= t < end) index intervals where array elements are increasing by 1.
timesteps (MutableSequence[int]): array
list[tuple[int, int]]: intervals with indices, where
array elements are increasing monotonically by 1
time_jumps = np.diff(arr) > 1
valid_interval_start_indices = np.r_[0, 1+np.where(time_jumps)[0], len(arr)]
intervals = []
for start_idx, end_idx in pairwise(valid_interval_start_indices):
intervals.append((start_idx, end_idx))
return intervals
def pairwise(iterable: Iterable[Any]) -> Generator[Any, None, None]:
"""pairwise('ABCDEFG') → AB BC CD DE EF FG
if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
yield from itertools.pairwise(iterable)
# Taken from
iterator = iter(iterable)
a = next(iterator, None)
for b in iterator:
yield a, b
a = b